16th Nov 2017
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
13th Nov 2017
Iron Man (2008)
Question: What are the Mark 1 armor plates made of? Would they really provide any protection against bullets? I mean they're just one or two millimeters thick.
Answer: The mark-1 appears to be made of repurposed military armor. This would provide enough protection from the AKs as the armor is layered, but not indefinitely.
Answer: It's made from a iron-copper-magnesium alloy. Magnesium alloys are lightweight like aluminum, but strong like titanium. His suit may be bullet resistant to small caliber rounds, but unlikely to stop larger caliber rounds from piercing it at its thickness, unless he layered the inside with something else. Most metal armor (like on tanks) work by deflecting bullets because of the slant of the armor, which Tony may have incorporated into his suit.
I doubt it would offer protection against black tip bullets since black tip bullets are armor piercing rounds.
Answer: Tony Stark mentions in the movie the armor is made of a titanium-gold alloy. Its a very strong alloy that can stop a bullet.
11th Nov 2017
Saving Private Ryan (1998)
Question: What kind of explosive were they putting in the socks when making the sticky bomb?
Answer: They say they have enough Composition-B (RDX and TNT) to blow the bridge twice, but when they take the explosives to put into the socks the crates say TNT. So its either Comp-B or TNT that they use.
10th Nov 2017
Saving Private Ryan (1998)
Question: Could you really use tracer rounds in the type of machine guns the Germans were firing during the Normandy scene at the beginning of the movie, as seems to be the case?
Answer: Absolutely. There were tracer rounds in ammo belts for the MG42.
Could you fire incendiary rounds as well?
Yes, an MG42 can fire incendiary rounds.
10th Nov 2017
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
Question: In a scene with Rogers, Erskine describes the serum as "good becomes great, bad becomes worse." At the time (as revealed on his medical sheet at the start), he had several things like heart conditions and asthma. Wouldn't these be made worse by the serum?
Answer: No what Erskine meant were personality traits, not physical traits.
6th Nov 2017
Iron Man (2008)
Question: How did the ten rings the make the two vehicles explode in the scene where the attack Tony and the military? I didn't see any missiles hit them.
Answer: The Ten Rings terrorists probably had C4 explosive buried under the road and exploded them remotely when the vehicles went over them. The terrorists had planned this assault far ahead.
Answer: It's important to remember that Obediah Stane was secretly supplying the terrorists with cutting-edge military technology produced by Stark Industries (much of it invented by Tony Stark himself). The terrorists didn't need "improvised" explosive devices, because they were using state-of-the-art Stark Industries equipment and ordnance. In fact, just a moment before he is mortally wounded by the anti-personnel explosive, Tony is horrified to see "Stark Industries" printed on the bomb casing.
Answer: The lead vehicle most likely ran over an IED (improvised explosive device) that would have been buried in the road like a landmine. It's also possible the IED was remotely triggered by the terrorist waiting to ambush the group.
6th Nov 2017
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)
Question: When Harry looks into Voldemort's mind after the diadem is destroyed, Voldemort, having felt that a Horcrux was destroyed kills one of his followers (then later kills Snape). Would the killing of more people have helped Voldemort at all or was his body still only preserved by Nagini and Harry being the last remaining Horcruxes?
Answer: The soul is torn each time someone commits a murder. But one has to put a torn piece in an object for it to be preserved, so simply killing people doesn't help Voldemort.
Answer: Killing more people would not have had any effect on Voldemort. It's not that his body is being preserved, but his soul, which had been divided into eight pieces (with one left in his own body) and each stored in various objects. The soul could only be divided so many times, as each division causes damage to it. He could not have divided it yet again by murdering more people.
2nd Nov 2017
Jurassic World (2015)
Question: Do they clone the great white sharks that are fed to the mosasaurus? Great whites are endangered, and it's difficult to see the park getting away with using an endangered species as fodder for an exhibit.
Answer: Most likely yes, the great whites are cloned, raised in captivity, and used as a food source. They can clone extinct animals, living ones may be a lot easier.
Answer: It was never explained how they obtained the monosaurus' food, but it was likely fed a variety of fish, reptiles, etc. Even if they cloned great whites, it would be extremely difficult, it not impossible, to raise and keep that many in captivity. Sharks need specific environmental conditions to survive, including the need to keep constantly moving, otherwise they will die. The amount and cost of all the food it would take to feed all the feeder sharks would probably be more than what the monosaurus eats. The fact that a great white shark is shown appears to be an inside nod to Steven Spielberg's earliest movie hit, "Jaws."
True but Colin Trevorrow mentioned how he was worried if it would come across as a jab to Steven's Jaws, which wasn't his intention at all.
