Star Trek: The Next Generation

Skin of Evil - S1-E23

Corrected entry: When starting the warp-core the matter / antimatter is injected in the ratio 25:1. Four episodes earlier (S01-18, Coming of Age) Wesley solves the trick question at the Starfleet entrance exam with the only solution : The ratio has to be 1:1. (00:05:05)

Correction: Is this the proper ratio for a Galaxy class or a generic warp core? 1701-D is Starfleet's newest, most advanced vessel. It's possible that her core uses a different procedure for start up. Also, academies historically use older equipment for training purposes, since the state of the art is "on the front lines", making it even more likely that procedures on Enterprise are different from those in other vessels.

Grumpy Scot

Correction: I thought so too, but if you listen very closely, he does say "I am". He is speaking quickly, so it can be hard to make out.


Correction: Riker suggests this three times, and all three times his lips move just fine. It is hard to see the first time because of the distance between him and the camera, but his mouth is moving as it should.


Skin of Evil - S1-E23

Corrected entry: Geordi's phaser falls out when the away team moves to help Riker and gets sand on it. After Picard beams down it's back in Geordi's holster, clean and shiny.

Correction: It was several minutes before Picard beamed down, more than enough time for Geordi to pick up his phaser and dust it off.

Correction: Riker not only says that he reviewed the logs; he is also seen actively doing so on orders from the Captain. But more importantly, he never states that he was unaware that Troi was on board, he merely pauses and stares at her when they meet. This is because Riker and Troi have a romantic history together, so it is natural for him to have an emotional reaction when they meet again. To say that Riker was unaware of Troi's presence is an assumption, nothing more.


Correction: When in the episode is the model described as being of the Enterprise? Not an error.


Correction: True, but Daimon is the Ferengi equivalent of a Starfleet Captain.

Cubs Fan

Correction: With our non-advanced technology, we should know what effect we're having on our environment, but we seem to be doing a pretty good job of being in denial about it.


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Corrected entry: Anytime the crew is faced with a person that claims to be a time traveller or a crew member acts different and claims it's from time displacement the rest of the crew's first response is skepticism. Why? On average, the Enterprise gang deals with time travel once or twice a month. One would think the logical response would be to say "OK, someone grab a tricorder and lets scan for time travel events." This is especially evident in the series finale.

Grumpy Scot

Correction: Let's start with the time travellers and time displacements that happen on the ship, excluding the final episode. I can't think of a single example were the individual wasn't believed (with a little proof), outside of the episode dealing with Worf and quantum realities. But there, he wasn't traveling through time, but through different realities and he thought he was going crazy. Travellers and displacments off the ship: It isn't a simple tricoder scan that tells them about the time displacments. They need deep medical scans, something the tricoder is unable to provide. The series finale: Picard didn't reveal to the past Enterprise about his time shifts: He didn't want to pollute the time line. He informed the present Enterprise and they began to look for proof that it happened. He informed the future crew and they disbelieved because of his degenerative disease. His *** syndrome had effects on the brain including psycosis. The future believed that it was his disease taking full effect.


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Corrected entry: Throughout the entire Star Trek series, space explosions, weapons fire, ship engines, etc. can be heard in many shots originating in space. However, in space there is no sound. These events should be silent.

Correction: True, but this mistake is true for virtually all sci-fi movies and tv shows, so producers need to be given creative license in this area for dramatic effect.

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Corrected entry: Throughout the Star Trek series, when there is a medical emergency or a security situation, why don't they use the site to site transporters to get people to where they need to be? Seconds matter in an emergency but they take the time to move injured people via the corridors.

Correction: Site-to-site transports require a great deal of power, so are only used in absolute emergencies. Generally speaking, if there are injuries on board, the Enterprise would almost certainly have taken damage and will probably be in an alert status, where power will be required for the primary systems like the shields, engines and weapons. As such, the necessary power to perform site-to-site transports would not be made available except in cases of the utmost urgency. Additionally, site-to-site transports require two steps (site A to buffers, then buffers to site B), and the show establishes that transporting seriously injured people is dangerous, so doing it twice is even more so.


