Question: Why wasn't Fury in the final battle? Or Hill?
2nd Sep 2019
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Answer: Spoilers! Given what we see in Spider-Man: Far From Home it may be that they were offworld doing other vital work.
Answer: Since any reason given would be speculation, the easiest explanation is that they had something else to do in this, the one and only future where the Avengers won against Thanos.
19th Aug 2009
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
Question: Who killed Frank Bryce? I doubt that was Voldemort, because he doesn't have a body at that moment.
Chosen answer: Oh, but it IS Voldemort. He is small like a hairless, feeble child, but he has a body nonetheless. When Nagini tells Voldemort, who is sitting in the chair (beside Barty Crouch Jr), that Frank Bryce is in the corridor, he tells Wormtail to step aside before he himself performs the Avada Kedavra with his own wand. We see Voldemort's entire body as Wormtail drops him into the cauldron with the 'rebirthing potion', which gives him the new adult form.
But who killed Cedric? Is it still Voldemort or Wormtail. I know Voldemort gives the order but Wormtail has the wand.
Yeah that's always very confusing but the idea is that since Wormtail did it on orders by Voldemort, it was with Voldemort's wand and that Wormtail basically was a slave of Voldemort so Voldemort killed Cedric. Womrtail hasn't really got a will of his own anymore, including the point he is choked to death with the magical hand Voldemort gave him (in the books).
Wormtail did it on Voldemort's orders, so technically it was him.
Answer: Voldemort gave the order, and Wormtail cast the killing curse with Voldemort's wand. That is why Cedric comes out of the wand, as it was the wand that killed him.
12th Sep 2019
I Am Legend (2007)
Question: While Will Smith was burying his deceased dog, I remember him taking some pills. Were the pills intended to decrease his sadness for his loss/keep him from going insane of him now being totally alone?
Answer: I think it was opiate pain pills. I'd imagine he would stock up on them. And hurt his leg. He chewed them up like they were that for sure.
Answer: I'd say they are just painkillers, seeing how he just casually chucks a whole bunch down like skittles. If you do that with antidepressant or something like Ritalin (to keep you awake) your heart will stop. He probably has a headache.
22nd Sep 2017
Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
Question: Why didn't they just tell Cochrane about the Borg? Why didn't Cochrane want to be famous?
Answer: Telling him about the Borg would violate the Prime Directive by giving too much information about the future. The Borg were not supposed to be in that timeline, unlike the Vulcans who, historically, made First Contact with humans at that time. Cochrane does not say why he doesn't want to be famous. There are many reasons people shun celebrity-some are shy and prefer privacy, others don't want to deal with the pressure of having to live up to a reputation that may be inaccurate, it interferes with the work they are trying to achieve, and so on.
Actually, they did tell him about the Borg. You can tell they told him about the Borg because he said a group of cybernetic creatures from the future have traveled back through time to enslave the human race.
They told him a general story about what's going on. They don't reveal their name, where they are from or their nature.
What harm could telling Cochrane about the Borg possibly do?
That could potentially change the timeline too much. They want to preserve the timeline they came from.
I'd care more about saving humans from being killed, or enslaved, than about preserving timelines.
It might set humanity on the wrong path, that will lead to more deaths. For example, it could prevent the federation alliance. One can only imagine how the Alpha quadrant will survive Romulan, Klingon and Dominion attacks without the alliance.
"Telling him about the Borg would violate the prime directive by giving information about the future." Which is more important, obeying the prime directive, or stopping the Borg from enslaving the human race?
They are first attempting to give as little information as possible to anyone in the past in an attempt to follow the Temporal Prime Directive. Any small change could have larger changes in the future via the butterfly effect.
Answer: When Riker and Cochrane are doing the pre-flight check in the ship, Riker is talking about the historical significance of this launch. Cochrance tells him to shut up, he is tired of everyone he meets telling him what a hero he is, and what this launch means to mankind. He says, "You want why I want I'm doing this. Money and women. I want to buy an island and be served drinks by native girls. I hate space travel. I take trains." However, once the Vulcans land, he truly realises what he's done.
