
17th Mar 2020

Jurassic Park (1993)

Question: How many raptors are in the movie? When Ellie goes to turn the power on there is one raptor inside there. Around the same time two are preying on Muldoon. Later in the kitchen two appear, sneaking for Lexi and Tim. Tim locks one into the freezer. Towards the end one appears at the control room door. Dr. Grant gets on the phone with Hammond and ask "there are only the two raptors?" Then Grant is heard shooting at it through the glass. Finally our heroes are surrounded in the compound center by two raptors. This is where the T-Rex enters to finish them off. Always makes me wonder how many Velociraptors were really in the movie.

Answer: There were always only 3. Muldoon mentions they had 8 originally but one of them killed all the others but 2. 2 attacked Muldoon whilst the 3rd attacked Ellie, one is locked by Tim and the last 2 attack the Rex which kills them.


There are 3 at the end. So either they messed up their count, or the freezer raptor got out.

The Raptor that followed them to the control room is the same one that jumped at the skeleton hanging from the ceiling. The one that Ellie locked in the maintenance shed is the one that enters the visitor center from behind the plastic sheeting. Rex comes and kills one and then the other one jumps on Rex. The third Raptor was nowhere to be seen as she was busy turning into an ice cube.

17th Mar 2020

Batman and Robin (1997)

Question: How is that Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze, The Riddler, and Cat Woman can suddenly have perfect vision after going insane as well as their accidents?


Answer: Most of these, if not all of them, had something supernatural happen to them. This supernatural event enhanced their abilities, their bodies. This includes their eyesight.


Question: Why did Will specifically need the Black Pearl to free his father? The only thing the Pearl had going for it was the speed. Wouldn't a ship fitted with more firepower be better suited for taking down the Dutchman?

Answer: The Black Pearl is the only ship that can catch up to the Flying Dutchman.


Answer: As you mentioned it is the fastest ship. Other reasons, it's a ship Will knows it is one that he has an opportunity to bargain for by betraying Jack Sparrow to his enemies.


Also, Will would have very little opportunity or the means to acquire another ship.


15th Mar 2020

The Mummy Returns (2001)

Question: At the end of the first Mummy, Ank Su Na Mun was resurrected into her mummy corpse, but how can that be if, as we saw in the Mummy Returns, that Ank Su Na Mun is reincarnated into this modern era. That would have to have meant that she was alive when her soul went into another corpse. How does that work?

Answer: The same way Evie's memories are entwined with that of someone from ancient Egypt. Imhotep's followers used magic to bring Anck Su Namun's soul back, basically using someone else's body (one of her ancestors) and put her soul into it. So it's not really her body, just her mind/soul.


Question: Jack Sparrow comes to Port Royal to commandeer a ship, but gets stopped by two marines, who tell him the dock is off limits to civilians. Why is the dock off limits to civilians?

Answer: Because it's a navy dock, not a public one and there are naval ships moored there.


In much the same way as modern naval docks are off limits to civilians.


Jack would have been able to get one the of ships if he had permission.

Ok. But my question is are naval docks off limits to keep civilians from stealing or sabotaging their ships?

It will be off limits for many reasons. Including, but not limited to, preventing sabotage, preventing stealing, security of naval secrets and general security.


One of those civilians could be a pirate you know.


14th Mar 2020

The Matrix (1999)

Question: Morpheus points out that he has seen agents punch through brick walls, during his fight with Smith, Morpheus is punched several times, now the rebels in the matrix still experience pain and can die, so shouldn't a punch from Smith, who we seen punch through brick walls in the subway scene, shouldn't the punches that hit Morpheus kill him? Or at least break his face so badly he ends up brain dead?


Answer: Smith or the other agents don't want to kill him. They need his brain for information. They basically fight like that against all of them as they can extract information from all of them.


14th Mar 2020

The Matrix (1999)

Question: When Smith interrogates Morpheus, Smith says "I must be free", the other 2 agents come in and say "what are you doing", what's this about? Why were they concerned with what he was doing and why does Smith seem less "robotic" than the other 2 agents, it is like he has actual wants and needs?


Answer: Smith has spent too long in the Matrix, according to himself, and wants to leave. He has gone quite insane already unlike the other agents, call it a bug. He might be older than the other agents and malfunctioned, or something went wrong with his programming. In any case he went outside of his programming as an agent, developed a personality and emotions.


Answer: When Agent Brown says "What were you doing?", I believe he is asking why Smith removed his earpiece and disconnected himself from the others, meaning they don't know what he said to Morpheus and he doesn't know about the rooftop attack.


Question: When Obi-Wan is told by Dooku that the republic is controlled by Darth Sidious, he does not immediately believe it. Later in the movie he mentions it to Yoda and Mace Windu and he remarks that it does not feel right. Why were the Jedi not able to connect the dots and figure out a pattern when Palpatine stayed in office longer than he should have? That should have been a red flag. Are the Jedi not clued in at all?

