Question: Why couldn't Constantine hide the spear himself?
4th Mar 2016
Constantine (2005)
25th Feb 2016
The Dark Knight (2008)
Question: How did Ramirez know who the DNA on the Joker card belonged to (the commissioner, the judge, and Dent), considering that their DNA would have had to be in the system for comparative analysis? My understanding is that only criminals are in the system. The obvious answer is she had insider information but the bigger question is why would Gordon or any respectable police agency not question this fact?
Answer: It's possible that the Gotham Police Department works differently and most citizens of Gotham are in the system. It's also quite common that everybody involved with the police (commissioners, and former policemen included) has a DNA sample taken in case of accidental crime scene contagion. The judge could be in the system simply because she had her DNA taken as a youth for a small offence.
23rd Feb 2016
Alien Vs. Predator (2004)
Question: At the very end, how did the predators not know that their wounded rescuee had an alien inside of him? After all, he was able to see one inside Miller before he was shot by Alexa.
Answer: They simply didn't scan their fallen comrade for a xenomorph. Mostly because he was wearing his mask and they didn't know he had taken it off and been incubated.
3rd Feb 2016
Jurassic Park III (2001)
Question: In the end, the Pterosaurs fly away from Isla Sorna for a new home. Where on Earth would they go and wouldn't they attack and kill any human or animal there?
Answer: The island was located west of Costa Rica in the pacific so its likely they are headed for the Americas or Galapagos islands. They won't likely start hunting on animals and humans as they are thought to be fish eaters and thus would stay near the coast and avoid contact with land animals, especially predators. The reason they attack the humans in the bird cage is because of malnutrition and captivity related stress.
11th Sep 2015
G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013)
28th Sep 2015
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
Question: Thor discovers the underground tunnel and fights a couple of Ultron Sentries there. As soon as he defeats them, he suddenly throws his hammer upward and leaves. Why?
Chosen answer: Thor was back down in the fortress, along with Black Widow and Bruce. He was trying to find what Ultron was building. But, it was located in the city and Thor left once he found out there was nothing there.
17th Jun 2015
General questions
Trying to remember the name of a movie possibly from the 90's. Don't have much memory other than robbers breaking into a family home but turns out that the family are murderers and they have some people locked in a room, tied to beds, tortured. People may be disfigured or it may be from the torture?
Answer: Could be "The people under the stairs" from 1991.
Question: This actually applies to the whole trilogy: Does anyone know why Tolkien named it after the leading villain, especially when the third part's subtitle refers to Aragorn, and Sauron's return had taken place in the first movie?
Answer: The title doesn't refer to any person, it refers specifically to the ring itself. "Lord of the RingS" 'rings' is plural, so it refers to the one ring that was forged to rule over the other rings. "One ring to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them."
Answer: The title refers to the struggle middle-earth undergoes when Sauron is defeated and his ring is taken by someone else. Instead of destroying it and thus destroying Sauron, Isildur took it as his own, becoming the new lord of the ring. The problem of Sauron returning was caused by Isildur's greed and the one ring's attempts to return to its true lord. So the title refers to the ring itself and whoever masters it, not Sauron specifically.
5th Mar 2015
Jurassic Park (1993)
Question: How long would it take for some of the bigger dinosaurs to reach their size? Was there any indication (movie or book) how long the Jurassic Park project was going on before everyone came to the island? It seems many of the larger ones were adults and that it would take decades to get that size, yet the park wasn't fully ready (Hammond mentions rides coming on 6-12 months) after all that time?
Chosen answer: The breeding and growing of the animals, as explained in the second movie, took place on a different island. It's never mentioned how long it takes for the larger specimens to full grow, but it could indeed take a decade but I'm sure they used all kinds of genetic manipulation to accelerate the growth, or else Hammond would not witness it all in his lifetime. The Island with the park was only later utilised for that purpose, long after most of their animals had already fully grown. Also told in the second movie Hammond experimented with different ideas for a park before, like building an amphitheater in San Diego. So the park was fairly new.
Answer: The park project was initiated about 4-5 years before Grant and the others visited the island. All the dinosaurs were genetically modified with increased growth and development hormones. It took most species 3-4 years to mature. Roughly 0.1% of specimens survived. There were roughly 280 dinosaurs on the island. 238 were accounted for by the system. Source: Novel.
29th Jan 2015
Independence Day (1996)
Question: Several times near the end of the movie, there is a biker type man. He is wearing some Harley Davidson clothing and a black leather cap. He is one of the pilots. He stands out if he is just an extra. Is he anyone famous?
Answer: In the book of the same name, this man is called "Pig". He was a test pilot during the Vietnam War. He played a crucial role in training the new pilots.