Answer: Cochrane wanted to be famous but in order to get money and women. Cochrane didn't want the hero title and was sick of hearing about all the good he had done.
25th Aug 2019
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)
8th Apr 2019
Shazam! (2019)
Question: What is the actual reason given why the police couldn't find Billy's mom? Just the fact his mom didn't want to find him and left doesn't mean the cops would stop looking. It's hard to imagine a 5 year old isn't able to tell the cops his address, where he goes to school or where he lives in general. Teachers, neighbours, his physician or dentist, classmates, all can tell where the mom is. Next to that isn't his dad in prison and thus easy to find?
Answer: He was a baby when he was abandoned - all he knew about his mother was her name, not her birth date or social security number. He didn't know anything about his father and his mother went back to her maiden name. In case you're wondering not everybody has their DNA taken.
He knew his full name. He's a legitimate son born in wedlock. They would have easily tracked down the father who is an inmate: that is on top of what the original poster mentioned, such as his home address or other minimal information. Lionhead, I believe this belongs in the Plot Holes section rather than simply the Questions section: I am not informed about Pennsylvania's laws for child abandonment, but I think it's rather unlikely that someone could just drop their kid in the middle of a crowd and get away with it entirely, especially when the kid knows his own full name.
I'm not too eager to put it in the plot holes section, because it is plausible I suppose that she disappeared willingly and they couldn't find her specifically. But you address the right point I was trying to make that the cops won't simply stop looking for his mother. It's a crime to abandon your child and they will look up and question a lot of people. And I mean a lot of people to find her. Even if there is literally no family besides mom and dad, the dad will be found since he is in prison. He won't be able to help much but contact will be maintained, even if he doesn't want it.
The thing is, they don't even have to question a lot of people since the kid is not a newborn left on the steps of a church or something: he was able to provide his own full name to the authorities. So it's absolutely straightforward for the police to see who his parents are - although it should be noted that he was born in a different state, I don't think it should be a particularly complicated research for the authorities.
10th Aug 2019
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Question: Why didn't Hulk use the Infinity Gauntlet to snap Thanos and his army? He was able to snap everybody that Thanos killed and survived, so he would have survived another snap.
Answer: The gauntlet fell off after his first snap, then Thanos arrived from the past and destroyed the building, separating them. Hulk never got near the gauntlet and the stones during the ensuing battle, so he didn't have an opportunity to try a second snap to destroy Thanos.
Really what they should have done was pulled the stones off the gauntlet and separated them again, and not run around with a fully assembled and powered up Gauntlet for Thanos to grab.
I agree.
That would mean they had to touch them, and nobody besides Hulk, Thor and Carol could touch one without dying.
Ordinary humans can't just grab an infinity stone. Even when Thanos takes the power stone out of gauntlet you see it start to destroy them.
Only the Power Stone has been shown to kill normal people who try to hold it. Hawkeye literally held the Soul Stone in his hand in this movie.
Because he made the necessary sacrifice. Anyone else touching it, big problem. Could be an exception though. The power, reality and space gems have been proven to be untouchable and killing anyone who does (with exceptions though). Time gem is very carefully handled as well so I wouldn't touch that one either. Mind gem, who knows?
I don't recall the Time Stone killing anyone who touched it. The only example I can think of was the Red Skull presumably being killed when he handled the Tesseract, but was in actuality teleported to Vormir. The Reality Stone has a will of its own, so someone could feasibly handle it without harm. You're wonder about the Mind Stone is correct, as no human character was shown in any movie to have handled it directly. Overall though, I would say that I disagree with someone trying to remove a stone from the gauntlet, as one stone could easily be lost, and Thanos could still kill every hero at the battle even with one or more stones missing.
The reality stone attaches itself to anyone touching it like a parasite and slowly kills them. I'd say it's a bad idea to touch it. As for the time stone only the ancient one and Hulk actually touched it and there is reason Strange handles it carefully and without touching it. As for the Red skull, don't really know if he is really alive on Vormir. Who knows what the tesseract did to him?
Whether or not Red Skull is still alive is an interesting topic, but either way, I'd argue that while the Tesseract transported him, it itself is not what made him in his current state, but rather his curse to guard the Soul Stone and the planet of Vormir itself, as it is a dominion of death as Nebula stated.
