
Question: In the end of the film, the Collector says to himself "One down, five to go." Does he have intentions for the Infinity Stones as well? Or is he just trying to collect them all, being that he is "The Collector?"

Answer: As his name suggests, he is just a collector and his ambitions don't go much further than that. Although it possible with all 6 he might use them to collect even more powerful objects.


25th Jun 2018

The Avengers (2012)

Question: In the helicarrier, Loki tricks Thor into the plastic cell; Loki then ejects the pod. If Thor is pretty much a god, meaning immortal, how could the fall kill him?

Answer: So it should first be stated that in the film, Thor's strength and power are considerable reduced compared to the comics (along with others like the Hulk and Loki). Presumably so there can be some suspense. In the comics Thor survived a blast from a nuke designed to destroy an entire planet and he fought a guy on the Sun. In the movies, neither Thor or Loki should be considered immortal, or even invulnerable (Loki even tells Thor "The humans think us immortal"). Asgardians were shown to die in battle, giving the viewer the thought that Thor could also die. However, even in the film, it's unlikely that the fall would have killed him but that he would have been crushed by the concrete and steel of the cage crashing down on him when it landed. Of course, Thor didn't really want to find out if that would happen. And Loki basically implied he didn't really know what would happen to Thor after the fall.


Yep, in the movies the asgardians are simply a very powerful alien species, like Kryptonians. They are tough and hardly age but they are not immortal.


Answer: In the comics, Asgard is a different dimension. Asgardians are immortal on Earth, however, they CAN be killed on Asgard. Since the Cinematic continuity is different from the comics, this probably hasn't been put to the test yet, and one can see why Thor wouldn't want to be the first to do so.

Captain Defenestrator

Answer: Loki's plan was to drive the avengers apart and keep them from being a threat. He never says he wants to kill Thor. He even jokes about "testing" the fact that the humans believe Asgardians to be immortal. Ultimately, Loki just wants Thor out of the way.

7th Jun 2004

Resident Evil (2002)

Question: Is the reanimation of dead people the purpose of the virus, or an unforeseen side effect? If it's a side effect, what was the original purpose of the T-Virus?

Answer: Actually the T-Virus was originally meant as a cure for a genetic disorder that Dr. Ashford and James Marcus daughters suffered from. The reanimation was a side effect and James Marcus was killed by Dr. Alexander Isaacs so he could take control of it and turn it into a bio-weapon.


Answer: The original virus was a "Fountain of Youth" type of thing. Reviving dead cells so the host would stay young. It was so powerful that it reanimated the dead.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: Wait, wasn't the original virus meant to control the scientists daughters genetic disease, not an eternal life serum.

22nd Oct 2017

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

Show generally

Question: When SG-1 travels to alien planets they always experience earth like gravity. Shouldn't they be experiencing different gravity on different planets?

Answer: Basically, if a planet has the same mass and size, it will have the same gravity. Since the Stargates were placed on habitable planets, it's likely they placed them on planets with the same gravity. Even if the planet's varied in mass or size, a planet's gravity in relations to Earth can be calculated as m/r^2where m is the planet's mass compared to Earth's mass and r2 is the planet's radius (compared to Earth's) squared. So if a planet had 50% the mass and 70% radius of Earth, gravity would be 0.5/0.7^2 which would be 1.02 times the gravity of Earth (or roughly the same).

Answer: Goldilock zone.

What does this answer have to do with the question?

Nothing, just someone trying to be clever.


Question: Why did Ripper bite Vernon's leg? Did he think he was inflating Marge, or was Harry using his magic to control the dog into doing it?


Answer: Ripper is just a mean dog and badly raised by Marge (who is a dog breeder).


Answer: That, and he was also instinctively protecting his awful mistress.

Plus some dogs are just nasty and bite for the sake of it.


8th Jun 2018

The Avengers (2012)

Question: On the helicarrier, when everyone is having an argument Steve says to Stark, "I have seen the footage." What footage is he referring to?

