Best crime movie audio problems of 2020

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Ava (2020)

Ava picture

Audio problem: At the beginning of the movie there is a woman riding a motorcycle. It seems to be an adventure bike, but the sound is from a Harley Davidson type of a bike.

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Spiral: From the Book of Saw picture

Audio problem: During the final test, at one point Marcus says "Shoot this piece of s**t Ezekiel, now." In the first shot, it's clear he's saying something entirely different as his mouth movements don't match the dialogue. The scene then cuts to a closeup mid-line, and the closeup does match... but the first shot doesn't match in the slightest.


More Spiral: From the Book of Saw audio problems
Let Him Go picture

Audio problem: When George pulls the pistol and pointed it the first Weeboy, he cocks it, and we hear the cocking sound. Then he immediately turns to point it at another Weeboy and the already-cocked revolver makes another cocking sound. (01:17:00)


More Let Him Go audio problems
The Night Clerk picture

Audio problem: When Bart is looking through a magazine and starts to rip a page out, the whole page is lifted and obviously already loose; Bart sets it down to look like he is tearing it out, and sound effects are added to make it appear he really is ripping out the page, but the sounds don't really match his motions. (00:31:20)


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