John du Pont: I consider you a friend. And my friends call me Eagle. Or Golden Eagle. Either of those would work. Or John. Or Coach.
John du Pont: I'm getting Dave. And I don't care how much it costs.
Mark Schultz: I just don't wanna let you down.
John du Pont: Did you catch the fox today, Mother?
John du Pont: You're going to do great things, Mark.
Mark Schultz: I'm gonna give you everything I have.
John du Pont: Horses are stupid. Horses eat and shit. That's all they do. It's very silly. It's all very silly.
Mark Schultz: You can't buy Dave.
John du Pont: I don't care about trains, Mother. I am leading men.
John du Pont: I do not share my mother's affection for horseflesh, I'll have you know.
Answer: No actor is credited for the role of Kurt Angle, and there are no overt references to him in the film.
Thank you.