Answer: Probably referring to moments caught on camera where Iron Man was in action, like at the F1 race track when he was attacked by Vanko.


Answer: It could be carefully selected bits of Tony at his worst moments, like when he was a hard drinking irresponsible party animal.


Question: When Anakin reports to Mace Windu that Palpatine is a Sith Lord, Why didn't Windu consult Yoda and the other Jedi such as Obi-Wan before facing Palpatine? It would've been a backup or reinforcements kind of thing.


Answer: Yoda was on Kashyyyk helping the Wookies and Obi-Wan was on Utapau engaging General Grievous. Mace Windu did bring three other jedi with him, he thought he had enough backup. Obviously he misjudged but the Jedi were spread thin throughout the galaxy and Windu had limited choices.


Well he didn't misjudge his ability to defeat Sidious, as he did. He misjudged Anakin.


This is true. You could even argue that he didn't misjudge Anakin, he told Anakin to stay behind knowing his feelings would be conflicted but Anakin disobeyed.


Well he knew there was conflict inside Anakin but he misjudged the level of conflict, or the fact Anakin was basically already a Sith.This new information meant too much for Windu in such a short time, his duty got in the way, he felt it absolutely necessary to do it quickly. If only he had waited and taken his time to connect the dots. So many dots.


The idea that Sidious was beaten by Windu is up for debate. Sidious needed Anakin to do something big to fully succumb to the dark side. He knew Anakin was coming and in my opinion, was acting defeated to force Anakin to choose. Mace was naive and arrogant and assumed Sidious was beaten, when in reality, it was a show.

Windu is supposed to be the best lightsaber duellist around, even better than Yoda. I don't believe for a second Sidious was allowing Windu to beat him. Anakin showing up was his gamble, if he hadn't then Sidious would be dead.


Sidious would have sensed the conflict in Anakin and knew that the temptation would force him (no pun intended) to go and intervene.

I think it's worth mentioning that almost everyone on the Jedi Council and most of the Jedi masters were on the front lines when Mace Windu confronts Palpatine, so Kit Fisto and co. were probably the only help he could get? Palpatine may have even orchestrated events so most of the strongest Jedi were away from Coruscant in the first place (so they could more easily be dispatched by Order 66).

The entire war was Palpatine's way of spreading the Jedi thin.


Answer: Possibly the Jedi have the dark side of the force clouding their judgements.

Question: Why doesn't anyone ever destroy the stones? What purpose do they serve other than no one person should have them?


Answer: "Doctor Strange" demonstrates that the Infinity Stones are useful in the most dire of situations, when Strange used the Time Stone to prevent Dormammu from taking over the Earth. It's also possible that some of the stones are indestructible. Wanda is able to temporarily destroy the Mind Stone by using her own powers, but the Power Stone will destroy any being that doesn't possess the strength to wield it, and the Reality Stone is shown to have a will of its own and defended itself when it bonded with Jane Foster.


Also, in the comics, if the stones are destroyed they will simply be replaced by something else or even stones again. They represent the existence of the universe and cannot be destroyed for real. Always only temporarily.


Question: Why do the soldiers (Mellish and Reiben) air kiss when they talk about sleep in the church scene?

Answer: Mellish was pulling his chain with the comment about his mom before. The air kisses were meant to be sarcastic.


Question: How did the single souls on the boats die? Did they also die by drowning at sea like the others swimming in the water and why are they in individual boats? Are they special souls?

Answer: They died at sea or their bodies were dropped in the sea (like Elizabeth's father). These are the souls that are at peace with their deaths and are being transported calmly to the other end, opposed to ones in the water who are not at peace and supposed to be escorted by Davey Jones to find it.


24th May 2018

Shrek 2 (2004)

Question: Was the fairy godmother the one who cast the ogre spell on Fiona?

Answer: In the first movie Fiona says that it was a witch that cast the spell on her when she was a little girl.

