Star Trek: The Next Generation

Correction: Data's use of contractions in the future demonstrates that he has evolved further towards his goal of being more human.

Correction: As you point out, this is in the future. A future where he has mastered emotions. It's assumed he's overcome the contraction limitation as well.

While I can agree that is possible, I find it a bit unlikely. My reasoning is that this occurred in the possible future presented by Q, because he was taking Picard through time. In Generations, he had taken Soong's original design for the emotion chip and improved it. However, he still was not using contractions.

Movie Nut

In the episode DataLore, Wesley realises that Lore has taken Data's place because Lore was using contractions and, as Wesley stated, Data never uses them.

The Pegasus - S7-E12

Corrected entry: Apparently when it came to taking the ship into the asteroid, the entire bridge crew conveniently forgot that Galaxy class federation starships can separate. The obviously prudent course of action would be to separate the ship and send the star drive section (the narrower section) into the asteroid while the saucer section (the wider section) stood guard outside. The only reason this wasn't done was to provide drama for the rest of the episode when the Romulans collapsed the entrance to the chasm.


Correction: This is purely speculation. They may have needed the equipment, sensors, and weapons of the entire ship.

All Good Things... (2) - S7-E26

Corrected entry: When 'present day' Picard talks to the Romulan commander, they each agree to send one ship into The Neutral Zone to investigate the space anomaly. But after this you never hear anything about the Romulans again. As paranoid as Romulans are, I find it hard to believe that they'd just let the Enterprise go play around in The Neutral Zone without keeping an eye on them. And there is no dialogue to indicate that the Romulan ship might be cloaked either; you'd think something with that kind of tactical import would be pointed out.

Correction: The fact that something is rare, or 'hard to believe', does not make it a mistake. There could be any number of reasons why the Romulans don't show themselves again.


Genesis - S7-E19

Corrected entry: All the humans on board evolve backwards to the primate stage of evolution. Lt. Barclay, however, appears as a half spider-half human hybrid when we see him in engineering. There are several things wrong with this: 1. Arachnids are not part of the human evolutionary chain. 2. All the other humans on board never de-evolve past primate stage, there is no reason why Barclay should have a speedier de-evolution into an even earlier stage. 3. Even if it were possible that Barclay could have arachnids in his ancestry, why is only half of his body arachnid and the rest human? Shouldn't his entire body be a part of the process, since it is his genes that are operating in reverse? NOTE: Barclay is listed as wholly human both on official websites and in the "Star Trek Encyclopedia", so these can not be explained by him being an alien resembling a human.


Correction: It was explained by Data to Picard that everybody on the ship was devolving into a different creature from their planets origins. Worf is a Klingon which explains why he was turning into a hard shelled creature and Deana was part Betazoid explaining her transformation into a frog-like creature. Everybody who was human on the ship would turn into a different species from Earth. Riker a caveman, Ogawa an ape and Reggie a spider.

Correction: 1. If all life on Earth originated from the same pool of primordial ooze (see "All Good Things..."), then all life on Earth has shared ancestry. 2. Barclay was Patient Zero, so his de-evolution might be more advanced than the rest of the crew. 3. Barclay had Uridian flu (which is why he was injected with the synthetic T-cell that started the whole thing in the first place) which might also have affected how the mutations affected him.

JC Fernandez

Correction: However, after Captain Picard's comment in "The Ensigns of Command" Data corrected him by pointing out that "strictly speaking it is not MY performance" as he was imitating other musicians. Data never considered the Captain's statement a compliment of his playing because he didn't consider it his own playing at that time.

Emergence - S7-E23

Corrected entry: In the scene where Troi, Data and Worf are going up the stairs, to follow the man with the gold brick, into Key Stone City after getting off the train. When they just got off of the train there is a sign on the railing of the stairs with "subway" written on it. In the same shot there is another sign on the railing with the text "New York City Transit System" on it. (00:24:30)

Correction: When they arrive at "Vertiform City" and "New Vertiform City", they are actually a star and a pulsar: sources of vertiron particles. They said that there were pieces of many different holodeck programs running all at once. For this reason it is not truly a mistake.


All Good Things... (1) - S7-E25

Corrected entry: When Picard is in the past and encounters Data for the first time, he calls him "commander Data". But as can be seen by the insignia on Data's collar (two pips, where a commander has three), he is only a lieutenant at this point. But for some reason nobody corrects this, not even Data, who is exceptionally accurate on all Starfleet protocol.


Correction: Data reported to the Enterprise-D as a Lt. Commander. Referring to him as Commander is an accepted practice.


Correction: It's not like that's an uncommon name in Scotland, there are probably many McFlys in that cemetary or any in a Scottish community.

