Character mistake: Marshall, especially as a lawyer, should have known that simply screaming "I QUIT" towards his boss wasn't official resigning. He would have to write a notice letter with his signature in order for his resignation to become official.
Character mistake: There was no chance of Will and Lori knowing what's happening with Mark in the house. Neither him nor anyone else called them. So what made them rush home with van, after they've been casually driving in their previous scene?
Question: This question could be for many American TV shows not just this one, but are American schools so strict about cheating on one single test? Because here in Europe if you are caught cheating you will most of the time get an "F" for that test, plus "official warning", and you need like 3 or 4 warnings like that to be Kicked Out of school. But, I saw on many American TV shows situations when a character cheated once and he was like "they are gonna kick me from school" (one example, Family Matters when Steve helped Edward during the test and he was almost expelled).
Chosen answer:I work in a student conduct office. Students are not expelled after one academic misconduct incident (there are rare exceptions in higher academia). A first time offense usually results in a "0" grade on the test or assignment in addition to a sanction of a warning or probation. Repeated offenses can lead to being suspended for a period of time and even permanently dismissed. Students often cheat or commit plagiarism because they are struggling in school. The goal is to help students get the help and resources they need. Students who are caught committing a misconduct often tend to panic and believe the worst will happen to them. TV shows tend to exaggerate the circumstances for dramatic or comedic effect.
Answer:They used to do this. Cheating was a violation of the honor code and you would get a mandatory suspension. American schools vary a ton from place to place. During the late 90s and early 2000s they were incredibly strict about a lot of things. The rules have changed because of a lot of scandals in the troubled teen industry. After the school shootings in the early 90s there was a huge moral panic about schools not being strict enough and millennials like the kids in this show paid for it.
Factual error: It's very very unlikely that police would chase all those women through town (even take helicopters to arrest them) just for making noise on someone's property for couple of minutes.
Question: Did Dumbledore and other Hogwarts staff know that Voldemort would try to return with the help of the Philosopher's Stone this year, so they transferred it from the bank to Hogwarts, and put such a big protection as the three headed dog etc.? Because I think it's a very big coincidence that after all this years that stone has spent in the bank, they decided to put the stone in school, and the very next day someone tried to steal the stone from the bank. It's like they knew that Voldemort would try to use the stone to return. And if they did, why didn't they figure it out and put protection on over the last 10 years, maybe the very next day when Voldemort was defeated by little Harry? It's really like Dumbledore knew that Voldemort will try to use it, and more important, like he knew that he will try to do it NOW, not in last decade when he was "half alive."
Answer:Mostly right except Dumbledore was not trying to lure Voldemort out. Gringotts was a safe place to keep something, but Hogwarts was safer. Dumbledore would have felt better that the stone was safe in Hogwarts.
Chosen answer:Dumbledore did probably have an idea that Voldemort might be looking for the stone, but he knew he would never be able to find it as he wanted to use it (Dumbledore's own spell upon it). But the stone gave Dumbledore an opportunity to lure Voldemort to him. So, in order to lure Voldemort out Dumbledore hid it at Hogwarts, closer to him, telling the staff what was going on. Of course then Quirrell knew too and thus Voldemort as well which caused a dangerous situation right the next day, but the general idea was to lure Voldemort out of hiding and into the hands of the Hogwarts teachers. They didn't know yet that Voldemort was already inside Hogwarts as a parasite of Quirrell.
Question: Are laws in USA really that strict about alimony for the ex wife? Because Jake spends equal time with his both of his parents, why would Alan have to pay Judith any kind of money? If Alan wouldn't be in touch with Jake, and Jake would live with his mother all the time, in that case alimony would make sense. And even more bizarre thing, why on earth does Alan have to pay alimony to Kandi? They didn't had kids, they were just a married couple which divorced, and continue to live their lives like before.
Chosen answer:You have confused alimony with child support. Alimony is an obligation to provide financial support for a former spouse. Usually it's an obligation to the spouse who made more money during the marriage.
Trivia: You don't have to be a big The Big Bang Theory fan to know that Sheldon has his spot on the couch, but did you notice that other characters also sit in 90% of scenes on the one spot. Leonard is always on the sofa left to Sheldon, Penny is almost always on the sofa across Sheldon, Howard is always next to Sheldon on the couch (except in situations when Amy or Bernadette sit between him and Sheldon), and Raj is always on the left side of the couch (viewers' left), or on the floor.