Answer: The influence of the dark side of the force clouds their judgements, it causes a disturb in the force so they can't see through it to discover the truth. Even at the end of the war all they feel is that the dark side of the force surrounds the chancellor but they can't figure out what that means.


Question: I heard there was a scene where Ron and Hermione hug but it was cut. Does anyone know at what point in the movie this hug would have taken place?

Answer: Other than when Hermione turns to Ron and puts her arms around his shoulders after the Trio thinks they've just witnessed Buckbeak's execution, there does not appear to be any other time when she hugs or embraces Ron. All of the Azkaban deleted scenes are online or were included with the DVD and none contain this.


My understanding is that the specific scene where she put her arm around Ron was actually supposed to be a real hug but Emma Watson didn't feel comfortable doing it so they changed it to only an arm.


It was more than just her arms, she had her face buried in his neck.

Question: Doc has always been firm about not wanting to create some sort of paradox. Was he not at all worried that eventually someone would go into his barn looking for him and find his giant refrigerator and his model railway with the car that said "TIME MACHINE" on it? I know he stayed behind after he rescued Clara so could have removed all that, but the original plan was he was going to hop into the DeLorean with Marty. We know he definitely left the model railway there as Clara picked the car up which prompted her to go after him.

Answer: Someone would go into his barn and do what? See a sign that says time machine and believe it and then use it? Seems highly unlikely.


Answer: Well everyone in that town knows Doc's a pretty smart guy. Chances are he was doing some experimenting with time machines or something. The average person I'm sure would never figure it out anyways or think it was a crazy irrelevant project. Clara only figured it out because Doc told her about the time machine and time travel and thought Doc was lying to break up with her. The story sounded crazy until she saw the model, then saw the machine and realised he was telling her the truth. But the average person in that period knows nothing about the time machine, cars, or rime travel and even if they by some chance figured out Doc was from the future nobody would believe it nor could they prove it.

Question: After Elizabeth is brought to the Pearl, she threatens to drop the medallion overboard. Barbossa feigns disinterest but when Elizabeth pretends to drop it, the pirates gasp in panic. Why? So she drops it, big deal. They can't drown, the gold "calls to them" so what does it matter if she were to drop it?


Chosen answer: Because they'd have to find it. The gold may "call to them", but it obviously doesn't function as a millimetre perfect homing beacon or they'd never have missed the medallion years earlier when they attacked the ship carrying the young Will. Elizabeth drops it into the sea and they're going to have to spend what could be months trying to locate it - currents could take it well away from the dropping point. They've found the final missing piece; they're potentially just hours away from finally being cured. The last thing they want is to see it thrown into the sea.


Well, if the crew was anxious to get the medallion then why did they act like they weren't interested in it before Elizabeth pretended to drop it?

Reverse psychology.


What do you mean by reverse psychology?

By showing they are not interested in the medallion they are hoping Elizabeth will just drop it on the floor or chuck it to them as it's of no real value. However when she releases a bit of chain and the medallion drops, and the pirates lurch forward revealing that they really want the medallion and as such Elizabeth now has the upper hand in negotiations.


I'm guessing Elizabeth wasn't fooled when the pirates showed disinterest in the medallion.

That's not called reverse psychology, which is used to encourage someone to change his or her mind. Doesn't work with a threat. They are feigning indifference to hide the importance of the object.


They didn't want to give her an advantage over them. Pretending to not care about the coin would make Elizabeth think that the coin is worthless and cannot use it to barter a deal.

Question: Why do the Dursleys try to stop Harry from going to Hogwarts? It seems as though they would be happy to get him out of their house (except for summers).

Answer: Petunia and Vernon despise wizards and swore they would 'squash the magic out of him' (which obviously can't happen) when they took him in. They would rather have Harry around all the time and for him not to be a wizard than to allow him to go to Hogwarts where he would learn magic and be happy (It says in the books that the two things that Vernon Dursley despises most if magic and making Harry happy).


Why don't the Dursleys try to get Harry back if they don't want him to be at Hogwarts?

Because on the other hand they are glad to be rid of him.


Why do they despise making Harry happy?

Because they despise the fact he and his parents are wizards.


Or as Petunia states in the book "as soon as they had you I knew you'd be like them. A freak" The Durselys are very middle class who consider themselves high class. The fancy car, expensive house, private school for Dudley etc. And being associated with an outcast would in their eyes seriously hurt their social standings.


Answer: Vernon and Petunia are very concerned with appearances and maintaining a "proper" lifestyle. The books describe how they want a perfect lawn. Vernon judges men by the cars they drive. Petunia keeps the home very clean, etc. They hope to ignore the Wizard world and force Harry to live like a Muggle. In addition to that, Petunia was jealous of her sister. She wanted to separate herself from the Wizard world as much as possible. When Harry begins attending Hogwarts, she can no longer do that.

