Star Trek: The Next Generation

Where Silence Has Lease - S2-E2

Corrected entry: In this episode, the number of the USS Yamato is given as "NCC 1305 E." However, in the episode "Contagion," from later in season 2, the number is given as "NCC 71807."

Correction: The Yamato seen in When Silence Has Lease is not the real ship, but a replica created as part of a test for the Enterprise crew by the Nagilum - as part of the testing process, it contains numerous inaccuracies, such as being made from the wrong materials and has many alterations to the layout of the regular ship, including multiple versions of the bridge. The incorrect registry code is just one of these differences from the original. Later in the season, in Contagion, we see the real ship, which obviously carries the correct registry code.


Correction: Licensed surgeons (whom we can assume are 'skilled' based on their schooling and licensing) have been known to leave surgical instruments inside patients. Pobody is nerfect. Not a 'mistake' or 'plot hole'.


Skin of Evil - S1-E23

Corrected entry: When Riker is dragged into the pool of goo, his head reappears for just a moment, then is pulled back into the pool. Note that his mouth is open and fills with goo, but his mouth is above the surface. Obviously this is a mask that is pulled under.


Correction: The pool of goo is a living, shape shifting entity called Armus. If Armus wanted to only partially fill Riker's mouth with some of himself, it surely would have been in his power.


All Good Things... (1) - S7-E25

Corrected entry: When Picard is in the past and encounters Data for the first time, he calls him "commander Data". But as can be seen by the insignia on Data's collar (two pips, where a commander has three), he is only a lieutenant at this point. But for some reason nobody corrects this, not even Data, who is exceptionally accurate on all Starfleet protocol.


Correction: Data reported to the Enterprise-D as a Lt. Commander. Referring to him as Commander is an accepted practice.


Correction: It's not like that's an uncommon name in Scotland, there are probably many McFlys in that cemetary or any in a Scottish community.

Conundrum - S5-E14

Corrected entry: The crew manifest lists Dr. Crusher's rank as "Lieutenant Commander", but her 3 rank insignia show her to be a Commander.

Correction: MacDuff, the alien, changed some computer logs. He inserted himself as first officer and dropped Riker's position. He could have altered Crusher's rank too. (They had no idea what the rank insignias meant. That memory was erased.)


Correction: We have to assume that Ro was correct about the incident. Therefore, Picard made a mistake.

The Next Phase - S5-E24

Corrected entry: In the episode "The Next Phase" Geordi & Ro are made intangible through contact with an experimental shield generator. They pass through all solid objects but for some reason are still able to stand on the decks of the ship. On several occasions they & the Romulan in the same situation pass through the walls but not the floors of the Enterprise. Can't be the gravity generators or they'd be pulled through the floor of upper decks.

Correction: This has been submitted and corrected before. If Geordi and Ro are breaking several laws of physics by walking through walls and being invisible, why can't the thing about not falling through the floor be another law they're breaking? Also, they are "cloaked," and when Romulan ships are cloaked, the crewmembers don't fall through floors.

Correction: Actually, the Phaser fire comes from just above the Torpedo launcher. This actually makes sense. The bottom hull of the ship is known as The Battle Section. When the ship seperates, the Saucer becomes the "Lifeboat", carrying the familes and children out of harm's way. Undoubtedly, Phasers are placed everywhere possible on The Battle Section, since without the huge power drain from the Saucer Section The Battle Section would be able to field large numbers of Phaser Projectors.

Well apparently those in charge of the Blu-ray restorations felt this was a mistake as they have redone the effect to show a close up of the saucer section instead.

Darmok - S5-E2

Corrected entry: When 'the entity' hits Picard, it swings its arm high, and Picard flies back as such. However, Picard is hurt across the lower chest in the next shot. Also, it's only a flesh wound which doesn't make sense because the monster was hitting to kill.

Correction: As to the second, Captain Dathon did not die in one blow. The entity appeared to have straddled him and pummeled him severely about the head and neck. It took him some time to die.


Correction: A pulsar is a particular kind of neutron star - not all neutron stars are pulsars.


Brothers - S4-E3

Corrected entry: In the scene where Data is on the bridge being contacted by Picard, and when he speaks to the computer to gives orders is impossible. All the air has been removed from the bridge, yet sound can still travel through the air (though we allow poetic license that exploding ships make sounds). (00:07:20)

Correction: The air has not been sucked from the bridge - the life-support has simply been shut off. The air on the bridge would quickly become unbreathable, hence the evacuation, but it's still there. As such, sound will be able to travel normally.


Code of Honor - S1-E4

Corrected entry: Near the end of the episode Picard directs Lutan and Hagon into the observation lounge - when they leave the bridge the two of them go first, but a split second later when they cut to a shot of the lounge, Picard arrives first and they come in after him - how did Picard get in front of them?