Answer: He is just an extra, who just happens to be in more shots then the other extras. He is not more famous than the other extras.
2nd Mar 2014
Alien Resurrection (1997)
Question: If Ripley was operated on and an alien removed a few days ago, how come they have a fully grown queen who is laying eggs, 8 to be precise as there are 8 people who have been ingested and turned into aliens? But later, when most of the crew have ejected successfully or been killed when a hand grenade was thrown into their escape pod along with an alien, one of the scientists says there are 12 more? How can that be?
Chosen answer: Well firstly the queen was probably genetically engineered, like Ripley herself. A few days might be all the time they need to have a fully grown queen created. Secondly the 8 incubated victims were only the latest batch, they had been incubating people with xenomorphs for quite a time I suspect.
With regards to the quick growth of the alien queen, it is standard for the xenomorph in nearly every film they appear (Aliens is the only exception, the only chestburster shown in the film is quickly killed by Apone) to grow to full size in around one day. Presumably the same is true for the queen.
20th Sep 2013
World War Z (2013)
Question: After escaping South Korea, Gerry calls his wife. But the call is interrupted with a sudden huge explosion nearby, cutting off the signal. Is this explosion supposed to signify the base they were just at or something, or just a random explosion in the world below?
Answer: The explosion is supposed to be somewhere else as the plane is already underway when he calls. Also, the explosion is not that random as it's a nuclear blast (from accidental explosion or maybe an attack), meaning most likely not the base, as there were no nuclear weapons there, nor any reason to attack it.
15th Jun 2010
Shutter Island (2010)
Question: The children in Teddy's hallucinations were bloody but they died by drowning. Is this just an inference to Andrew's guilt that his children's "blood is on his hands" because he didn't seek treatment for Dolores' mental illness? Or is it Scorsese being overly dramatic and adding a lot of blood where it doesn't belong? Also, how exactly did Andrew kill Dolores? Did he use his service revolver, even though we don't hear the shot?
Chosen answer: I think the recurring blood comes from the blood of his wife when he killed her. there was a lot of blood you see, in his psychosis that means a lot and has taken over a large part of his hallucinations, just like Dachau camp. Yes, he did shoot his wife Dolores, in the belly. You can see it in the end of the movie.
8th Feb 2010
Ocean's Twelve (2004)
Question: How did Benedict have time to visit all of Ocean's 11 without them informing each other? (That is, only Danny should have been surprised to see Benedict.) He had to travel to Connecticut, Utah, Miami, London, New Jersey, Chicago, New York, New Orleans, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles. As soon as Danny knew, he was on the phone (presumably calling the others).
Answer: He probably warned all of them not to contact any of the others or there will be consequences. They all seemed very scared when they met with him, so they all didn't dare to. Except for Danny, who probably did not get warned.
Answer: I think they probably agreed they wouldn't contact each other in case there was an emergency, but would meet up at a secret location. Probably for the same reason that Danny and Tess had a secret code in case of an emergency.
22nd Jun 2009
Heroes (2006)
Question: What exactly have The Company been doing with Adam during his thirty year incarceration? Experimentation of some sort?
Chosen answer: I don't think they experimented on him. He was too dangerous to have constant visit from anyone. So they just kept him locked up.
7th May 2009
Heroes (2006)
Question: What was Bob Bishop hoping to gain by keeping Peter in containment? Was it to simply stop him from causing any further harm to himself and other people? Also, he must have known it would be a risk putting him in a cell next to Adam Monroe? Furthermore, was Angela Petrelli aware of Peter's incarceration? What would she have made of it?
Chosen answer: Angela Petrelli was not the company leader, Bob was. So its safe to asume the Angela didn't know about Peter's incarceration. As for the plan, well i think it's pretty much the same as Adam Monroe, keep him locked up forever without powers. And no, I don't think they figured it was risky to put him next to Adam, as the cells are supposed to be sealed tightly.
14th Jun 2009
Heroes (2006)
One of Us, One of Them - S3-E3
Question: Can't The German use his power to simply rip off the door of the vault instead of opening it via the combination?
Chosen answer: The German's powers could be limited in ways of heaviness of the metal he is manipulating. Meaning the door could be too heavy for him to rip off.
9th May 2009
Heroes (2006)
How to Stop an Exploding Man - S1-E23
Question: How was Peter able to communicate with Charles Deveaux even though he's been dead for some time?
Chosen answer: Charles Deveaux had super powers. It could very well be his powers made it possible for Peter to communicate with him.
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Chosen answer: Constantine feared its power in the wrong hands. He considers himself the wrong hands. The power of the spear combined with his own powers would be very dangerous indeed, so he can't know where the spear is.