Question: How did Luke and Leia know that Rey was Palpatine's granddaughter?

Answer: They felt it through the force. It's kinda like a signature. They feel each other's powers and recognize it. Both have met the Emperor and they felt similar powers inside Rey.


When did Leia meet the Emperor?

She was a senator and her father (Bail Organa) introduced her to him when she was younger.


Answer: Off screen between Episode 3 and Rogue One.

Question: Considering how big the Basilisk is, how is it able to travel through the pipes in Hogwarts since so many of them are small?

Answer: It was traveling through the pipes that it could fit into.


So how was it able to get into the girls restroom and kill Moaning Myrtle many years ago? All of those pipes in the restroom aren't large enough.

The girls' bathroom is the entrance to the chamber of secrets. She was in there when Tom Riddle opened it and let the snake out.


Answer: Perhaps the basilisk is a magical creature and can change size at any given time to fit into those tiny pipes.

Yes like the Occamy in fantastic beasts and where to find them.

Answer: The tunnel that leads into the Chamber of Secrets is really big. The basilisk could have made its way up into it.

Yes but the general pipes in the castle are not that size. The entrance tunnel was that big for a reason.


Question: When Marty suggests (in 1985A) that they go back to 2015 to stop Old Biff from taking the almanac in the first place, Doc says no because it'll be 2015A instead. When Old Biff went from 2015 to 1955 to give himself the almanac, when he came back to 2015 again, it was still the same one he left because Marty and Doc are just getting Jennifer out of the new McFly house when he returns. So what's the difference? If Biff can go from 1955 to 2015, without it becoming 2015A, then why can't Marty and Doc do it from 1985A?

Answer: There is a deleted scene on the DVD that answers this. You will notice that when Biff returns to 2015 it appears as if he is dying, on the deleted scene when Marty and Doc leave 2015 you see Biff vanish which suggests the "ripple effect" of Biff giving the Almanac to his younger self places everyone in an Alternate 2015 which Biff is no alive to see so is erased from existence. I have seen somewhere a suggestion Biff was shot in 1996, chances are with Biff gone by 2015 Hill Valley may have been a more peaceful city again. Hilldale was a run down suburb in the original 2015 and could have been the same in an Alternate 2015, we never saw inside any houses at that point to answer where Marty may have lived in an Alternative 2015 but perhaps in Switzerland.

Answer: The implication is that Biff returned to 2015 before the consequences of his younger self's actions took effect. Biff would have returned to 2015 immediately, as he wouldn't want to risk Marty and Doc discovering that he had stolen the DeLorean. By the time Marty and Doc travel back to 1985, the consequences of Biff's actions have solidified.


True, because young Biff from 1955 has to wait for his 21st birthday in 1958 to legally gamble, as explained by the newspaper Doc and Marty inspect in the bad alternative of 1985.

Answer: The reason Biff arrives like that is because Lorraine found out that he murdered George and shot him.

Where did you get that from please?


If you have the DVD or Blu-Ray, watch the deleted scene of Biff vanishing and turn the commentary on. Bob Gale confirms that Lorraine had discovered that Biff murdered George and kills Biff in retaliation.

That info is reported to be from the audio commentary to a deleted scene, published on the official DVD. Since the scene has been filmed, it might even be considered canonical (as opposed to ideas from the drafting stage of the script which, ultimately, were abandoned).

Are those tidbits of information, such as this DVD commentary track, considered canonical?

Chosen answer: She thought she saw herself, which would have been impossible, if not for the Timeturner that Prof. McGonigall gave her. She saw a flash of the scene as it appears when she and Harry revisit that moment in time.


I have watched it several times and cannot see any part of Hermione behind the tree. What part did she see?

As we see later in the film, Hermione #2 is looking around the tree and a twig snaps, causing Hermione #1 to quickly turn around and catch a glimpse of Hermione #2 before she gets her body behind the tree. By the time the camera is showing that portion of the forest Hermione #2 is fully behind the tree so we don't see anything at that time, which is on purpose since the audience isn't supposed to know the movie's later events yet.


But when Hermione #1 turns around, what part of Hermione #2 does she see?

We don't see her, she saw herself.


But what part of herself did she see?

Most likely her bushy hair as that will stand out in the darkness of the forest.


Is it possible to notice that if I watched that scene?

As Jimba said, by the time the camera gets there, she's behind the tree. Hence why I stated it's probably her hair as we simply don't know.


Question: Can anyone explain why Calypso caused the maelstrom to appear? Other than provide really cool visual effects for the movie, it didn't serve a purpose. I would have thought she'd do something against Davy Jones and/or his ship in particular for betraying her in the first place.

