Best sport movie quotes of all time

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Movie Quote Quiz
The Program picture

Steve Lattimer: I don't know, its the battle, the going to war with the other guys, hanging together, having our own dorm, staying in hotels the night before the games, setting ourselves apart, being different than everybody else, having a chance to be somebody, to do something that people look up to you for, your strength, your courage, not everybody can play football... were the lucky ones.

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Little Big League picture

Margaret Sullivan: Isn't that wonderful? Your Grandfather gave you the twins.
Billy Heywood: I would rather have my Grandfather.

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Saint Ralph picture

Ralph Walker: Father Hibbert.
Father George Hibbert: What is it Mr. Walker?
Ralph Walker: Producing a miracle is possible?
Father George Hibbert: Like flying to the moon is possible, but it's never going to happen.

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Lagaan: Once Upon A Time In India picture

Goli: Will our dream ever come true? No, Bhuvan. It hurts too much to dream like that.
Bhuvan: Have faith, Goli. He who has truth and courage in his heart shall win in the end.

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Snow Dogs picture

Tower Control: 8-6-7-2-4-1-Queen, move it! Or you're going to be the hood ornament on a 737.

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Strangers on a Train picture

Bruno Anthony: I have a theory that you should do everything before you die.

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Facing the Giants picture

Brooke Taylor: Grant Taylor, I just want you to know that you've made a team.
Grant Taylor: What team?
Brooke Taylor: The daddy team.

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Goal! 2: Living the Dream picture

Rudi van der Merwe: First you listen to your heart, then you listen to your head, and then your wife will tell you what to do.

More Goal! 2: Living the Dream quotes
The Damned United picture

Journalist: How would you define your approach to management, apart from being brilliant?
Brian Clough: Good lad.

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The Bronze picture

Hope: Shut your cockhole.
Maggie: My what?
Hope: Don't worry about it.

More The Bronze quotes
Escape to Victory picture

Hatch: This frigging game is ruining my life.

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Race picture

Larry Snyder: You can run. And boy, can you jump. What I want to know is - can you win?

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42 (2013)

42 picture

Leo Durocher: If Robinson can help us win, then he is gonna play on this ball club.

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More The Natural quotes
The Express picture

Ben Schwartzwalder: I won't tell him he'll be the next Ernie Davis, because there'll never be another Ernie Davis.

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Fever Pitch picture

Fan 1: What about last season?
Fan 2: What about it?
Fan 1: They were rubbish. They were fucking rubbish.
Fan 2: They weren't that bad.
Fan 1: They were fucking rubbish last year. And they were fucking rubbish the year before. And I don't care if they are top of the League, they'll be fucking rubbish this year, too. And next year. And the year after that. I'm not joking.
Fan 2: I don't know why you come, Frank. Honest I don't.
Fan 1: Well, you live in hope, don't you?

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More Creed III quotes
Slap Shot picture

McGrath: Good crowd out there tonight, boys, let's really try to win this one.
Ned Braden: You have to hand it to the old bastard, he's highly original.
Jim Ahern: That man traveled 15 hours by bus to say that?

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The Love Bug picture

Jim Douglas: Without a real car, I'm only half a man.

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The Cutting Edge picture

Anton: Man and woman together make flower. Douglas, you are stem. Katya, you are petal. Together, we make flower.

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