Correction: In the blueprints that come with the Star Trek Collectors Edition Magazine, there's a short corridor between the Bridge and the Lounge, which also leads to what appears to be a bathroom.

The Battle - S1-E9

Corrected entry: Riker locks a tractor beam on the Stargazer with its shields up, even though it is established TNG-era tractor beams can't do that.

Correction: It has also been established that as time passes in the TNG universe, new technology allows them to overcome older technology. For example, they are unable to beam through shields, but in several episodes they manage to do it anyway because of inferior/flawed technology. Remember, the Stargazer is an old ship and its shield technology is outdated.

Reunion - S4-E7

Corrected entry: K'mpec says that Romulans and Klingons have been blood enemies for 75 years. However, Worf had said that the two were still allies during the Khitomer massacre, when he was young.

Correction: In another episode Warf says "Klingons and Romulans are blood enemies.have been for centuries." It's A Matter of Perspective. While they may have tenuous temporary alliances and treaties, the majority of Klingons and Romulans still despise each other, and consider one another enemies.

Correction: The three pulses did indeed come from the three Enterprises (past, present and future). The Pasteur was destroyed prior to its arrival at the anamoly and the crew was beamed aboard the future Enterprise by Admiral Riker. Also, Data didn't really say that all three pulses came from the Enterprise: he said it was "as if" they all were.

Inheritance - S7-E10

Corrected entry: In Juliana's memory chip, Soong talks about how he felt about her leaving. So how did he record his reaction to her leaving into her chip after she left him?

Correction: In the episode were Dr Soong created the emotions chip for Data, he contacted Data and Lore via a subspace signal. The signal activated their hidden programs that caused them to do anything to head for that planet. He could have sent a similar signal out to Juliana to add programming to that chip. Or, he could have done the same to her. Brought her back, added the information and sent her back.


When The Bough Breaks - S1-E17

Corrected entry: The Aldeans offer to provide the Federation with extensive scientific knowledge in exchange for children, because the Aldeans are barren. Troi, Crusher, and Riker reject this offer immediately, and the Aldenas kidnap seven children from the Enterprise. It's totally understandable that the crew of the Enterprise would be unwilling to part with their children. But are there not any human or humanoid children living as underpriveliged orphans, either in the Federation or under the awareness thereof? Surely there are many children who would benefit greatly from being raised on Aldea, even though no such children were on the Enterprise. The Dominion war and the Cardassian occupation of Bajor orphaned thousands. And surely, if given a choice, at least some of these children would choose to live in a place with new parents who would love and pamper them, thus avoiding any moral dilemmas.


Correction: That would be selling children: slavery. Giving children in exchange for scientific knowledge is the selling a person. The Federation cannot interfere in the societies of non-federation planets: The prime directive. They cannot simply take Bajoran war orphans and take them to Aldea. And even if they could, no society would exchange their orphans for the knowledge, see above reason. The Aldeans are unable to have children because their planetary cloaking device has rendered it impossible for them to have children. It sterilized them. They will no longer use the cloaking device for this reason. It would doom any child brought to their planet to the same fate. That is why they gave the kids back instead of fighting. The cloak will no longer be used: therefore, the planet's location will no longer be secret. Since it will no longer be secret, families will be able to immigrate to the planet and the Aldeans can teach them.


Correction: Whilst the Federation doesn't use money other cultures do (Quarks bar on DS9 takes money) & Guinan keeps ten forward stocked with alcoholic drinks (not just synthehol) that would come from these cultures & would need to pay them so would have a need to charge for these drinks.

Correction: The Enterprise simply could have been responding to a false alarm at the end of this episode.

The Royale - S2-E12

Factual error: 30 seconds in Geordi says: 'surface temperature -291 degrees Celsius'. (The scale only goes down to -273.15 which is absolute zero). (00:00:30)

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Loud as a Whisper - S2-E5

Trivia: Guest star Marnie Mosiman, who plays a member of Riva's chorus, is married to John de Lancie, who had a recurring role as the omnipotent mischief-maker Q.

Cubs Fan

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Answer: He brought the Borg to the Alpha Quadrant and showed them that it was full of worlds waiting to be assimilated. Guinan's homeworld was their first stop, and they assimilated everyone and took over the planet, leaving The Survivors of her race without a home. Q is ultimately responsible for that.

Captain Defenestrator

By the time Q takes the Enterprise to meet the Borg, Guinan already knew who they were and they had already destroyed her world. Therefore the above answer can not be right. I believe Guinan is much more than she appears, and her people have had encounters with the Q in the past. It is these interactions, that obviously were not pleasant, that fuels her distrust.


That's what the above answer is saying. Q brought the Borg to the Alpha Quadrant (not Earth) and the Borg destroyed Guinan's home world in the late 2200's, which is why she hates Q. Although she met Q in 2160 and they both saw each other as enemies right away.


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