
4th Oct 2018

Braveheart (1995)

Question: Why did they decapitate Wallace after he said "freedom"? I thought they implied that if he said "mercy", they'd give him a quick death, but if not, they'd continue to torture him. So what would they have done if he said "mercy"?


Answer: In the end, they just gave up. They realised he was not going to say it before dying anyway, so they ended it. If he would have said "mercy" they would have done the same thing, but it didn't matter anymore. They couldn't break him.


Answer: Sheldon is extremely bad at keeping a secret. He actually doesn't want to keep a secret and tries to find or create a justification to tell it so the pressure will be off him.


29th Sep 2018

The Time Machine (2002)

Question: How is the hologram artificial intelligence system still operational and has power after 800,000 years?

Answer: We don't know what kind of power supply the AI system is running upon, but it's possible it's a system that works on some unlimited energy source that doesn't need fuel or uses very little energy.


Answer: It's a plot hole. Just as, in the original 1960 George Pal movie, the Eloi are still human and speaking 20th Century English. After 802,000 years, all artifacts and traces of our modern civilization will be long, long, long vanished (excepted perhaps for a handful of fossilized bones). Additionally, after such a long time, the human species will probably be long extinct.

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: Didn't think he had to.

Answer: While it's purely speculation, here are few ideas: 1. He didn't think he needed to. He now possesses the most powerful weapon in the universe and thought hitting Thanos in the chest would be enough. 2. He may have aimed for the head, but Thanos was trying to repel the axe, which caused the aim to be off. 3. He wanted Thanos to die slowly so that he could deliver his "I told you..." line.

Plus, he didn't know Thanos already had all the gems.


Or just because the head is a much smaller target and Thor was pretty far away, even when throwing a magic axe.


24th Sep 2018

Ocean's Eleven (2001)

Question: When they are heading down in the lift to the vault in the SWAT suits, who is the character to left of Brad Pitt? Because as you can see his face he doesn't look like any of the Oceans 11 characters at all.

Answer: This is actually a mistake in the movie, there is an extra person in the elevator. It is listed in the mistakes.


23rd Sep 2018

The Green Mile (1999)

Question: What was with the scene where John picks up and smells the grass after he's snuck out to help Melinda? And what did John mean when he said 'no matter how it happened, Del was the lucky one.' Did John somehow take all that pain so Del wouldn't? I never really got it.

Brandon York

Answer: He smelled the grass because he had missed it being locked up. As for the other thing, John was tired, he constantly felt the pain of others around him, he wanted it to stop. Del died, to John that's the way out, to get rid of the pain. Even though Del felt a lot of pain, for John it doesn't matter, as long as he gets out, so the pain stops. He didn't take Del's pain.


Watch John closely during Del's execution. His body reacts the same as Del's throughout. He said Del's the lucky one because he wouldn't know earthly pain any longer, something that John is longing for by the time of his own execution.


He didn't take his pain.


I believe that John himself had lived a long time because of his powers, maybe he couldn't die from old age, but could be killed like other people, he was tired of being alive, so the execution was his way out.

Answer: He smells the grass, because it's pure.

23rd Sep 2018

Grease (1978)

Question: Toward the beginning of the movie, when Sonny is being chastised by Miss McGee for dawdling in the hallway, he mutters something in Italian when she turns away. It's audible enough to cause her to turn back and suggest a session of "banging erasers." Does anyone know what he's muttering?

Michael Albert

Answer: Its not really Italian, but roughly he says something like "Fanabala Puttana" which means "You bitch whore." Again, not fully correctly spoken as the actor knows hardly any Italian.


Answer: Sonny says "un altra brutta putana" which translates to another dirty slut.

Answer: Translates to "another stupid b****".

Question: At the end of the film when Marty sees Doc get shot at the mall the second time why is he crying when he runs over to check Doc? Couldn't he have just grabbed the plutonium that was sitting next to Doc's van, run back to the Delorean with it and travelled back much earlier to warn Doc?

Answer: Technically he could have done so, but that doesn't make it any less distressing to see his friend murdered.

Next to that he doesn't know how the DeLorean works, he doesn't know how to put the plutonium in (or doesn't want to risk using it wrongly, having only seen it loaded once) and he and Doc from 1955 have tampered with it to have it be powered by lightning so it probably wouldn't work properly anyway.


Not to mention that when he came back, the DeLorean conked out and wasn't working.

To add, Marty believed he was watching Doc being murdered again, unaware that he was now wearing a bullet proof vest. Seeing Doc lying there not moving made Marty to upset to do anything at that moment.

21st Sep 2018

Space Jam (1996)

Question: After the monsters brutally assaulted the toon squad, including Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck during the great game, why are Bugs and Daffy still in good condition while the other members, except Lola, are injured?

Roman Curiel

Answer: Because Bugs and Daffy are the great stars and have to be seen to still be ready and able. Same goes for Lola the sporty girl, the image of girl power. The rest look that way because its comical. They are toons.


