Question: Sidney and Billy have a brief disagreement at school, during which she makes the comment about her "traumatized life" being "an inconvenience" to him. Then she walks away and we see Billy, who is alone now, getting frustrated and calling himself "stupid." But it later turns out that he was one of the killers. If he secretly hates Sidney, why does he show remorse for upsetting her, when he is all alone at the moment?
9th Sep 2016
Scream (1996)
9th Sep 2016
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: 1. Draco, does he know his parents work together with Voldemort? Or what does he know? Does Draco know he is betraying Dumbledore or doesn't he know anything about his future to help Voldemort? 2. When Harry and Sirius are attacked at the lake, a doe / deer showed up that saved both of them, who what it? Some say it's Harry himself from the future while others say it was professor Snape? (If it's Snape then how)?
Chosen answer: 1: In this time Draco's parents are not working "with" Voldemort. Voldemort is thought to be dead and Sirius never tries to help him at any time. Draco does know his father was a death eater and he does agree to some of the things Voldemort and Sirius believe in but its not until after Voldemort's resurrection that he starts actually betraying Dumbledore and his fellow students and becomes a death eater himself. 2: The deer that shows up at the lake is Harry's own patronus as shown and explained in the movie. It's the future Harry that does this. He shows up at the lake with Hermione convinced that his dad made the deer, once he realises his dad isn't going to appear he himself goes over there and created the patronus deer to ward off the dementors.
9th Sep 2016
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Question: When Harry first meets Dobby in his bedroom, in Chapter Two, he asks Dobby if the danger at Hogwarts has something to do with Voldemort. Dobby shakes his head no. But it is later revealed that Lucius Malfoy's plot did involve Voldemort after all. Why did Dobby lie to Harry?
Answer: Lucius Malfoy didn't know the diary was a horcrux and had part of Voldemort's soul in it. It was unintentional and nobody could know beforehand Voldemort was involved in all of it. Including Dobby.
Lucius most certainly knew that "Tom Riddle" was Voldemort. The entire plot centers on that Lucius was up to no good.
I didn't say he didn't know it was Voldemort's diary. I said he didn't know it was a horcrux. He just knew the diary was bad news and tried to pass it on to the Weasleys.
Answer: Dobby is not lying. But he is not able to reveal the name Voldemort, due to his bond to his master, and instead tries to give a - quite unintelligible - hint about who is behind the plot: "I've got just one question, Dobby, " said Harry, as Dobby pulled on Harry's sock with shaking hands. ' You told me all this had nothing to do with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, remember? well-" "it was a clue, sir." said Dobby, his eyes widening, as though this was obvious, "was giving you a clue. The Dark Lord, before he changed his name, could be freely named, you see?" (at the very end of book 2, about third to last page).
8th Sep 2016
The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
Question: What did Batman mean when he said to Bane "Then you have my permission to die"? I know he was repeating what Bane said to him earlier, but does that mean he was going to kill him?
Chosen answer: It was probably on his mind. Not sure if he would have actually done it, but he needed Bane to tell him where the trigger was, after that maybe he guessed Bane would die anyway, having failed his mission. It could be either that Batman kills him indirectly, he commits suicide or he gets the death penalty. (Also, plausibly, he could have been hinting that Bane will inevitably die of natural causes after a long, dissatisfying life in prison, a reversal of how Bane attempted to defeat Batman in the same fashion).
30th Aug 2016
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006)
Question: How many letters of marque are there and how exactly they work? The governor said when freeing Elizabeth that there was only one and it was meant for Jack, but Will agreed to the deal with Becket anyway, and he tells Elizabeth that this is going to save them both.
Chosen answer: In the movie it is explained that when a person receives a letter of marque one become a privateer in employment of country the letter was received from. This person is no longer seen as a pirate, a criminal. Anyone accused of piracy could be cleared of their charges when obtaining a letter of marque so that's why Will said it would save them both, as both were accused of piracy and arranging a letter for both of them would save them from the death penalty. In actuality however, a letter of marque was granted to a ship, not a person.
10th Aug 2016
The Hateful Eight (2015)
Question: I know it was never really found out, but was Chris Mannix really the new sheriff of Red Rock?
26th Jul 2016
The Purge: Election Year (2016)
Question: People with a rank of 10 or higher are immune from the purge, this means the NFFA and Senator Roan are immune. Why put themselves at risk of getting killed by removing the restriction if they could've had her delivered as plan, killed, and then denied her murder at the conclusion of the purge?
Answer: Because they believed in what the purge represented. In their eyes it is a legal thing, so in order for them to legally get rid of the senator they had to remove the restriction legally, not break the law.
8th Jul 2016
Game of Thrones (2011)
Question: Is there any place in the books, movies, or directly from George R.R. Martin to say why the Game of Thrones world has such unpredictable seasons? Magical, Scientific, Alchemical (ie in-between).