That witch could have been the fairy godmother disguised as a witch.

Fairy godmother is a witch too.

Answer: Possibly. It's confirmed the fairy godmother locked her in that tower, and her son Prince Charming was supposed to go there and kiss her so she would not transform into an ogre anymore. However the curse worked in reverse and the fairy godmother told Fiona she was still cursed because she was still an ogre. But it is never stated she put the curse on her.


Answer: My theory is that the fairy godmother turned Fiona into an ogre for her son, Prince Charming, to marry her later on to become king. Harold was a frog when he fell in love with Lillian, so he asked the fairy godmother to turn him into a human. In return, the fairy godmother asked for Fiona to be locked up in a tower and await Prince Charming. It was a "favor for a favor" scenario. It is not sure who cast the spell on her, witch or fairy godmother, but the fairy godmother was the one to lock her away in a tower.

So, Fiona would've been born before Harold ever married Lillian?

No, it was an exchange "I give you access to the love of your life, you give me your firstborn daughter's hand in marriage to my son" kind of deal.

23rd May 2018

Black Panther (2018)

Question: Did Erik know that Zuri was his Uncle James before Zuri told him he was the one responsible for his death?

Answer: Well he's not literally an uncle to Killmonger, but rather he saw him as a surrogate uncle when he was a kid because he was always by his father's side.


And yes, he did know.


27th Nov 2004

The Thing (1982)

Question: So what happen to the two guys at the end of the movie? Are there any stories about them in the PC game or an alternate ending or something like that?

Answer: The Game shows Child's frozen body where we last saw him in the movie (Whether he is a thing lying dormant or not, we never find out) There is a comic book series that continues where the movie left off, where MacCready and child's are rescued by another research team on a ship. And it is discovered that Childs was in fact a Thing, spawning a whole new generation of things among the team.

Can you tell me what comic book series that is? I'd like to read it.


The comic series is called The Thing From Another World, just like the original movie from the 50's. It was published by Dark Horse comics. Besides some decent artwork, especially on the covers, the series isn't very good and actually contradicts the movie in a few areas.


Thanks! I read it, it's not bad.


Answer: No one knows what happened. They had no transport and couldn't make radio contact, so very likely they froze to death. If one or both are Things, then they just went dormant until rescue shows up. There is nothing in the game or on the DVD that answers this for sure. BTW It's very hotly debated amongst Thing fans, that Childs is a thing because you cannot see his breath in the cold. (It's very difficult to tell if you can or not because of the scene's lighting).

Grumpy Scot

Answer: Just to add to the other answers, I actually saw an interview with Keith David recently where he explained that it was purposely shot to be ambiguous. They shot two different versions of the scene - one where they played the scene as though neither was the thing... and another where they acted more suspicious of one another. And they built the scene out of the footage they had. He also debunked the popular fan theory about how you couldn't see Childs' breath being a hint... he explained that the way the scene was blocked, the air around him was slightly warmer than it was around Kurt Russell due to the fire and the debris around them - hence you just couldn't see his breath while you could see Russell's, who was about 5 or so feet away. (Not to mention you can actually see a little bit of his breath once or twice.) It wasn't a conscious decision to try to hint that Childs might be the thing. The scene really is just meant to be super ambiguous and unexplained.


Answer: It's a 1969 Pontiac Custom S.


Answer: According to Internet sources, it's a 1968 Pontiac Firebird.


Question: I was just wondering why the Death Eaters were so eager for the Dark Lord to return, but the moment he's resurrected (which happens in this film and in the book), they are suddenly really afraid of him. I mean they go on and on about how they can't wait for him to return but the moment he does, it's almost like they wish he hadn't e.g. the scene in this film in the graveyard where Voldemort calls out Lucius Malfoy or the scene at the start of "The Deathly Hallows part 1" where they're all having a meeting at Malfoy Manor and Voldemort is walking and talking amongst them and they're all fearful of him.