20th Sep 2018

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

Show generally

Question: Rather than just telling the Jaffa that the Goa'uld are not gods, why doesn't SG-1 tell them about the technology the Goa'uld use to deceive them?

Answer: The Jaffa are not deceived by the technology, they use that technology themselves. Most are just convinced by the words and how they were raised they are gods like the other answer mentions. Besides, a whole lot of Jaffa know that they aren't gods and are trying to seek ways to free their poeple, including Teal'c and the Tok'ra symbiotes.


Answer: They do attempt to show this at times, but the Jaffa are completely convinced. They just consider the technology used by the Goa'uld to be evidence of their omnipotence.

24th Feb 2014

RoboCop (2014)

Chosen answer: He most likely has an artificial heart or some type of system that circulates his blood, this system doesn't necessarily have to take the shape of a typical human heart. However if his biological heart is still functional, it may be behind the lungs.

Answer: Watch again the scene (s), especially close to the end when his armor is reverted to silver and just between his lungs; his heart is just behind his lungs and beating, though if you blink you might miss it.

Erik M.

Except the heart is located in front of the lungs, not behind them.


Why Murphy's heart isn't where it should be in a normal human is up to speculation-perhaps the transformation into a cyborg necessitated it's being repositioned, perhaps. The heart is there, though.

Erik M.

Normally, yes, but who's to say they didn't have a reason to move it behind his lungs when they rebuilt him?


10th Sep 2018

Batman Returns (1992)

Question: Why did everyone completely ignore Penguin biting a man's nose off?


Answer: He didn't bite it off, but almost. The people in the room are all just power and money hungry, they decide to ignore it in hopes to keep their job.


Answer: The same reason real-world employees might not say anything if their boss is abusive or inappropriate - they want to stay quiet and keep their jobs. Best not rock the boat, so to speak. Also, both Penguin and Max Shreck are very influential people - not exactly the sort of people you'd want to mess with or contest. Hence, everyone sort-of just ignores what happened and continues on with their day.


Answer: On his home planet he ignored the rising population, causing a catastrophe that killed it. He won't have that again.


Answer: The time he allowed the leaders of his homeworld Titan to make the decision not to act on the overpopulation problems. Thanos sat by as the leaders (in his mind) did nothing and the planet was brought to ruin.


3rd Sep 2018

Dune (1984)

Question: At the end Paul makes it rain on Arrakis - wouldn't this harm the sandworms? If so, it seems like a mean move on his part, especially considering the role they played in his coup.

Answer: Arrakis did, at one time, have lakes and oceans, and the Fremen (desert people) have an ongoing secret project to restore the surface water of Arrakis (they have multi-million-liter water reservoirs all over the place beneath the planet's surface). Additionally, in the first novel it is mentioned that attempts to drill wells on Arrakis fail because they are inexplicably "plugged up" soon after they start producing water. All of this implies that the Fremen and the worms are working together to protect and hoard a great deal of the water that already exists on Arrakis. If this is the case, then the worms may value the return of surface water as much as everyone else.

Charles Austin Miller

Later on in the Dune universe the worms are limited to a large desert on the very fertile world of Arrakis, where they still produce the spice.


3rd Sep 2018

X-Men (2000)

Question: Victor/Sabretooth, Wolverine's brother (we later find out) - where does he go after this movie?

Answer: It is deliberately left ambiguous. He most likely survived.

Answer: I think the sabretooth in this movie is not Wolverine's brother at all. I also think this sabretooth died from being blasted by Cyclops and falling off the statue of liberty.


For all intents and purposes, they are the same Sabretooth.


Well they don't seem to recognize each other.


Wolverine doesn't remember his past, and anything could have happened to Sabretooth between movies that made him forget as well. Plus, the X-Men movies aren't exactly great at keeping the continuity in the overall narrative consistent.


Its possible I guess, but there is no real evidence. The idea of having them be brothers only came up in the first Wolverine movie.

There's no concrete evidence, but nothing to really contradict it either. Similar to "X-Men: First Class" making Mystique Xavier's adopted sister, it was a questionable decision but nothing in the previous movies flat-out contradicted it. Sabretooth's obsession with Wolverine in this movie and taking his dog tags at the least suggests a shared history between them.


3rd Sep 2018

Resident Evil (2002)

Question: Spence reveals at the end that he stole the T-virus and got onto the train where he was knocked unconscious due to the red queen's defences. How did the train return to the mansion by itself without a loco pilot - its power and plugs go off automatically. Was there any other train from mansion to the hive? How did Spence reach the mansion anyway without driving, as he was unconscious at the hive when the red queen released halon gas?

Answer: It's possible the USS unit brought the train up to the mansion even before they entered it or shortly after. They needed it to get down to the hive.


I don't know if the USS team brought the train back because they break through to enter the mansion once they got the news of the red queen going homicidal. Even if the train reaches the mansion automatically, there is no explanation why the power goes off or the train switches get unplugged. It shows that the train was in the mansion from the beginning. When Rain (Michelle Rodriguez) gets down to start the engine's power, she hears some weird noises as she flashes her torch light to some broken grid. That is left unexplained.