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Corrected entry: The Enterprise has an automatic fire extinguishing system, utilized in "Up The Long Ladder", but apparently is very selective when it want to put fires out. It never puts out fires in many other episodes, be it a fire from a candle (Firstborn), a bonfire (Masks), or an out of control fire (Masks), just to name a few.

Correction: If a person has a need or a desire to disable the fire suppression system they can do. The Candles feature alot in Klingon culture & as such Worf uses them alot, other people on the ship could also use them for their religious ceremonies & as the Federation is a great believer in all sorts of freedoms & personal expressions they let people celebrate things how they want as long as it doesn't endanger people. The fire suppression system (like other systems on the ship) is also prone to damage & invasion by other, older computer programes (remember "Contagion") which could stop it from operating.

Correction: When Spot has her kittens Data says to someone. "She is not a he after all". Even Data makes mistakes.

Correction: While it is true that the computer said right rather than left, Riker turned around in the intersection facing the way he came, so the hatch was on his right. It seems thought the computer gave directions a beat before he turned, but the result is the same.

Movie Nut

The result may be the same, but the original entry is (I should use another word maybe) right. As the correction itself says, the computer says the word "Right", and does it while Riker is walking down the corridor. There is no way it would predict that Riker then would stop after the instruction has been issued and face another direction, and at the point where he stops, the hatchway is not directly to his right, but rather behind him so he has to turn, walk a few steps, still to his left. Sure turning 270° right can produce the same result as turning 90° left, but I wouldn't say is correct.


Night Terrors - S4-E17

Corrected entry: When Beverly imagines that all the bodies surrounding her in the morgue are sitting up, she closes her eyes and thinks, 'go away'. After reopening her eyes, they're all back, lying horizontally. But directly after reopening her eyes, you can see the corpse left behind her is still sitting up. (00:23:25)

Correction: The original post is referring to when the camera lingers on Beverly just before the cutaway to the wide angle shot. During the linger, the corpse over her shoulder remains sitting up even after she opens her eyes.

Correction: I just watched this episode, and looked for the mistake. When Beverly opens her eyes, all of the corpses are lying down.


The Last Outpost - S1-E5

Corrected entry: Data lists the colours of the German Flag in the wrong order. He says 'red, black and gold' - it has to be 'black, red and gold'. It's a little embarrassing for his historical data banks. (00:07:55)

Correction: He lists the correct colors of the flag, so technically that is not a mistake.

Samaritan Snare - S2-E17

Corrected entry: In the shuttle Picard picks up the plate of sandwiches with his left hand while holding a cup with the right. After Wesley takes a sandwich, the camera cuts back to Picard, who has the plate in his right hand, and no cup to be seen.

Correction: Picard never holds a plate of sandwiches and a cup. He has the plate of sandwiches in his left hand and a 2nd, empty plate in his right hand. He gives the empty plate to Wesley as Wesley takes a sandwich. Picard then transfers the plate of sandwiches to his other hand so he can take a sandwich with his left hand.


More mistakes in Star Trek: The Next Generation

Qpid - S4-E20

Worf: Captain, I must protest. I am not a merry man.

More quotes from Star Trek: The Next Generation

Loud as a Whisper - S2-E5

Trivia: Guest star Marnie Mosiman, who plays a member of Riva's chorus, is married to John de Lancie, who had a recurring role as the omnipotent mischief-maker Q.

Cubs Fan

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Question: Were people able to "lock" the Holodeck doors so that others couldn't just walk in on them? I don't recall an episode where the doors were locked that wasn't because of some malfunction. It seems like Lieutenant Barclay, for example, would either lock the doors during his "fantasies" or have some "fail-safe" that shuts the program off when being walked in on. Otherwise, it's just a really dumb thing to do (for him or anyone playing out a fantasy) knowing they could easily be caught.


Answer: Yes. The doors to the holodecks can be locked when in use by anyone aboard the Enterprise so they couldn't be disturbed. However, high ranking officers like Captain Picard could override the doors as it's seen that overrides are in use even for the crews quarters. Even Barclay, when he's indulging in one of his fantasies could have the doors to the holodeck unlocked by an override code.

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