Star Trek: The Next Generation

Silicon Avatar - S5-E4

Corrected entry: When the colonists go into the cave to escape from the Crystalline Entity, you can see perfectly formed steps going down into the cave. The colonists were the first people there. Why would there already be perfectly formed steps in a cave?


Correction: There is nothing in the episode stating that the caverns had never been used before.

Ensign Ro - S5-E3

Corrected entry: At the end of the episode, as Ro and Picard walk through the Bajoran camp, she states there is one condition to her continuing in Starfleet, at which point she puts on her Bajoran earring. In this episode and all other episodes she wears it on her left ear. However Bajorans wear the earring on the right ear, as stated throughout Deep Space Nine.


Correction: Since Ensign Ro is the first Bajoran we encounter in Star Trek history (in fact, Ro was originally supposed to be in DS9, but the role evolved into what became Major Kira), the mistake is in DS9, not TNG. Secondly, no one ever said Ro was a good Bajoran... there are plenty of Catholics who do the Sign of the Cross backwards.

JC Fernandez

Correction: This "mistake" occurs several times in the series and can be easily explained by the fact that Starfleet is not the current, modern military. The series takes place hundreds of years in the future in a completely different organization than any military currently on Earth. Apparently in Starfleet it is acceptable to use either Commander or Lieutenant when referring to a Lieutenant Commander.


Correction: This is the abbreviated recap of the previous episode. It cuts the events of the episode into a few seconds. This is intentional and a common method in TV.

Silicon Avatar - S5-E4

Corrected entry: When Dr. Marr arrives on the Enterprise, she states that she's excited because there have never been survivors from an attack from the Crystalline Entity. They also state that the Entity consumes all organic matter (including bacteria) and leaves none behind. Later, when Dr. Marr and Data are inspecting the cave the colonists took refuge in, she states that on two other planets, victims took refuge in caves and still perished. Now if the Entity consumes all organic matter (including bacteria) and there were no survivors, how would they know where the colonists took refuge, or even if they took refuge there at all? If all organic matter is gone, then there would be no trace of the colonists remaining.


Correction: Synthetic clothes, equipment, luggage, any non-organic items the people had on them would be piled up in the caves. Once you know you're dealing with something that consumes all organic material, it wouldn't be hard to figure out what happened when you find a pile of polyester shirts and piles of keys and such lying in a cave.

Gary O'Reilly

The Next Phase - S5-E24

Corrected entry: Ensign Ro and Geordi are invisible and are able to pass through solid objects; they can not physically touch anything. Yet when Ro visits her piloting station, she touches the console without her hand going through it.

Correction: She doesn't touch the console, she merely brushes her hand along it as if to touch it.

JC Fernandez

Correction: MacDuff had to alter the computer files in order to insert himself, demote Riker and add the information about the "Lysian War." It's possible that he ended up messing up some other files while he was at it, and no-one would have noticed anything wrong because their memories had been wiped.

A Matter of Time - S5-E9

Corrected entry: When Data is listening to all the classical music in his room, he says he tries to keep the number of songs to "four or less." Data, who has perfect grammar, should have said "four or fewer."

Correction: Data has always longed to be more human. In his efforts he speaks more like humans with the exception of not using contractions. No human would ever say four or fewer.


Conundrum - S5-E14

Corrected entry: The crew manifest lists Dr. Crusher's rank as "Lieutenant Commander", but her 3 rank insignia show her to be a Commander.

Correction: MacDuff, the alien, changed some computer logs. He inserted himself as first officer and dropped Riker's position. He could have altered Crusher's rank too. (They had no idea what the rank insignias meant. That memory was erased.)


Correction: We have to assume that Ro was correct about the incident. Therefore, Picard made a mistake.

The Next Phase - S5-E24

Corrected entry: In the episode "The Next Phase" Geordi & Ro are made intangible through contact with an experimental shield generator. They pass through all solid objects but for some reason are still able to stand on the decks of the ship. On several occasions they & the Romulan in the same situation pass through the walls but not the floors of the Enterprise. Can't be the gravity generators or they'd be pulled through the floor of upper decks.