Answer: It's suggested that, as she's pretty much equally annoyed at the pirates (for originally imprisoning her, even if it wasn't specifically those pirates) and at Davy Jones (for showing them how to do it), that she creates the maelstrom to make it an even fight - effectively telling them that she no longer cares for either side. The conditions within the maelstrom hamper the Black Pearl, the turbulence making it difficult to bring her superior speed into play, but the angle and extremely damp conditions also make it harder for the Flying Dutchman to bring her superior firepower to bear.


Wrong. As the Black Pearl was meant for speed, she would have a lighter weight than the Dutchman, and would require a pushing force to stay even. Furthermore, she was not hampered by the wind-she was aided, as Gibbs stated, "The wind's on our side, boys!"

Don't think weight had anything to do with it. The Pearl was heavier than the Interceptor, but had no issue catching up with it. The maelstrom took the Pearl's superior speed out of play because they were forced to circle one another. There was no advantage to be gained by outspeeding the Dutchman around the whirlpool, and coming up on its rear. Remember, the Pearl had no forward cannons.

The other side thought they had a favorable wind as well. All the air was being pulled toward the maelstrom in the middle so both sides thought it was at their back allowing them to control the engagement.

Both sides did have favourable winds but for a different reason. It's mentioned in Dead Man's Chest that against the wind the Dutchman is faster but with the wind the Pearl is faster. The Pearl had a favourable wind because it was blowing her sails from the back whilst the Dutchman had a favourable wind because she is faster against it.

The Dutchman is faster against wind because it uses oars to row. They menton to go deeper into the maelstrom to get into faster waters. Thats how they outran the Dutchman and got broadside. It's got nothing to do with the wind.


No, the Dutchman doesn't use any oars, you are thinking back to the first film when the Pearl is chasing the Interceptor and they use oars to go faster. Neither ship is fitted with a diesel engine so it has EVERYTHING to do with the wind.

Oh, you're right. I got confused in the 2. Not sure about the diesel engine though. May have one hidden in the back.


Question: Gaston sings that he ate eggs to help him get large. Why didn't he say meat? Was he vegetarian? Was Disney deliberately supporting vegetarianism/respecting vegetarians? Are there any historical circumstances that I'm not aware of? Or am I just overanalyzing this matter?


Answer: In addition to eating meat, eggs would be a more readily available and cheap protein source in the village.


Answer: Eggs are full of protein. Eating a lot of eggs is an excellent way to bulk up and build muscle mass.


Eggs are not good for you if you eat too many of them.

To quote Stephen Fry: "Well of course too much is bad for you, that's what "too much" means. If you had too much water it would be bad for you, wouldn't it? "Too much" precisely means that quantity which is excessive, that's what it means. Could you ever say "too much water is good for you"? I mean if it's too much it's too much. Too much of anything is too much. Obviously." That aside, while it used to be believed that the cholesterol content of eggs was a health risk, more recent studies have shown that dietary cholesterol doesn't affect blood cholesterol levels for most people. As such there's no real maximum limit on egg consumption beyond the aforementioned "too much of anything is too much".

I don't think Gaston cares much about his cholesterol.


They didn't even know the word.


Answer: While I was waiting for this question to be accepted, I found the answer to one of my questions myself. Gaston is indeed not vegetarian, considering he mentions his hunting trophies during the aforementioned song and earlier in the movie, he tells Belle to imagine him roasting his kill on the fire place.


12th Feb 2020

Joker (2019)

Question: My question's twofold: 1. Why does he do that dance down the stairs, for fun maybe? 2. When he speaks about comedy being subjective is this a knock on modern comedians and their controversial jokes and skits?


Answer: 1 - Why does he dance a bunch of times in the movie? It's kinda his thing! You can see that Murray himself does little goofy dances all the time during his show and Arthur sorta seems to have taken that trait from him. 2 - I have heard that "comedy is subjective" for years and years. It is sort of a truism but it does fit, some people like a certain kind of humor that can fall completely flat for others. I am not sure if you should read some specificity about it in this movie, except for the fact that obviously he's using it to justify his own actions to the point of considering 'funny' to commit murder in the context of the perspective change when he starts considering his tragic life a whole big joke with no punchline. I don't really see in this movie a satire of show business or shock comedy, since it seems to focus on other themes (mental illness, emargination, etcetera).


Answer: 1. It's supposed to be a highly emotional moment for him, the first time he takes control of his own life. He basically celebrates that. 2. I think he is referring to Murray, or at least something in-universe. This is all of course speculative.


Answer: He mentioned in an interview that a lot of characters were going to die. Recently on the Graham Norton Show he revealed that he had his phone on and was live streaming the premiere of the movie towards all his followers, by accident. Only for 10 minutes or something and only audio.


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