Audio problem: On the bridge, sounds of a nearby boat can be heard; however, a boat is never actually seen nearby, nor any lights on the water.

Audio problem: Deckard investigates the maker of artificial reptiles; an Abdul somebody. It's obvious that the dialogue was added as neither actor is in sync with the sound. The end of the scene has the storekeeper's voice telling Deckard the information he was seeking while Deckard's mouth is the one moving. Deckard's mouth continues to move even after Abdul's lines are finished and the scene cuts. This has been corrected in the 2007 Final Cut of the film, but exists in all previous versions. (00:48:45)

Audio problem: During the scene where Dr. Challis goes to visit his two kids, they put on their Halloween masks and his little son says "Let's watch TV." He goes to turn the knob to turn on the TV and a split second before he turns it, we can hear the intro of the commercial on the television.

Audio problem: When singing Reproduction, a boy sings "Oh I think I'm gonna throw up"; yet he sticks his finger down his throat and keeps it there until the line is over, never closing his mouth; how did he make the 'p' sound on 'up' without closing his lips together? The words are pronounced very clearly and the camera doesn't cut from his face until after the line is done.

Audio problem: When Mary is reading Peter Pan to Gertie, her shadow's lips don't match up with the words she is saying.

Audio problem: When Kirk says, "Stop energizers," watch his lips closely - he really says, "Stop engines." Mike Okuda points this out in the text commentary on the Director's Edition DVD. The reason the line (and also the one following it) was redubbed was because someone pointed out during post-production that the engines couldn't simply be stopped on a dime. (00:39:08)

Audio problem: When Russ Thorn is walking towards Linda in the high school hall, you can hear Linda's scream before she visibly screams. (00:12:45)

Audio problem: In the scene where Jack Brown (Richard Pryor) is talking to Eric about "Earning a friend" there is a problem with the lip-sync when the camera changes to an overshoulder of Richard. His mouth is moving but the spoken text is different. This occurs repeatedly during that scene.

Audio problem: When Rambo rides the motorcycle down the sidewalk he's shouting at the pedestrians to look out. The movements of his mouth don't match what you hear him say. Originally Rambo was swearing but this was changed.

Audio problem: When Carol Anne says "they're here" her mouth doesn't match the words.

Audio problem: When the Stuka 'bombs' the bunker that Pink's father is in, we see it pass overhead, making the unique Stuka 'scream'. Then we hear the whistle of the bomb as it falls to earth, yet we still see the bomb is attached to the underside of the Stuka. The Stuka shown carries just the one bomb, so it isn't another one that is falling. The truth is that this Stuka is a remote-controlled miniature that did not have the ability to release its fake bomb, and the editors failed to avoid using the whistling sound until this shot was over. (00:07:55)

Audio problem: In the first fight Conan has in the pit, his opponent starts smashing him brutally, to which Conan first responds by moaning in pain, but his mouth doesn't open and his face doesn't show the corresponding pain.

Audio problem: When people are getting on and off the elevator to that loud music, the music stops before the elevator closes.

Audio problem: In the scene in Aughra's observatory, the Italian dub mistranslates "The angle of Eternity" as "The ankle of Eternity" ("la caviglia dell'Eternità").

Audio problem: When Andy says to Debbie "How do we do it in a hammock?" his mouth doesn't move to the word 'hammock.' (00:46:05)

Audio problem: After Spicoli crashes Jefferson's car, Jefferson's brother says "My brother's gonna kill us - he's gonna kill us" yet his mouth isn't moving during those lines (even though shown from the back you can still tell). Then camera faces him and he now matches the words.

Audio problem: When the children are washing clothes, Auntie Shrew reacts by looking up towards the sound of the rat's moving equipment, a second before it is heard.