Correction: The three pulses did indeed come from the three Enterprises (past, present and future). The Pasteur was destroyed prior to its arrival at the anamoly and the crew was beamed aboard the future Enterprise by Admiral Riker. Also, Data didn't really say that all three pulses came from the Enterprise: he said it was "as if" they all were.

Inheritance - S7-E10

Corrected entry: In Juliana's memory chip, Soong talks about how he felt about her leaving. So how did he record his reaction to her leaving into her chip after she left him?

Correction: In the episode were Dr Soong created the emotions chip for Data, he contacted Data and Lore via a subspace signal. The signal activated their hidden programs that caused them to do anything to head for that planet. He could have sent a similar signal out to Juliana to add programming to that chip. Or, he could have done the same to her. Brought her back, added the information and sent her back.


Inheritance - S7-E10

Corrected entry: It's been established that both Deanna and Geordi can detect someone who is an android, but neither of them detect Juliana's true nature.

Correction: First: Deanna cannot detect androids. There are certain species that she cannot read at all. Data is (suppossed to be) the only sentient android in the Federation. Second: Geordi's visor acts like the sensors. The sensors and medical scans all say she is human. Soon made her that way.


Genesis - S7-E19

Corrected entry: Dr. Crusher gets a load of Klingon venom in the face. Picard gets a drop of the same venom on the hand, and his hand looks terrible. But Crusher is all right at the end of the episode, and her face is looking better than ever.

Correction: While discussing what the venom did to doctor Crusher, they explicitly mention a need for reconstructive surgery. Considering that they can change Worf's forehead entirely in a matter of hours (see "Homeward") it would appear that reconstructive surgery can be done very easily and quickly in the 24th century, and, since it probably took quite a while for the entire crew to revert to their human selves, they apparently had time to fix her up. It would be important to get their CMO in good condition to help rehabilitate the rest of the crew.


Inheritance - S7-E10

Corrected entry: Geordi says that Juliana has an aging program "just like Data," which contradicts several previous episodes when they've stated Data will never age and his appearance won't change.

Correction: Data does age, just look at the differences between the first season and the last, not the physical, but the emotional. Just because Juliana ages does not mean Data ages the same way, the programs can be like one another, but not exactly the same.

Sol Parker

All Good Things... (2) - S7-E26

Corrected entry: OK, try and follow this - it's one of those time travel problems. The central premise of the episode is the paradox of the distortion being created in the future and getting bigger in the past - anti-time. Now, in the future, Picard gets to the location of the distortion and nothing is there - fine, makes sense so far. Unfortunately, when he returns to the same location (AFTER the first time), the distortion has appeared. If the paradox theory was run through to it's conclusion, the distortion would have been there when Picard first went to the location in the future, but not the second time.

Correction: They said when they returned to the anti-time distortion that they had to stop it before it started traveling back in time. They didn't see it before because it hadn't been created yet (remember this is all Q's working). Apparently, it had to reach a critcal mass before being able to travel back in time.

The Pegasus - S7-E12

Corrected entry: It is revealed that it has been 9 years since Riker served above The Pegasus. It is also stated that this was Riker's first position since leaving the academy. By this point in the series, Riker must have been the Enterprise's 1st officer for at least a few years (probably 7 as this is the 7th series, but let's say 4, as a timescale is rarely mentioned in the whole series). Furthermore he was already a 1st officer before he got the gig on the flagship, so let's say he was already a 1st officer for a year before TNG. So if he has been a 1st officer for 5 years, are we to assume that it only took 4 years after graduation for Riker to go from cadet to commander? Also, Riker was offered his own command in series three, meaning that it would have only taken him around 6 years to become captain. There's an episode where Data told Q that in order to be captain it takes years after leaving the academy - he definitely says one would have to spend 8-12 years in the lieutenant grades alone. Riker is good, but he's not that good.

Correction: There is not a formula for how fast someone get promoted, it's based on a lot of things, not just years of service, or years at a certain rank. Since we do not have all of the information, we do not know the reasons why he may have been promoted faster than the typical person.


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Answer: He brought the Borg to the Alpha Quadrant and showed them that it was full of worlds waiting to be assimilated. Guinan's homeworld was their first stop, and they assimilated everyone and took over the planet, leaving The Survivors of her race without a home. Q is ultimately responsible for that.

Captain Defenestrator

By the time Q takes the Enterprise to meet the Borg, Guinan already knew who they were and they had already destroyed her world. Therefore the above answer can not be right. I believe Guinan is much more than she appears, and her people have had encounters with the Q in the past. It is these interactions, that obviously were not pleasant, that fuels her distrust.


That's what the above answer is saying. Q brought the Borg to the Alpha Quadrant (not Earth) and the Borg destroyed Guinan's home world in the late 2200's, which is why she hates Q. Although she met Q in 2160 and they both saw each other as enemies right away.


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