Question: What would happen if William would stand on the other side of the cage? Then needles wouldn't stuck into him. Needles would hit the cage and start sprinkle acid in direction of mother and son, most likely hurting them. We learn from previous movies that Jigsaw planned his traps very carefully ,so he wouldn't allow that mother and son would hurt in any case.
Chosen answer:The trap wouldn't have worked if William stood on the other side of the cage. When William walks towards the mother and son, you see a closeup of his feet stepping onto a pressure-pad that activates the trap. If William stood on the other side of the cage, the trap would never have turned on because the pressure-pad would not have been set off, and nobody would have died. Also, even though Jigsaw pre-plans his traps, there certainly are circumstances where the mother and son could have gotten hurt. One must remember, Jigsaw is insane, and it's shown repeatedly in the series that even though he intends to help people, he is not above sacrificing people or putting innocent people in harm's way to teach his subjects a lesson. (The most prominent examples being the mother and daughter from the original film and Joyce from "Saw 3D" who were innocent but placed in direct danger to be a motivation for the subjects).
Question: How is it possible that Peter Petigrew was in Gryffindor? The main Gryffindor attribute is bravery, and we can see that Petigrew is a total coward.
Chosen answer:The sorting hat takes into consideration your choices. Black, Lupin, & Potter befriended Pettigrew on the Hogwarts express. So when Black and Lupin, preceeding Pettigrew alphabetically, were sorted into Gryffindor, Pettigrew chose to join his new friends thinking to have them as protectors from school bullies.
Continuity mistake: When Vicky vomit at the graduation, we see that she sits on the end of the line of chairs,and no one sits on her left side. In the shot before, from the back, we see Dave sit on the end of the line, and in shot later they switch sides.
Question: Cindy told Cody that she's taken care of him since his birth. Have ten years passed between the second and third movies (considering Cody's age)? Because she didn't take care of anyone in Scary Movie 2.
Chosen answer:It's unlikely 10 years have passed, but very little is consistent across this franchise. For example, Brenda dies in this film, and yet is alive and well in the next one. It's just a throwaway line of dialogue that explains why Cindy has a kid so that the film can spoof "The Ring".
Chosen answer:Because he's a giant meat-eating spider. His love for Hagrid stops him and his children from attacking Hagrid. But beyond that, they simply want to eat whoever just meanders into their lair.
Question: On what Dumbledore thought when he said that the labyrinth has no dragon or sea creatures, but there is something much more dangerous: he didn't know it would be Voldemort in the maze, did he?
Chosen answer:Dumbledore did not know that Voldemort set a trap inside the maze. Unlike the book, there are no magical creatures or riddles to overcome inside the maze. What Dumbledore is referring to is a test of courage. The four champions must overcome their individual fears in order to successfully navigate the maze and win the tournament.
Chosen answer:Oh, but it IS Voldemort. He is small like a hairless, feeble child, but he has a body nonetheless. When Nagini tells Voldemort, who is sitting in the chair (beside Barty Crouch Jr), that Frank Bryce is in the corridor, he tells Wormtail to step aside before he himself performs the Avada Kedavra with his own wand. We see Voldemort's entire body as Wormtail drops him into the cauldron with the 'rebirthing potion', which gives him the new adult form.
But who killed Cedric? Is it still Voldemort or Wormtail. I know Voldemort gives the order but Wormtail has the wand.
Yeah that's always very confusing but the idea is that since Wormtail did it on orders by Voldemort, it was with Voldemort's wand and that Wormtail basically was a slave of Voldemort so Voldemort killed Cedric. Womrtail hasn't really got a will of his own anymore, including the point he is choked to death with the magical hand Voldemort gave him (in the books).
Wormtail did it on Voldemort's orders, so technically it was him.
Answer:Voldemort gave the order, and Wormtail cast the killing curse with Voldemort's wand. That is why Cedric comes out of the wand, as it was the wand that killed him.
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Chosen answer: I work in a student conduct office. Students are not expelled after one academic misconduct incident (there are rare exceptions in higher academia). A first time offense usually results in a "0" grade on the test or assignment in addition to a sanction of a warning or probation. Repeated offenses can lead to being suspended for a period of time and even permanently dismissed. Students often cheat or commit plagiarism because they are struggling in school. The goal is to help students get the help and resources they need. Students who are caught committing a misconduct often tend to panic and believe the worst will happen to them. TV shows tend to exaggerate the circumstances for dramatic or comedic effect.
raywest ★