Star Trek: The Next Generation

The Enemy - S3-E7

Corrected entry: They beam up with the injured Romulan to the transporter room and Beverly says "let's get him to sickbay." They could have just beamed directly to sickbay.


Correction: Within the Star Trek universe, site-to-site transport carries higher risk than using a transporter pad. It is supposed to be used only in extreme emergencies. It is up to the doctor to decide whether or not someone needs to be transported directly to sick-bay, and in this particular situation she deemed it unnecessary. Why sick-bay doesn't have it's own dedicated transporter pad is a discussion for another day.


Transfigurations - S3-E25

Corrected entry: Data mimics the rest of the crew when Captain Sunad of the Zalkonians makes all the crew unable to breathe. Data is on his knees close to floor and is rising when "John Doe" heals the crew. Data is an android and should have just remained seated at his post.

Correction: Data is kneeling near Captain Picard and it is clear that Data is checking on Picard's well-being, because his captain has fallen to the floor and is gasping for air. Data is not struggling to breathe in any way, he's just looking at Picard so it is clear that he wasn't affected.


Deja Q - S3-E13

Corrected entry: Q talks about changing the moon's gravitational constant, and thus "altering its mass." Scientifically, changing gravitational attraction wouldn't affect its mass.

Correction: Q actually said "Change the gravitational constant of the UNIVERSE." In other words, change the law of gravity so that it functions differently and the moon's relative mass effectively changes, something members of the Q continuum are capable of.

The Most Toys - S3-E22

Corrected entry: When Geordi, Picard, and Riker are discussing Data's shuttle accident in Picard's ready room, Picard addresses Geordi as "Lieutenant." In the American navy (which Starfleet is adapted from), a Lieutenant Commander like Geordi is addressed as "Commander", as it is higher in rank than a regular Lieutenant.

Cubs Fan

Correction: This "mistake" occurs several times in the series and can be easily explained by the fact that Starfleet is not the current, modern military. The series takes place hundreds of years in the future in a completely different organization than any military currently on Earth. Apparently in Starfleet it is acceptable to use either Commander or Lieutenant when referring to a Lieutenant Commander.


Yesterday's Enterprise - S3-E15

Corrected entry: When Tasha Yar and company first exit Ten Forward in the alternate timeline, watch through the doors as they open. An extra can be seen stood still in midstride in the passageway, before nervously noticing that the doors have already opened and that she has missed her cue to begin walking past. She then begins purposefully marching down the passage.

Correction: I just watched this scene like 20 times and watched the entire episode to make sure it wasn't a similar scene. This doesn't happen.

The High Ground - S3-E12

Corrected entry: In the beginning of the episode after the explosion, Dr Crusher wants to stay and tend to The Wounded despite the danger of further explosions/terrorist attacks. Picard, Data, and Worf all tell her to go back to the Enterprise but she refuses. This leaves a perfect opportunity for her to be kidnapped. If she had just beamed the five or six wounded people injured people to the Enterprise sickbay, she would not only have removed herself from danger but also have taken The Wounded to a state-of-the-art medical facility instead of feeling around for broken bones and telling them not to worry about the gaping bloody holes in their bodies.


Correction: It's been stated numerous times in Trek history that beaming someone who is severely injured is potentially dangerous. It would have been irresponsible of her to beam them without first ascertaining their physical state and stabilizing their conditions.

JC Fernandez

Yesterday's Enterprise - S3-E15

Corrected entry: Throughout the episode, Lt. Richard Castillo wears a Type 2 phaser, which was seen in Star Trek II. He should wear the phaser introduced in Star Trek V, or any phaser consistent to the timeline. The movie [ST V] and the episode were shot in the same year. The old phaser is clearly visible in the sickbay scene at 18:18. (00:18:15)

Correction: You are assuming that when a new piece of equipment is issued, it immediately replaces older versions throughout Star Fleet. In the Star Trek Universe, it has been shown that these sorts of changes take time. For instance, in the original series, the Pilot-syle uniforms were seen as late as the second season. If an officer is used to a particular style of phaser, he may very well continue using it even if there is a newer version available.

Booby Trap - S3-E6

Corrected entry: It's a given that the Enterprise had the ability to use phasers to fire at the aceton collectors, but since they run on energy, why didn't they use photon torpedoes to destroy the collectors? They don't rely on regular energy, but explosive force to do their destructive capabilities. Even those collectors wouldn't be able to withstand a matter/anti-matter explosion of a photon torpedo without any type of shielding.


Correction: A matter/anti-matter explosion still releases energy that other collectors would use. Matter/anti-matter explosions is how they power the ship, by harnessing the power from the explosion.