16th Aug 2019
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Question: After the main battle, Captain America only had half of a shield left, so where did the shield that he gave Sam at the very end come from? Did he go to Wakanda and have another made?
Answer: The Russo Brothers confirmed that Steve lived out his life in an alternate timeline before travelling back to the main timeline. Presumably his shield was never destroyed in that timeline.
Answer: Yeah that's just another one, just a regular shield or even vibranium. How he got it can only be speculated, but there are many different ways. It could just be symbolic to give to Sam.
2nd Aug 2019
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Question: If Captain America had to go back to return the infinity stones to balance the timeline, would he not have to go back to before Black Widow died to return the Soul Stone?
Answer: No before Black Widow died the soul stone was still there, he had to get it back after it was taken, so after Black Widow died.
I think the poster meant he would go back to the time he knew Black Widow and Hawkeye were aiming for, or a bit before for safety, then go there and wait until Black Widow died and Hawkeye got the stone, and then return it. It would be hard for him to watch, but then he would know when the right time was.
Right. But you also have to think that, having witnessed the events, and then seeing that the Red Skull is the guardian, that would have been a damn interesting scene to watch. Does Cap try bargaining with the Red Skull to return Black Widow to life after giving the stone back? On the other hand, the Ancient One's explanation was that the flow of time occurs simply because the stones are in the universe. I don't think it mattered where they are. She only wanted the time stone back because of how it was tied to the Sanctum. So really, Cap probably could have just thrown the stone in a ditch somewhere and been done with it. It also raises a question about the nature of Vormir as the home of the stone. We see the other stones were more or less fashioned into artifacts and out and about. This implies that they too were in some sort of temple in their raw stone form before being found, seized and manipulated into a real-world application. So does Vormir even have a mechanism for receiving the stone back once it's been claimed? And what is the soul stone's solo power, anyway? Reading people's fates like a crystal ball?
I don't think the red skull is really the red skull anymore, just some kind of ghost of whats left of him. However the stone gets returned is irrelevant, yes he could even just leave it in a ditch somewhere. He didn't return other stones in their original form either, except the time stone. These timelines don't continue on as the original one. According to the comics the soul stone is sentient and everyone sacrificed to obtain is has their soul trapped inside the gem. Cap and the others of course don't know that (although Hulk must theoretically know having used it) or in the MCU this does not apply. When possessing it you can control any life and read their souls (their feelings and desires). One can also revert living things back their original state (like Nebula for example).
12th Aug 2019
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)
Question: Why would the Trade Federation need the queen to sign a treaty to make their invasion legal if they've already invaded the place and taken over anyway?
18th Nov 2013
Batman Returns (1992)
Question: When Selina/Catwoman has Schreck cornered, she says that him, the Penguin and Batman killed her leaving her with only six lives left. I understand that Schreck "killed" her by pushing her out a window and that the Penguin "killed" her when she fell through a greenhouse, but how could Batman have killed her? She landed safely in a truck filled with kitty litter after she got knocked off the roof, so that can't count.
Answer: In each of Selina's 3 falls, there was something that broke her fall enough to save her. In the film, she never died from any of the falls. Her line about having 6 lives left isn't literal. So while the kitty litter did save her, she still attributes the fall to a loss of life at the hands of Batman, because were is not for being lucky and landing in the truck, she might have actually died. Just like she was lucky enough to survive the fall at the hands of Schreck and Penguin but still blames them for a loss of life.
Answer: Having nine lives is all about luck. They refer that to cats who appear to have nine lines because they are able to survive high falls. But for a human it refers to having a lot of luck. She was lucky to land on the kitty litter whilst she should have died from the fall, therefore she lost a life.
3rd Aug 2019
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002)
Question: In the droid factory, when the smasher crushes what Anakin's arm is trapped in, his lightsaber shoots out, but how is it when his arm is released from it, it's now back in his hand as if it never shot out? It seems too noticeable to be a mistake.
