Team Evil Coach Hung: Those American drugs work better than expected.

Matt: Would you like a falafel with that?

Eric Liddell: God made countries, God makes kings, and the rules by which they govern. And those rules say that the Sabbath is His. And I for one intend to keep it that way.

Rannulph Junnah: I could have killed you out there.
Bagger Vance: Oh no sir, see I set myself directly in front of ya. Judgin' how you were hittin' them balls that's where I figure I'd be out of harms way.

Jane Aubrey: You ever gotten your heart broken?
Billy Chapel: Yeah. When we lost the pennant in '87.

Morris Buttermaker: Is that a baggy full of bacon?
Mike Engelberg: I'm on Atkins.

Terry Silver: A man can't stand, he can't fight.

Boyfriend: Stay away from her.
Jake Taylor: Suck my dick.

Mitchell Kane: Are you happy with your deal with Sultan?
Johnny Winsor: Happy? I'd sooner be turked by a syphilitic bear.
Mitchell Kane: T-turked? Turked? What is turked?
Johnny Winsor: Rectally relieved.

George Knox: You're Roger's mom?
Maggie Nelson: Nope.
George Knox: Aunt? Grandma?
Maggie Nelson: No, we're not related. This is a short-term foster care facility, I run it. Roger is a ward of the state.
George Knox: I see. So Roger, he's got a wild imagination? Always coming up with stories?
Maggie Nelson: No actually, he's very grounded. Truth is most kids who are taken away from their parents by the court system, have a good handle on reality.

Lightning: Not only did you put Sally at risk, if he finds out he can hit you on the right he can kill you.
Henry 'Razor' Sharp: Then I go to my left. I need to do this, Light.
Lightning: Look, I know you're doing this for my sake. And I appreciate it, believe me. It's too dangerous. We gotta call off the fight.