Chosen answer: Well Magic does come to mind. The White Walkers bring with them the winter. Because of this, the seasons are very unpredictable. "Winter Is Coming" refers to this.
14th Jun 2016
Pulp Fiction (1994)
Question: Why didn't Zed (the rapist and apparent security guard) grab the handgun and shoot Marsellus Wallace after the latter shot Zed? The gun was still lying on the crate. Had he picked up the gun, he would have been able to either shoot Marsellus or get shot and killed by Marsellus. Either way he'd escape being tortured by Marsellus' crew.
Answer: After he was shot, he was kinda in a lot of pain and on the floor bleeding, not so surprising he didn't go for the gun anymore. He couldn't have reached it anymore anyway, certainly not with 2 people closer to it ready to kill him.
14th Jun 2016
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)
Question: After Kingsley gives Harry the Daily Prophet, is it Sirius or Arthur who says Fudge is attacking Dumbledore as well?
Chosen answer: Its Sirius. You can see Lupin nodding at Sirius as he says it.
3rd Jun 2016
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001)
Question: Did Dumbledore and other Hogwarts staff know that Voldemort would try to return with the help of the Philosopher's Stone this year, so they transferred it from the bank to Hogwarts, and put such a big protection as the three headed dog etc.? Because I think it's a very big coincidence that after all this years that stone has spent in the bank, they decided to put the stone in school, and the very next day someone tried to steal the stone from the bank. It's like they knew that Voldemort would try to use the stone to return. And if they did, why didn't they figure it out and put protection on over the last 10 years, maybe the very next day when Voldemort was defeated by little Harry? It's really like Dumbledore knew that Voldemort will try to use it, and more important, like he knew that he will try to do it NOW, not in last decade when he was "half alive."
Answer: Mostly right except Dumbledore was not trying to lure Voldemort out. Gringotts was a safe place to keep something, but Hogwarts was safer. Dumbledore would have felt better that the stone was safe in Hogwarts.
Chosen answer: Dumbledore did probably have an idea that Voldemort might be looking for the stone, but he knew he would never be able to find it as he wanted to use it (Dumbledore's own spell upon it). But the stone gave Dumbledore an opportunity to lure Voldemort to him. So, in order to lure Voldemort out Dumbledore hid it at Hogwarts, closer to him, telling the staff what was going on. Of course then Quirrell knew too and thus Voldemort as well which caused a dangerous situation right the next day, but the general idea was to lure Voldemort out of hiding and into the hands of the Hogwarts teachers. They didn't know yet that Voldemort was already inside Hogwarts as a parasite of Quirrell.
3rd Jun 2016
Ocean's Eleven (2001)
Question: Benedict sent the SWAT team down to the vault while the "thieves" were still there in order to gain control over his vault etc. Obviously the SWAT team kind of managed to do that, except that the "thieves" blew up the vault with the money. But then when Benedict came down to the vault personally, why he didn't ask about the thieves or want to speak to them, or wonder where their bodies were? Because when the SWAT team left it was only him in the vault.
Answer: Simple, he didn't suspect the SWAT team to know anything more than he did. All he knows is that the SWAT team arrived in an empty vault, just like he did. No thieves, no money. He is a control freak anyway and wanted to nail the scumbags himself, it was his vault.
I thought about this... but how are they going to justify the standoff and gunfight if they say the vault is empty.
He talks to the SWAT team shortly after the lights are turned back on. They say the bomb was detonated, and they were looking for survivors. He then rushes to the vault and doesn't contact them again, assuming he would meet them at the vault but the SWAT team was already gone before he got there. I suspect Benedict would have run up to vault to find nobody there, no guards, SWAT, or thieves. That's when he starts working things out. Remember the money was supposed to be in the van at the airport.
30th May 2016
Ocean's Twelve (2004)
Question: Why did Ocean's team leave the drill behind at Van der Woude's house? Was it to tip Isabel off about the Night Fox's involvement in the stealing of the document?
Answer: Isabel was going to find out they had been there anyway. There was no reason to hide their tracks by taking the drill back with them. The drill was going to be left behind anyway, it didn't have any purpose anymore.
13th May 2016
The Dark Knight (2008)
Question: When there is a street march and the mayor nearly gets killed, what was the timer on the window sill supposed to do and why did Bruce get shot at by one of the police snipers when it opened? Even if Bruce was a supposed assassin trying to kill the mayor, he could have just been looking out the window, so why did he instantly get shot at?
Chosen answer: The timer was there as a diversion for the police snipers. As soon as the timer ended the blinds went up causing a sudden movement alerting the snipers to it. They were probably trigger happy or identified the telescope as a weapon and thus they fired. Not unlikely as the threat of an assassination was very high.
26th Apr 2016
Aliens vs Predator: Requiem (2007)
Question: Why do the Predators care about the PredAlien so much? I know it wiped out a few of them and is a monstrosity of a hybrid. However, why did they have it locked up on the ship? There is no way it got to full size (taking a few months I assume) or crawled around as a baby without a single Predator noticing. It must have been locked up, but if it's so bad, why keep it alive?
