Mike Ditka: Coffee is the lifeblood that fuels the dreams of champions.

Lindsey Meeks: You don't see us tangled up in the sheets with the Eiffel Tower in the background. You see the Mariners are coming in, and Pedro's pitching Friday.
Ben: No, on Saturday. Schilling's Friday.

Maggie Peyton: What's really your problem with me racing?
Ray Peyton Sr.: 'Cause you're the spittin' image of your mom... and... I can't lose her twice.

Jim Braddock: I have to believe that when things are bad I can change them.

Morris Buttermaker: Is that a baggy full of bacon?
Mike Engelberg: I'm on Atkins.

Eddie Lowery: Hey Francis, I had a dream last night that you shot a 72.
Francis Ouimet: Yeah, it won't be easy in a northeaster.
Eddie Lowery: Come on. You played the course like a one-legged dog how many times.
Francis Ouimet: You're right. Good day for 72.
Eddie Lowery: Okey-dokey, time to smokey.

Burt Munro: What's your name, young man?
Mike: McFarlane. Mike. Mike McFarlane.
Burt Munro: I knew a McFarlane. He used to sell milking machines in Timaru. You must be related to him because he was a total prick.

Walter Abrams: I will match my dysfunctional childhood and Tony's against yours, any day of the week.
Walter Abrams: My father, five foot, arms like this... he had a cock like a Hebrew National.
Walter Abrams: I even looked at him the wrong way... he smacked across the room like Jake LaMotta.
Walter Abrams: By the time I was five, he yelled at me so much, I thought my name was Asshole.

Hollywood Henderson: Katelin.
Katelin Kingsford: Et tu, Hollywood?

Girl at Party: Your doing that babbling thing again.
Teddy Harwood: I think babbling is cool.

Singleton: Yeah, well, you play like a girl.
Hayley Goodfairer: Excuse me?

Mike McCormick: Can you fish out of this boat.
Harry Volpi: Caught more fish than John the Baptist?
Mike McCormick: Who's John the Baptist?
Harry Volpi: Something tells me this kid spends a little too much time at the boat garage.

Coach Ken Carter: L came to coach basketball players, and you became students. L came to teach boys, and you became men.

Prince Sadir: Cale, you look me in the eye and you tell me that you think that your horse has a chance at beating my brother's horse.
Cale Crane: My horse will beat every horse that shows up.