Answer: It's possible they breed these animals or that they are indeed cloned much like the same way the dinosaurs are cloned. But perhaps, since this is a different reality, the great white might not be endangered anymore in this movie.
Answer: I'm pretty sure sharks are not the only things being fed to the dinosaur.
28th Oct 2017
It (2017)
Question: When Pennywise is eating Stan's face, why is it he never killed him? Stan was scared enough to be eaten and we saw Pennywise bite Georgie's arm off easily enough, so what took him so long with Stan?
Answer: I read the books and have seen both movies. The only thing I can think is that when Pennywise as the Crooked Lady was biting Stan's face he was exposing him to the Dead-lights. In the book I believe this happens and Bill jumps in front and does the whole ritual of Chud thing. This would also set up in IT chapter 2 why Stan is so scared of Pennywise forever after and if you have not read the book, I won't spoil it, but causes Stan to exit stage left early in act two, if you get my meaning. Hope this helps.
That's true, they show it that way for Part 2, to have it be different for Stan since he got closer than anyone, like they did in the 90's movie. But that wasn't the question. Also, Pennywise shows everyone he kills his deadlights doesn't he? I haven't read the book btw. I don't know how Pennywise drawing power from their fear and Stan being the only one still afraid affected him in the book.
Answer: Its possible It was already weakened by the others not being afraid and Stan was his only source for power.
Answer: No, IT doesn't show every kid who got eaten by him the dead lights. Georgie never sees them and Beverly was caught in the dead lights, but she lived so even if someone got caught by them it doesn't mean they are dead.
31st Oct 2017
Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Question: Emma Marko told Flint that he was not allowed near Penny but why?
Answer: Because he is a criminal and she doesn't want him to be a bad influence on her.
31st Oct 2017
Saving Private Ryan (1998)
Question: Would making a sticky bomb using the method shown in the movie be possible in real life?
Answer: Yes, they could be possible. But making bombs like that are very dangerous to use so I wouldn't try it out. It's doubtful anything of the sorts were used during WWII, there already were pre-made sticky bombs around that worked a lot better.
31st Oct 2017
Saving Private Ryan (1998)
Question: How accurate is the Normandy invasion scene? Was the real battle as dramatic as shown in the movie?
Answer: Definitely, the scene was praised for its historical accuracy by veterans and WWII experts. Even the landing crafts were real. Not on all beaches this kind of resistance was happening though, like Utah beach.
Answer: The scene was no doubt mostly accurate and was praised as one of the most accurate depictions of World War II ever and even traumatised some veterans. However, there were some changes and some slight inaccuracies (most of it due to filming reasons). For instance the 'Dog One' exit is portrayed as a footpath whereas it was an actual road in reality. The beach in the film is much narrower beach than the real Omaha beach, this was because the real Omaha had the US cemetery and the surrounding area had changed significantly since the war. In any case filming permission on the beach itself was denied by French authorities (although filming in the cemetery was granted), so a similar looking beach in Ireland had to be used. The bunkers were also primarily used as observations posts and not machine gun nests as depicted. However, despite this, the depiction of the landing on Omaha is mostly accurate, and most of the errors mentioned were very minor.
31st Oct 2017
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)
Question: At the end when Fudge, Percy and the rest arrived at the ministry why did Voldemort leave, since none of them are powerful enough to harm him?
Answer: Some of the most powerful wizards arrived at the ministry along with Fudge, among them a lot of Aurors. They hunt dark wizards like Voldemort and together they are certainly powerful enough to harm him. Dumbledore was still there as well.
27th Oct 2017
Star Wars (1977)
Question: Who has higher authority, Vader, or Admiral Tarkin? It seems like they have equal authority over the galactic empire. Shouldn't Vader have authority over Tarkin? Vader is supposed to be the Emperor's second in command.
Answer: Vader and Tarkin are assigned to totally different jobs. I think of it sort of like if the head of the CIA were visiting a huge army base. Vader appears to be focused on thwarting the rebels (at this point mostly through intelligence gathering and identifying spies) while Tarkin supervises the construction of the Death Star, and since Vader's current mission is about the Death Star plans their assignments intertwine for the time being and it's like two departments working together. Vader may well have more favor with the Emperor, but he'll defer to Tarkin while he's in his jurisdiction, so to speak.
Answer: Vader isn't second in command of the Empire; he's the Emperor's apprentice, albeit a very powerful one. Vader isn't in the "chain of command" so to speak. He's more of a tool the Emperor uses.
Answer: Tarkin is the commander of the death star and thus the supreme leader of the Empire's armed forces. Vader is more of a specialist, high in rank but not in charge of the military by himself, but probably successor of the emperor unlike Tarkin. You could see it as Tarkin being Heinrich Himmler and Vader being Joseph Goebbels in terms of hierarchy.
