Trivia: Another joke from the set designers: whenever someone is in the Jeffries Tubes, you will see several pipes on the walls labeled "GNDN" this stands for "Goes Nowhere, Does Nothing."
Trivia: The cast really are very good friends. At LeVar Burton's wedding in 1992, the best man was Brent Spiner and the ushers were Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes and Michael Dorn. And when Brent Spiner recorded an album (Ol' Yellow Eyes is Back), the backing groups listed as The Sunspots are again the male members of the bridge crew.
Trivia: Data's performance of Henry V was based, in part, on the 1989 film by Kenneth Branagh. In 1980, Patrick Stewart appeared in the TV movie Hamlet, Prince of Denmark with Derek Jacobi, who in turn appeared with Branagh in Henry V.
Remember Me - S4-E5
Trivia: Gates McFadden (Commander Beverly Crusher, M.D) did all of her own stunts in this episode, while she was early on in her pregnancy.
Trivia: The Federation flag has the Roman numeral MMCLXI, which is 2161, the year that the United Federation of Planets was founded. It's motto, "Ex axtris scientia" is latin for "from the stars, knowledge."
Trivia: The ceiling of the transporter chamber is actually the floor of the transporter chamber from the original series.
Trivia: Further to the Trivia entry, a control in Engineering is labelled 'Infinite Improbability Drive' as a nod to Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy. Also, one of the indicators above a diagnostic bed in Sickbay reads 'Medical Insurance Remaining.'
Trivia: Near the end of the episode, Picard and Crusher walk out of the cargo bay. As the doors close behind them, you can see Tasha Yar waving to the camera from inside the bay. Her character is killed in the next episode, but this one was filmed second. The actress was waving goodbye to all of her fans. (00:42:10)
Trivia: Scotty visits the bridge from "his" Enterprise (from the original 1966 Star Trek series) on the Holodeck. As the original set had long since been destroyed, the captain's chair and center console used in the episode was donated by a fan who had recreated a life size version of the bridge. The turbolift alcove and one of the stations was built on-set (and re-used in the DS9 episode "Trials and Tribbleations"). Everything else was made up of footage from the original series that was looped.
Descent (1) - S6-E26
Trivia: Stephen Hawking guest stars in this episode, playing himself as a holodeck character (The "Poker with Einstein" program). This came about when he visited Paramount Pictures to promote "A Brief History of Time", and then told the Paramount people that he had always wanted to visit the Enterprise. He not only got to visit, but the writers added this special scene just so professor Hawking could appear on screen in a Star Trek episode. Hawking also reportedly stopped by the warp engine, smiled and said "I'm working on that".
Trivia: The transporter was first created by Gene Roddenberry in 1966 for the original Star Trek, as an easier (and cheaper) alternative to get members of the Enterprise crew onto a planet's surface, instead of having the ship land on the planet each time. The same holds true here. Even the original version was based on a similar effect in the movie Forbidden Planet.
Trivia: The test objects that O' Brien uses on the malfunctioning transporter are U.S. Navy sonar buoy transport cases.
The Royale - S2-E12
Trivia: In this episode, Picard is studying Fermat's Great Theorem, and says it has remained unsolved for 800 years. Five years after the episode was made the theorem was proven, by Andrew Wiles and Richard Taylor from Princeton University (their proof is not the same as Fermat's though, as they used modern methods Fermat did not know of). In the Star Trek universe, this was referred to in an episode of Deep Space Nine, and is considered as a subtle correction for Picard's statements.
Trivia: LeVar Burton is the only Star Trek cast-member to direct episodes in four Star Trek series.
Trivia: Because of guest star Leonard Nimoy's schedule, this episode was filmed before part one.
Answer: Yes. The doors to the holodecks can be locked when in use by anyone aboard the Enterprise so they couldn't be disturbed. However, high ranking officers like Captain Picard could override the doors as it's seen that overrides are in use even for the crews quarters. Even Barclay, when he's indulging in one of his fantasies could have the doors to the holodeck unlocked by an override code.