Answer: Voldemort works on fear and hate. His minions are full of that. They hate muggles and wish they could dominate them, to crush their world. Voldemort promised them that, so they follow him, to reach that goal since he is a powerful dark wizard with followers and the ambition to go as far as he can. But Voldemort likes people being afraid of him, even his minions, so he is harsh on them, punishes any tiny mistake severely, does cruel things to them. So they fear him, are very submissive in his presence because of his cruelty and magic prowess. but he does lead them to their ultimate goal.


6th May 2018

The Truman Show (1998)

Question: I've always wondered why the actors (and Truman) wear 1950's style clothing even though the movie was filmed in 1998. Does Truman believe he's living in the fifties?

Answer: He wouldn't have known he was driving a modern car since his world consisted of whatever was brought in for him.

Well 50's looks includes 50's technology. If he really thought he lived in the 50's a 90's car would seem out of place. He doesn't get shown much from the real world but surely they have car magazines, kitchen appliances, gardening tools. Can't keep it all 50's. Plus, they want to sell stuff they have in the show, but 50's cars aren't made anymore and wouldn't be made specifically for the show, so they have modern technology. Therefor, he knows its the 90's. I'm sure he was taught proper history at school as well.


Everything in his world is fabricated to what the shows producers want him to believe. If they are able to build a set that is visible from space, surely having magazines from the 50s or having him taught in 50s format is not impossible.


Might be possible. But do you think Truman believes he is in the 50's? What kind of history did they teach him? Surely they can't censor domestic and world politics (like elections) and natural disaster events, which requires images to see. Sure they censor the studio, but they can't keep all images from the outside world away from him. Besides, I just put in a movie mistake myself that shows they at last have taught him world history the proper way.


I didn't put the mistake in as the Truman show can take place in the future. What I found out that there is a scene of Truman as a kid in school and the teacher pulls down a map of the world, a 90's map. So they do teach him proper history. And since its a 90's map the Truman show takes place in the future and its the 2010's or something. But it shows Truman knows in what era he lives.


Answer: It's all part of the set of the fictional show that Truman is unwittingly a part of. The '50s were viewed (by some) as a wholesome, uncomplicated time, so it makes sense that the show's producers would choose it for their wholesome, uncomplicated show. And if Truman did believe it was the 1950s, well, why not? He has no outside frame of reference.

Well, he did drive a modern car.


Which is irrelevant. Truman wouldn't know the difference. A modern car was likely one of the many product-placement deals the show had.

Again though, during the segment where they look back at Truman's ambitions to become an explorer they show a world map which is accurate for the time. Also, it would be impossible to convince him anything in the world is different even if they would control the news and TV shows (history books), what about elections for example?


Answer: You need to think outside the box. you know 50s stuff is different and modern appliances would stand out but for Truman, it doesn't. Magazines, TV broadcasts etc would all be controlled by the director so he has no reference to question that anything is out of place or "not of that era." To him, its not different.


Answer: Dude how are you not getting this? They can tell him anything they want. He doesn't have any form of reference to say it's out of place. His entire world is what they've told him since he was a baby. They can tell him it's 2020 but still have 1950s equipment. To Truman, that's 2020 equipment. He doesn't know about all the advances since them. You, me and all the viewers know its out of era but Truman doesn't since he's grown up with it being relevant to whatever year theyve told him it is.

Are you talking to me? if you are, what are you rambling about? The question was if Truman believed he was in the 50's. I argued he didn't. That's all. According to you that's true even. Relax.

Answer: They created his world: the clothing, cars, electronics, everything around him is conceived by the producers of the show. You see some people dresses like the 50's and some like the 80's, and then his TV is 50's but the cars are 90's. He doesn't have a frame of reference so it seems normal to him.

Question: When Tyranus incapacitates Skywalker and Kenobi, why didn't Dooku kill Anakin and Obi-Wan when he had the chance?