Answer: I watched the clip on YouTube. It's hard to see, but Anakin's light saber is always in his hand. Just after the light blade is switched off, the sword's hilt can still be seen in his palm as his arm is trapped. When his arm is freed, he's still holding the light saber, but it has been damaged.
Yeah the top part of the lightsaber is cut off by the machine and bounces off. I think that what the question asker is referring to, mistaking it for the entire saber.
31st Jul 2019
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Question: Since it was possible to create a clone army, why were cybernetic parts given to Anakin, instead of cloning the limbs he lost and attaching them to his body?
Answer: To add to the above it is not just that he is missing arms and legs but his internal organs like lungs are incapable of working properly. So one would have to do more then just replace the arms and legs. In addition Palpatine make the suit vulnerable to force lighting making it harder for Vader to overthrow him as is the way of the Sith.
Answer: Adding to what Phaneron, also note how long it would take to grow said limbs for a full adult. The clones themselves have growth acceleration so that they take half the time a normal person to reach full maturity and growth. But this still takes 10-15 years for the to get to physical adulthood. And their growth acceleration doesn't stop at that point. The reason why none of the Storm Troopers are Clones in the original trilogy, by the time New Hope rolls around, is because they age twice as fast. Most died of old age or were very old by that point as in that 17 year time gap between Episode 3 and 4, they aged 34 years physically, without the growth acceleration being stopped as it's likely not able to be stopped. So it would take a very long time to grow cloned limbs for Anakin and be physically a match for him. And if they did accelerate the growth for said limbs, it would only take a few years before he'd be a younger guy walking around with very old man legs and arms. Not to mention, the arms and legs wouldn't have his muscle mass grown by default without being used.
19th Jul 2019
The Incredibles (2004)
Question: How did Syndrome's plan to kill the Supers work practically? He sent them to the island to fight the Omnidroids, and they were either killed or defeated the robot. If they defeated the robot, he used that to improve his next model. But how did he get the Supers that defeated the Omnidroid to return to the island and fight another model? Can't use the same story again, that'd be suspicious.
Answer: Same way they got Mr. Incredible to come back, give them small missions to do (employ them basically) until the new droid is finished for testing and then lure them back for a supposed new mission and surprise them.
19th Jul 2019
The Incredibles (2004)
Question: What work does Mr Incredible actually do for Mirage after he's fired from Insuricare? There's the montage of him working out and getting a new car, supposedly from earning cash working for Mirage. But what was he actually doing for her? We never see it. He didn't fight any Omnidroids.
Answer: My impression was that he wasn't working at all. He got a large payment from them for fighting the first omnidroid. After that he simply pretended to go to work, when in fact he was spending his time getting in shape (and buying things).
16th Jul 2019
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)
Question: Why does Mola Ram only use the kids and not the adults from the Village for slave labor? Wouldn't using the adults benefit them much more? Does he just think that children make better workers than adults twice their size and strength?
Answer: Adults are much stronger and smarter, making them a liability to enslave and could more easily revolt or escape. Children are far easier to intimidate and control.
13th Jul 2019
Back to the Future Part II (1989)
Question: In Biff's casino Marty is escaping Biff and his goons - he goes into the stairwell and jumps from one stair to another. What I don't understand is how this stairwell works as it seems to be double, with 2 sets of stairs ending up on the same floor parallel to each other, one on one end and one at another but on the same floor. Does this even make sense? Can anyone tell me why a big building would have 2 sets of stairs in 1 stairwell going parallel and end up on the same floors? Any special name for this type of stairwell perhaps? I can't find anything on it.
Chosen answer: Your assumption is pretty much correct. There are 2 staircases spiralling around each other like a double helix. It is a fairly common way of constructing fire evacuation staircases as it allows a greater number of people to use them at the same time.
I see, so it's purely for fire escape reasons or more to handle overflow capacity in general?
10th Jul 2019
Aquaman (2018)
Question: How did Atlantis evolve in 5 seconds? We are shown Atlantis being destroyed in under a minute, the entire area is underwater, how did they all suddenly breathe underwater? How did they sleep whilst they built underwater, did they just bob about like jellyfish? Why not head to land...and finally how did humans turn into crabs in under 2000 years?