Correction: This has been submitted and corrected before. If Geordi and Ro are breaking several laws of physics by walking through walls and being invisible, why can't the thing about not falling through the floor be another law they're breaking? Also, they are "cloaked," and when Romulan ships are cloaked, the crewmembers don't fall through floors.

Correction: Actually, the Phaser fire comes from just above the Torpedo launcher. This actually makes sense. The bottom hull of the ship is known as The Battle Section. When the ship seperates, the Saucer becomes the "Lifeboat", carrying the familes and children out of harm's way. Undoubtedly, Phasers are placed everywhere possible on The Battle Section, since without the huge power drain from the Saucer Section The Battle Section would be able to field large numbers of Phaser Projectors.

Well apparently those in charge of the Blu-ray restorations felt this was a mistake as they have redone the effect to show a close up of the saucer section instead.

Darmok - S5-E2

Corrected entry: When 'the entity' hits Picard, it swings its arm high, and Picard flies back as such. However, Picard is hurt across the lower chest in the next shot. Also, it's only a flesh wound which doesn't make sense because the monster was hitting to kill.

Correction: As to the second, Captain Dathon did not die in one blow. The entity appeared to have straddled him and pummeled him severely about the head and neck. It took him some time to die.


Cause and Effect - S5-E18

Corrected entry: Every time Data suggests using the tractor beam to alter the other ship's course, Picard immediately says, "Make it so," and Worf immediately engages it. The final time that they go through the time loop, however, Data has a good 8-10 seconds, after making his initial suggestion, to realize that Riker's strategy is better. Why did Picard and Worf hesitate so long this time?

Matty Blast

Correction: In each sequence but the last, the scene quickly cuts to the Bozeman hitting the nacelle, but in the last loop, the camera stays on the bridge. One can assume that when the camera cut to the collision, it skipped that 8-10 seconds it took to activate the tractor beam. (Also, all main systems went down, so they back-up tractor beam may have taken extra time).

Power Play - S5-E15

Corrected entry: In the Episode 'Power Play' there is a scene where Worf and two security guards are running through a corridor on their way to Deck 13. Just as the scene starts, a man in tan pants, a maroon button-down shirt, and a brown belt is walking down the center of the corridor alone. As Worf and the guards enter the corridor a split-second later, the man turns around, sees them coming, and gets out of the way by pressing himself against the left wall of the corridor. I'm guessing that it's an incorrectly-dressed actor?

Correction: That is not an incorrectly dressed actor. There are many civilians and families onboard the Enterprise, or he could have been an off duty officer.

Correction: Riker suggests this three times, and all three times his lips move just fine. It is hard to see the first time because of the distance between him and the camera, but his mouth is moving as it should.


More mistakes in Star Trek: The Next Generation

Deja Q - S3-E13

Picard: Return that moon to its orbit.
Q: I have no powers! Q, the ordinary!
Picard: Q, the liar! Q, the misanthrope!
Q: Q, the miserable! Q, the desperate! What must I do to convince you people?
Worf: Die.

More quotes from Star Trek: The Next Generation

Loud as a Whisper - S2-E5

Trivia: Guest star Marnie Mosiman, who plays a member of Riva's chorus, is married to John de Lancie, who had a recurring role as the omnipotent mischief-maker Q.

Cubs Fan

More trivia for Star Trek: The Next Generation

Answer: He brought the Borg to the Alpha Quadrant and showed them that it was full of worlds waiting to be assimilated. Guinan's homeworld was their first stop, and they assimilated everyone and took over the planet, leaving The Survivors of her race without a home. Q is ultimately responsible for that.

Captain Defenestrator

By the time Q takes the Enterprise to meet the Borg, Guinan already knew who they were and they had already destroyed her world. Therefore the above answer can not be right. I believe Guinan is much more than she appears, and her people have had encounters with the Q in the past. It is these interactions, that obviously were not pleasant, that fuels her distrust.


That's what the above answer is saying. Q brought the Borg to the Alpha Quadrant (not Earth) and the Borg destroyed Guinan's home world in the late 2200's, which is why she hates Q. Although she met Q in 2160 and they both saw each other as enemies right away.


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