Bring It On Again
Movie Quote Quiz

Greg: That's right, I quit too.
Tina Hammersmith: Greg you'll lose your cheerleading scholarship.
Greg: That's right, I'm stayin here! But under a cloud of shame.

Monica Jones: Whit, what is a sign without glitter? That is why no-one showed up.

Marni Potts: You're the towel girl. It's an honor.
Janice: How is it an honor?
Marni Potts: Well let's just say there is no towel girl, say Greg hoisted Tina up into a cupie, and there is no-one to towel off his sweaty hands, Tina slips, Tina falls and lands on her spinal chord and spends the rest of her life doing watercolors with her teeth. Do you want that to happen?
Janice: I guess not.
Marni Potts: I didn't think so.

Tina Hammersmith: Sheila?
Marni Potts: Too fat.
Tina Hammersmith: Kenny?
Marni Potts: Too dorkey.
Tina Hammersmith: Brenda?
Tina Hammersmith: Psycho.
Marni Potts: Oh psycho.
Tina Hammersmith: Cindy?
Marni Potts: Snaggle tooth.
Tina Hammersmith: Carol-Anne?
Marni Potts: Excema.
Tina Hammersmith: It's called lotion.
Tina Hammersmith: Theo?
Marni Potts: Too gay.
Tina Hammersmith: Patrick?
Greg: Not gay enough.
Tina Hammersmith: And finally Whittier.

Derek: This next track is dedicated to all the guys out there whose hearts have been ripped out of their chests and devoured for breakfast by cute, peppy, social climbing blonde girls. Gimme a hey, gimme a ho, gimme a I Don't Know You Any More. I know it sucks.

Continuity mistake: When Derek arrives at the house party he gets a blue drink off a tray, yet when he manages to get away from the jocks its disappeared.

cameron davies

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Question: Greg helps the Renegades. How does he learn their routine so fast? It was after midnight. The competition is the next day.

Answer: Some people have a photographic memory and can memorize instantly. Realistically, unless he had this type of ability, or had some previous knowledge of the routine, it's unlikely he could learn it so quickly.


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