Answer: People survived the fall. Atlantis was destroyed and many Atlanteans were killed but a lot survived the devastation and with their advanced technology were able to keep living and building in Atlantis. Some didn't, chose other methods, different homes. At first they used technology to breathe underwater but eventually they either evolved or developed themselves into water breathing creatures. The Crab people were Atlanteans first as well, but evolved themselves in more hostile territory, causing more elaborate changes.
1st Jul 2019
Enemy at the Gates (2001)
30th Jun 2019
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Question: Why did Rocket deliberately hide the fact that he knew where Thanos was? Cap told Tony they couldn't find him but Rocket detected him two days ago.
Answer: They detected an energy surge that they suspect to be Thanos 2 days ago. Tony and Nebula had only just returned and Nebula confirms to them that's where Thanos is. Rocket didn't hide anything, they just hesitated to act on it.
Cap told Tony that they had done various forms of searches and scans and they didn't know where he was. So they didn't know. So it wasn't a matter of "hesitating to act." "Hesitating to act" is also out of character of all the heroes and makes no sense that if they did all that searching only to hesitate when they found him?
No no no. I mispronounced. Nebula tells them where he is, probably told Rocket on the spot where the planet was located and Rocket explains that an identical energy surge that occurred on Earth occurred there as well. They didn't know that was Thanos, they didn't look for it, it may have happened 2 days ago but they didn't notice it. Not until Nebula told them he is there, the energy surge simply confirms he is there and that he used the stones again. I do still think they hesitate, they got no plan, no confidence. They all feel defeated and unable to beat him. They just do all they know, react.
That's not what happened in the movie. Rocket announced the surge and what planet it was and Nebula confirmed it. Not "probably" the other way around. How could they not notice a power that strong? They aren't incompetent. Especially when half of the universe is destroyed. Who else is going to create that? No plan, no confidence? They have Stormbreaker and it stood up to the power of the stones. To the point Thanos had to run and hide. Cap America has never been one to simply "react" when he has time to create a plan. Even if, as you said, all they know is react...You just said they hesitated. Which one is it? They had almost a month. Lastly, again why are they searching for Thanos, if they are defeated and without a plan? what were the expecting to happen when they found him? Send him a postcard?
They wanted revenge, they are the Avengers after all. The plan was to take the stones, but they aren't sure if they could since they failed the last time and Thanos is pretty much unstoppable with all stones, so they are hesitant. Thanos didn't run and hide from Stormbreaker, he just retired and prepared to destroy the stones, he could have turned Stormbreaker into bubbles. Nebula first said she knew where Thanos was, in the next scene Rocket tells about the planet and the power surge there. He talks about it because Nebula told him that's the right planet. Captain Marvel convinces them to just act right now, so they go there. They don't have anything else anymore.
Thanos took an axe to the chest. He isn't unstoppable. "The plan was to take the stones, but they aren't sure if they could..." that's not a plan. Thor had the ability to kill Thanos in his hands. They just needed to find him and take his head off. Thanos couldn't turn Stormbreaker into bubbles. He didn't do it when it was coming at him the first time. Nebula said he had a plan for retirement. Not where exactly. All of this is pointless. I figured it out. Two days is how long it took for that energy surge to reach Earth and be detected. Much like any other interstellar event. When we finally see it, it happened in the past.
I said this before on this website, Thor caught him by surprise, probably the last time anyone could. Thanos had only just gotten the stones and was distracted. We don't know how much power he really has when he had all 6 of them (not as much as in the comics) but I'm pretty sure that if you can eradicate half of all life in the universe you can destroy a simple little axe with them as well. Nebula said she knew exactly where he is, even named the planet. Rocket said there was another power surge 2 days ago, not that it took 2 days to detect the surge.
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Answer: Being regular humans without powers or highly advanced technology, they may not have been able to fight properly against Thanos' forces.
Neither did the Asgardians.
The Asgardians were there and they are superhumans.
The average Asgardians are all established to be vastly stronger, more powerful and faster than humans. Their soldiers even more so.
The remaining Asgardians were there.
Anastasios Anastasatos