28th Aug 2006
Men in Black (1997)
Question: When I watched both films in succession, I noticed the same person played both the man on desk at the morgue and Newton, the video store owner in the second film. Is there a reason for him being in both films?
Answer: David Cross plays Newton in both movies. In the first he is attacked by the Bug but survives and something went wrong with his neuralyzing as in the sequel he knows small things about the men in black like how they appear and he recognises the neuralyzer from his previous encounter with it, which isn't a coincidence. It appears J's neuralyzing of Newton did work and we don't see him in the 3rd movie (probably because he is in jail for the murder of his mother).
Answer: The person in question is actor/comedian David Cross. In the first MIB film, Cross is listed in the credits as "Morgue Attendant," and he ends up glued to the morgue ceiling, presumably killed by The Bug. If he had survived, the Men in Black would have certainly neuralized him, anyway, and he would have no memory of the alien encounter or the Men in Black. In MIB 2, David Cross is listed as "Newton" (the video store nerd) who apparently recognizes K, because K had asked Newton to reserve a videotape for him at some time in the past. K made this video request before he ever met J, and then K neuralized himself after leaving a trail of clues leading to the video store. Newton remembers K, so Newton hasn't been neuralized in years. Therefore, Newton in MIB2 cannot be the same character as the Morgue Attendant in MIB.
27th Oct 2017
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Question: Okay, so here is something that always bothered me, although I really like the Elves at Helm's Deep: how in Arda did they get there so quickly? Elrond and Galadriel decide to send the Elven army to the Hornburg during the telepathic conversation-scene, in which there's also footage of the Uruk-hai marching towards Helm's Deep, because, indeed, they have already departed. The Elves that Elrond and Galadriel send are from Lothlórien, they are Galadhrim, and they arrive at Helm's Deep quite some time before the Uruks do, despite a) Lothlórien being significantly further away from Helm's Deep than Isengard, and b) leaving after the Isengard army did. Just, how? I am not buying some random Galadhrim army just happened to be nearby, as it doesn't make any sense for them to be, especially considering the fact that Sauron was attacking Lórien at the time, so you'd think they'd be needed there. I am also not buying Galadriel teleported them or something, because if she could do that, she could have just teleported Frodo to Mount Doom. I know this is probably just something the film makers didn't think through, but can someone think of a plausible excuse?
Answer: Well the Galadhrim have horses, which they send away after arriving at Helm's deep so you don't see them. They didn't come walking like the Uruk army.
27th Oct 2017
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: From the way Rosmerta said "Harry Potter?" I'm just wondering has she never heard of him?
Answer: She's heard of him, she is just surprised to hear his name when asking what Sirius Black is doing here.
18th Oct 2017
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
Question: Why did Hermione take off one of her shoes after the Yule ball?
Answer: She had been dancing for a long time and her foot hurt, so she took her shoe off to rub her foot.
Answer: Because she had been standing on them for hours and her foot hurt.
Answer: Her foot was hurting. She had her shoes on for a long time. Or maybe Krum stepped on her toes a lot and it hurt.
Answer: It is also possible that her foot cramped up.
Answer: Because she was angry and her leg hurt.
9th Oct 2017
Seven (1995)
Question: How did Doe manage to kill Mills' wife? He says "this morning" in the last scene, but that morning he was already in jail.
Answer: He had a busy morning. It is a bit far-fetched, but Somerset did express appreciation for how "methodical, exacting" John Doe was. So it's not totally unbelievable that, 1) Mills leaves for work - maybe even earlier bc he picks up Somerset, 2) John Doe arrives at Mills', maybe he even bought a box the night before to save time, 3) He finds a delivery guy, gives him the box plus $500 - good chunk of $ in 1995 (even more in 1986), 4) Hails a cab, to the police station. My question is...what was the cabbie thinking? Guy is covered in blood and asks for a ride to the police station.
Well, the guy wanted to go to the police station. He probably told the cabbie he'd been the victim of or witnessed a crime he needed to report immediately.
Answer: The events of John Doe arriving at the police station and the last scene where Mills kills him takes place on the same day.
What about the 7:01 am time?
When? where do you see that? What is the significance? Would be nice if you could give that info so I won't have to search myself.
It was 07.01pm. You will remember at the end of the film Mills was in the police car at night. If it was 07.01am more than 12 hours would elapse before Mills was picked up. Highly unlikely.
6th Sep 2017
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Question: What was that photo Liz showed Peter in the car?
Answer: It's probably the photo they took at her house of them going to the prom.
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Answer: Because he was holding the most powerful object in the world, the one ring. Even when he only just got it, its powers are not something to take lightly. If Isildur decides not to destroy it, there is nothing Elrond could do to stop him.