Answer: Well in the case of Anakin it's simple, since Dooku was under orders from Darth Sidious not to kill him, as Sidious saw him as a potential Sith apprentice. Obi-Wan, could be several reasons. It could simply be that Dooku held them alive as hostages because he knew Yoda was coming. It's also possible Obi-Wan is part of the Sidious' plan to keep Anakin's training stable and on schedule so he can be turned. If Anakin got a new master or went rogue he might be harder to turn. It's also possible Dooku didn't want to waste time with Obi-Wan, as he didn't see him as a threat.


Do you have any evidence of this?


Of Dooku not being allowed to kill Anakin? Of course. Darth Sidious has had his eye on Anakin since Naboo when he met him as a young child, feeling the power he has. Since then he has been training him, teaching him, influencing him to go to the dark side. Obviously he doesn't want any harm to come to him. So, Dooku was not allowed to kill Anakin. Either Dooku himself saw Anakin as a potential Sith (considering his dialogue with Anakin during their final duel) and apprentice or Dooku was told by Sidious not to kill Anakin but try to persuade him to switch sides. As for Obi-wan its like I said, just speculations. Perhaps someone else can elaborate better, perhaps take it to the Forum? I can open a book or 2 about this, but better in the Forum than as a reply here.


What's the source of this? Is it from the Novel?


No I got this information from watching the movies. It's just logical conclusions to the events that lead up to the final Dooku vs Anakin duel. Dooku didn't expect to kill Anakin, but turn him. This is the reason he incapacitates Obi-Wan and starts talking to Anakin. But again, maybe a conversation for the Forum.


But how did Sidious know that Anakin and Obi wan would fight Tyranus?


When? On Geonosis? He didn't know, Palpatine didn't know all Dooku was doing on that planet whilst he secured the start of the war, but he knew Obi-Wan and Anakin would go after him, knowing he is a Sith. The events at Geonosis with the Jedi and the clone troops came a bit early for Palpatine I suspect, but proved to be working for his plans rather than against it. He wanted Dooku to reveal himself as a Sith to Obi-Wan and Anakin of course. Obi-Wan had some experience fighting Sith and Anakin was eager to prove himself, knowing that, Palpatine took the necessary measures to make sure Anakin wasn't killed, and probably didn't care much for Obi-wan's fate come to think of it. It's likely Dooku didn't see Anakin's potential until he fought him either, immediately understanding (but not fully) why his master wanted him to live.


Question: When Harry became the champion, why did Dumbledore get mad? I know in the book, he doesn't get mad, he asks Harry calmly. Why did the screenwriters change this?


Answer: It's typical for scenes taken from a book to be depicted a bit differently in a film adaptation. Movies are visual and in this instance, the filmmakers were going for a more dramatic, ramped-up effect. Dumbledore was never mad at Harry, but upset by the turn of events and he had to be certain Harry was not in any way involved.


Answer: He's not mad per se, he is concerned that Harry did it himself and that he put himself in danger. He felt it was careless of him to do that, that's why he asked so furiously.


Question: After she finds out that her father's dead, Elizabeth looks absolutely devastated and Will asks Tia Dalma if there is a way. What exactly does Tia say in reply? And why can't she bring back Elizabeth's father from the dead like she brought back Barbossa?

Answer: She says that he is at peace. It's probably possible that she could bring him back, but he doesn't want to go back.

Greg Dwyer

If she would bring him back, he will be very distraught and not be able to live on normally. He'd probably go insane and commit suicide.


Answer: Tia Dalma (Calypso) brought Barbossa back only because she needed him as part of her plan to escape her corporeal form. The Pirate Lords had imprisoned her in a human body, and only they, which included Barbossa and Jack Sparrow, could release her. There was no reason for her to bring Elizabeth's father back from the dead, particularly as he is at peace and will be reunited with his dead wife.


Answer: He has no concept of money and simply cannot budget at all. Therefore it is likely he squandered his money.


Answer: Scientists actually hardly make any money. Raj is almost fully supported by his parents to live like he lives.


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