Evolution - S3-E1

Corrected entry: About halfway through the episode, Wesley comes to the realization that his nanites are causing the malfunctions on the ship, because they escaped from the lab. Shouldn't he at least have know that the nanites had escaped, when he awoke at the beginning of the episode and found that the container had been left open? He might not have known they would become destructive, but he would have known they had escaped.


Correction: He knew they had escaped the container, not the lab. According to his dialogue with Guinan, the nanites were supposed to be confined to the lab.

JC Fernandez

Correction: He commed Data while en route to the Transporter Room.

JC Fernandez

The Vengance Factor - S3-E9

Corrected entry: Crusher asks the computer for, and gets, the clan affiliation of three different Acamarians. Then she asks if any of the Acamarian delegation are from the Trakesta clan and the computer says it has no information on clan affiliations.

Correction: No, Crusher asks if any are from the 'Tralesta' clan. The computer replies 'Clan affiliation is not within provided records', meaning the information requested in her last question has not been provided to Starfleet by the Acamarians. The earlier information was regarding a different clan, and was provided and thus available. The computer answered the question correctly, if not fully by leaving the word 'Tralesta' off the front of the sentence.


Correction: Incorrect. At no time in the series was the miniature specifically referred to as the Stargazer. It is, however, a model of the same class of starship as the Stargazer, and since the miniature sits in Picard's ready-room, folks assume it is the Stargazer. Its registry indicates, however, that it is another ship entirely. Perhaps Picard came upon this model by chance, and because it is the same class as his old ship, he keeps it as a memento of his time there.


Evolution - S3-E1

Corrected entry: As the Enterprise twists so that she is facing away from the matter stream as it is drawn in, Picard orders "reverse engines." That would drive her closer into the stream, not further away.

Correction: Picard orders 'reverse engines' when the ship is oriented just about parallel to the stream. Geordi apparently misunderstands amid the noise of the engine room, answering 'Initiating reverse sequence now', then the ship turns to face away from the stream (apparently the 'reverse sequence' is akin to 'reverse course', not 'reverse engines'). On the bridge, Picard realizes they are drifting rearward into the stream. He doesn't seem upset that Geordi didn't correctly follow the order, but then his focus is on the imminent danger the ship is in. No error.


Correction: A pulsar is a particular kind of neutron star - not all neutron stars are pulsars.


Correction: Whilst the Federation doesn't use money other cultures do (Quarks bar on DS9 takes money) & Guinan keeps ten forward stocked with alcoholic drinks (not just synthehol) that would come from these cultures & would need to pay them so would have a need to charge for these drinks.

Who Watches The Watchers - S3-E4

Corrected entry: The Mintakans are stated to be at Bronze Age level of technology. However, while Riker is escaping with the injured Palmer, the pursuing Mintakan is carrying a 20th-century compound bow (a bow with pulleys). It is simply not possible to make a compound bow with Bronze Age technology.

Correction: Pulleys can be made of wood. The strength\flexibility of the alien wood is unknown. I see no connection between bronze age and a compound bow. Just because no one on Earth had one in the bronze age doesn't mean every single species in the universe is incapable of making one.


Correction: It could be a mistake by Barclay, he is often making verbal slips, or he may just be using fake technobabel in his fantasy world.

Correction: We've seen numerous instances on the show where people are able to move during transport. There's an entire episode dedicated to Mr. Barkley's being able to move around inside the transporter beam.

Timescape - S6-E25

Revealing mistake: As Picard goes to check the fuel consumption logs his right hand is in a closed fist. When he sits at a console and uses his right hand it already has the long nails he will get in the next few minutes when he reaches for the rotten fruit. (00:11:00)


More mistakes in Star Trek: The Next Generation

Deja Q - S3-E13

Picard: Return that moon to its orbit.
Q: I have no powers! Q, the ordinary!
Picard: Q, the liar! Q, the misanthrope!
Q: Q, the miserable! Q, the desperate! What must I do to convince you people?
Worf: Die.

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Answer: He brought the Borg to the Alpha Quadrant and showed them that it was full of worlds waiting to be assimilated. Guinan's homeworld was their first stop, and they assimilated everyone and took over the planet, leaving The Survivors of her race without a home. Q is ultimately responsible for that.

Captain Defenestrator

By the time Q takes the Enterprise to meet the Borg, Guinan already knew who they were and they had already destroyed her world. Therefore the above answer can not be right. I believe Guinan is much more than she appears, and her people have had encounters with the Q in the past. It is these interactions, that obviously were not pleasant, that fuels her distrust.


That's what the above answer is saying. Q brought the Borg to the Alpha Quadrant (not Earth) and the Borg destroyed Guinan's home world in the late 2200's, which is why she hates Q. Although she met Q in 2160 and they both saw each other as enemies right away.


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