Answer: They were not keeping it alive. Once it birthed it went somewhere to hide until it grew to full size. Much like in every other Alien film, the predalien grows to full size remarkably fast. It usually takes less than a day in most situations. Once it grew to full size it began slaughtering the Predators and proved to be more than a match for the average Predator. They were most certainly not keeping the predalien alive purposefully, they had no idea it even existed until it began killing them.
Chosen answer: The predalien, like all other alien species, is a trophy. They were probably keeping it alive so they could hunt it later.
26th Apr 2016
Alien Vs. Predator (2004)
Question: Why didn't the Predator who gets attacked by the face-hugger know? He must have known what had happened to him when he woke up, shouldn't he have killed himself? Or at least let his fellow Predators know before resuming the mission? I understand he needed to stop the Aliens reaching the surface, but surely he should have known or done something.
Chosen answer: The predators are proud creatures, and stubborn. He probably knew but couldn't be 100% sure. He only just killed an alien and marked himself with this trophy, making him victorious in his quest. Killing himself or telling his mates he is incubated right after that achievement is not in a predator's nature.
Additionally I think he would have told the other predators if he hadn't been killed by the alien queen. Before reaching the surface he was probably not in a position to remove the creature from his own chest. Maybe he thought that he would make it to the surface and get it dealt with when he is back in the ship. Instead things took another turn and the alien queen killed him before telling the adults. To be fair, scanning any surviving warriors left after battle, knowing what these creatures do to reproduce, would be a good standard procedure for the predator race in my opinion. But they apparently don't.
13th Apr 2016
Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Question: With all of the Federation's extraordinarily advanced knowledge, science, medicine and technology, why is it that they can't seem to repair Captain Pike's physical injuries? In the original series, Pike was crippled and hideously disfigured by Delta Rays; but the best they could offer him was a motorized wheelchair with a couple of "yes" or "no" flashing communication lights. In the rebooted franchise, Pike suffered much less severe injuries; yet, once more, all they could offer him was a simple wheelchair in the first movie, and then a walking cane in the second. In Star Trek canon, we know that they have performed brain and spinal transplants, regenerated damaged organs, healed mortal wounds (in a matter of seconds), cured horrible diseases with a single hypo-injection, and even resuscitated the dead on more than one occasion. In Star Trek novels, there is mentioned even the possibility of cycling an injured individual through a previously-stored Transporter Pattern and completely removing injuries altogether. Yet the best they ever did for Captain Christopher Pike onscreen was a wheelchair and a cane?
Chosen answer: Captain Pike was tortured by Nero, a Romulan from the future. Surely when it comes to torture they know how they can inflict the maximum amount of pain, and also permanently injure someone. Or else nobody would be worried about being tortured. Nero also used future technology to do this, using methods nobody could cure at that time.
11th Apr 2016
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
Question: When Kylo Ren tries to use the Force on Rey, he mentions that they need the last piece of the map, and that they have the rest. However, when R2-D2 wakes up, we find out that he had the map the entire time. Was Kylo bluffing or did he know where the rest of it was? Was there a copy or did I miss something?
Answer: The First Order already has the piece that R2-D2 was carrying as well. That is the first piece, the large piece of the map missing a small section. The second piece is carried by BB-8 and only by BB-8, the missing piece in the map. All the first order needs is that second piece, and so does the Resistance. However the Resistance needs R2-D2 to activate again so he can show them the first piece, so they can put the second piece in it.
Answer: The piece of the map that R2 had was also recovered from the archives of the Empire.
8th Apr 2016
Jurassic Park (1993)
Question: When everyone exited the tour cars, they went downhill to see the Triceratops, but how could they get inside the paddock? Is there no fence surrounding the animals? And is the Trike we see the only Trike in JP? My main question is: Why is the Trike free to roam everywhere it wants, I mean they didn't have to get through a fence to get there because we see the tour cars behind them, and they are not behind a fence.
Answer: A Triceratops is a herbivore. Therefor, it doesn't have the same fences as the T-Rex has and is probably separated by a moat or gap. The largest part of the park is probably like this and access for personnel to the herbivores is probably easy, it's with the carnivores they took extra measures. There are probably other triceratops but this one was sick and was probably separated from the group in case it is contagious.
16th Mar 2016
The Rescuers (1977)
Question: When Brutus and Nero capture Penny trying to run away, Brutus holds her by the straps on her dress. but when returning to the riverboat, Brutus holds Penny upside by her underwear. If it were possible, how would Brutus have managed to turn Penny upside down like that without releasing her and letting her run off again?
Chosen answer: It could be she got loose again when they were heading back and Brutus grabbed her again but this time by her underwear.
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Answer: Because he wants to have sex with her before killing her. Creating a distance now is too soon. Keeping her close makes it easier to kill her later too. He wants to hurt her as bad as possible, that why he faked his own death too.