But that doesn't explain the sockets being undone under the carriage, Or how Spence ended up in essentially, a closet.


It's possible he got on the train and got up to the mansion but then the security system kicked in, locking him inside the train and he tried to open the doors by disconnecting the power. Then the gas hit and he tried to hide from it by climbing in a closet, then succumbed.


Question: In Aech's workshop after she shuts the lunchbox with the miniature spaceships in it, and says to excuse Parzival who gets nervous around pretty girls. Aech then snaps her fingers towards Art3mis who responds by pulling out her broken bike for a heads-up display and tosses it to Aech. Only, if you watch closely, the screen that pops up in front of Art3mis appears as Aech snaps her fingers before Art3mis even moves. My question is were Aech's fingers controlling Art3mis inventory screen? Or am I seeing a mistake here that the screen appeared before Art3mis actually summons it? Cause there is a slight delay between the screen appearing in front of Art3mis before she actually moves or reacts to Aech's finger snaps. (00:17:40)

Quantom X

Answer: Because Aech is in control of the garage, its possible Aech creates a way for Art3mis to allow her bike to appear inside it. Art3mis only then puts her bike into the screen (window) which then becomes corporeal and throws it at Aech. Aech sort of allows Art3mis to spawn her bike in the garage, so Aech can fix it. I guess in a way Art3mis gives ownership of the bike to Aech so Aech can fix it.


3rd Sep 2018

Jurassic Park (1993)

Question: It seems like a minor plot hole, but I can't be certain in case I don't understand or missed something. After Ellie turns the main power back on and activates the individual park systems, the electrified fences turn back on. When she flees the shed, she runs through the gate of a fence that has a "danger: high voltage" warning sign, and she even touches part of the fence that's not the gate. Shouldn't the fence have become electrified?


Chosen answer: The "danger: high Voltage" sign is for the electrical equipment inside the shed, not the fence itself.


Question: It's been stated that Elsa and Donovan knew how to get through the path to the Grail because Henry was talking about the way as he lay dying. But I'm still confused about when they get across the cliff. Indy threw some sand and stones across the path he 'believed' was there, but would they still be sitting there, basically in mid air for the bad guys to get across? Did they truly believe in the Grail as much as Indy and Henry did and so could walk across the non-existant path?


Answer: The bridge was actually camouflaged into rock looking as if it was invisible (you can see this in movie).

Of course, any "camouflage" would only work from one perspective (from the doorway at one end of the bridge). As soon as Indy took a step out onto the bridge, the "camouflage" would be revealed, as it would no longer be aligned to the background from his new perspective. Viewed from the opposite end of the bridge, the "camouflage" wouldn't work at all and the bridge would be perfectly visible.

Charles Austin Miller

Not necessarily. They could have fashioned the stonework so it rendered the bridge invisible from both directions.

The sand and pebbles broke the camouflage of the bridge so when Donovan and Elsa came they would see through the illusion and just see a bridge.


Chosen answer: The way I see it, the bridge is there, but is invisible. The true test is to step out into mid-air when you don't know there's a bridge there, trusting in God to rescue you. Indy passed this test, then threw the stones to see whether it really was a bridge there all along, or if it was a matter of faith in the moment you step out (or just to mark his way back). The pebbles stayed, proving the bridge was physical and real, only invisible. When Ilsa and Donovan came along, they could see the pebbles in mid-air, and figured out this as well. Originally, you would have to believe and trust in God to step on to the bridge, but Indy effectively "disarms" this trap by proving that there is a way to cross safely for anyone.


As stated previously, the bridge is not invisible. It is simply camouflaged so that it's not visible from the position Indy had to stand. This is demonstrated in the film when the camera angle changes and shows that the reason Indy can't see it is the marbling of the stone lines up perfectly from one angle. He throws the pebbles onto it once he's across to make it easier for him to see when he returns.

But the camouflage is only going to work from one direction (the approach). Going in the opposite direction (the retreat), the bridge would stand out like a sore thumb, pebbles or not.

Charles Austin Miller

However, in the film, Indy turns around and throws the pebbles on the bridge, which is not visible until the pebbles are there.

Maybe, maybe not. Perhaps the original builders altered the vertical stone walls in the "coming back" direction so that the bridge blended from this reverse perspective as well.

Okay, he didn't actually mean invisible, more like "invisible from a certain perspective"

Answer: At the start of the movie the only people who knew are Dooku and others close to Palpatine. It's possible Grievous knew too, but we never get a confirmation. By the end of the movie all the remaining Jedi know, as well as Senator Organa and all the clone troops. The Senate doesn't.


It is said that in the film's official novelization, Grievous doesn't know Palpatine is Sidious.


Dooku, Maul, Maas Amedda, Sly Moore, Grand Moff Tarkin, and Ochi of Bestoon all knew.

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