Question: Looking at the Gremlin-filled theater, there seems to be a definite line between the last row of white seats and first row if red seats in the middle, as if two scenes were super imposed. Is this a filming error?
23rd May 2017
Gremlins (1984)
23rd May 2017
Bowfinger (1999)
23rd May 2017
The Lion King (1994)
Question: After Simba ran away and Scar took over the pride, why didn't the lionesses just leave? At one point, Scar says that they are supposed to "do the hunting", so they have opportunities to go out and not return.
Answer: Lions live in packs and are not loners (except for males in the real wild), a single lioness would definitely starve. Scar was the next in line to lead the pack, so they stayed.
Question: Why does Elizabeth take the medallion with her after her blood fails to lift the curse? She knows that it "calls to them", so it would only act as a homing beacon, but she doesn't know that they're after Will specifically, in fact, at that point, only Jack knows that. So why would she risk the pirates coming after them?
22nd May 2017
It (1990)
Question: In the scene at the rock pile when the book comes to life and Pennywise says, "I'll kill you all. I'll drive you crazy and I'll kill you all", these words don't at all match whatever words his mouth is actually forming. It's so obvious. This is an audio dub to replace whatever he's supposed to be saying in the book. Does anybody have any idea what happened here?
Answer: In the only version I know his lips movement matches what is being said. Not sure what you mean, check out the scene at youtube.
Answer: I think you're mistaking Tim Curry's distinctive way of speaking as Pennywise with him being dubbed. He curls the corners of his mouth as he talks which makes his mouth look like he's saying something else. The only other film I can remember him doing something similar in is The Shadow, he kind of talks with the same mannerisms.
22nd May 2017
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
Question: When the armies of Gondor and Rohan approached the black gate, why didn't the orcs who are in charge of opening the gate and watching it not fire at them?
Answer: They were probably ordered not to as it was a last suicidal attempt to challenge them and Sauron was amused by this. Therefore he sent the mouth of Sauron rather than attack them.
4th May 2017
X-Men: First Class (2011)
Question: The Russian captain commends the naval soldier for "averting a nuclear war" after Charles took over his mind and destroyed the ship with the nuclear weapons. This sounds like a dumb question, but if he was commended for averting nuclear war, why did he throw him in the brig?
Answer: Because he still did it on his own, against orders. Though the captain was happy he did it, he still needs to punish him for disobedience.
28th Apr 2017
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002)
Question: When Anakin said to Padme "don't worry, we have R2 with us" how exactly was that supposed to be comforting?
Answer: It's also a joke for Star Wars fans who know that in every movie, R2 has gotten everyone out of a jam and saves the day. Where would everyone be without R2?
Chosen answer: It was a joke. They start laughing after he said it. They feel an astrodroid like R2 is pretty useless in most situations.
5th Apr 2017
Suicide Squad (2016)
Question: In the prison scene where they laid out the weapons, why was Deadshot shooting the rifle at an angle when he was "showing off" to Flag and Waller?
Answer: Exactly as you said, to show off. He wants them to see he can fire just as accurately at an angle.
I am not a gun expert and attempts to search this to verify my point have failed. However, it seems to me that he rotates the rifle to use the secondary sight. While this may be showing off, I assumed this secondary sight was intended to be used for a different range of target, or made a specific type of target easier. When he rotates the gun, it seems he is switching targets. Research has shown that the gun does have 2 sights (DDM4 MK18).
The DDM4 MK18 Deadshot is using has a single red dot sight, nothing "secondary." A gun has only 1 sight, perhaps also a scope, but nothing on the side that requires the gun to be used at an angle. Firing a gun at an angle seriously reduces the accuracy. If there is something attached on the side it's either a flashlight or a laser.
If you re-watch the scene, there are very obvious iron sights that he is using that are accessible by tilting the gun sideways. Holding it normal gets you the scope, sideways gets you the iron sights. Not sure what the benefits would be but there are absolutely 2 types of sights on the gun he is using.
Answer: The benefits to having the back-up iron sights is if the battery in your red dot go out during a fire fight. There are several gun accessory manufacturers that make angled iron sights. The are used as a backup just in case. Yes he is showing off, and yes those sights exist.
4th Apr 2017
Passengers (2016)
Question: Wouldn't Aurora and Jim eat up all the food before the spaceship got to its destination? It's 2 people and 90 years, that's a lot of food and liquids.
Answer: The ship is equipped to feed five thousand people for three months. That's 450,000 days' worth of food, which would last 2 people over 600 years. So they have plenty but even if you consider the idea that they lost a lot of food because the ship malfunctioned it's quite possible more food is stored than originally needed, they grow their own food or have found others ways to synthesize food with the future technology they have available.
8th Mar 2017
Office Space (1999)
Question: Does Peter Gibbons ever come out his hypnotic trance during the course of the film?
Chosen answer: I think the hypnotism broke something instead of putting him into a trance. It totally released his stress, that stayed despite not being influenced by the hypnotism anymore.
30th Jan 2017
X-Men: First Class (2011)
19th Nov 2016
Silver Bullet (1985)
6th Nov 2016
I, Robot (2004)
Question: I was wondering what does NS stand for? And also, I've noticed that there seem to be two different kinds of robots apart from NS-5. Their torso looks different. Are these just different NS-4 modifications, or are they even older versions, like NS-3 or NS-2?
Chosen answer: With Isaac Asimov's robots its short for a common name. In the case of NS its short for Nestor, though in the movie the robot is called "Sonny" which switches the NS. In the books though its short for Nestor. Another example is the RB type robot (not in the movie), short for Robbie. It's safe to assume there are older models of the robots and that NS-3 and NS-2 are probably around.
11th Oct 2016
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)
Question: At Harry's trial there is a large mural behind Fudge. I have searched high and low but I can't find it anywhere, but I'm sure it is famous and that I've seen it before. Can you help?
Chosen answer: According to the Harry Potter wiki it is a depiction of a 5th Century Byzantine fresco (or indeed, mural), religious setting. As I read it the mural was made for the movie and is not a true historic piece.
11th Oct 2016
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
Question: It's stated in "The Return of the King" that the Witch-king of Angmar is Sauron's greatest servant. Given this, why is he portrayed as somewhat bumbling in this film? A scene in the extended edition of "The Return of the King" shows him confronting Gandalf and even destroying his staff and he also has the reputation of being unkillable, but in this film he is chased off by Aragorn swinging a sword and a torch at him, and is also defeated by Arwen using a river to wash him away.
Chosen answer: The Witch-King of Angmar, as well as the other 8 Nazgûl were severely weakened since the defeat of Sauron, when they were send out to find the ring they had been dormant for decades, that's why they were so easily defeated by fire and waves. In the later movies their powers had increased significantly, especially the witch king's.
10th Oct 2016
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Question: During the final fight between Anakin and Obi Wan, at one point Anakin has Obi Wan in a choke hold and seems to mouth something as he is pushing down further. Is he just doing that as he's exerting more force into the hold, or does he possibly say something, and if so what does he say?
Answer: He is making sounds as he is exerting force. He doesn't say anything.
10th Oct 2016
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Question: Why did Harry and Ron bring Lockhart with them to the chamber of secrets? Did they really think he'd be any use? Especially after they found out he was a fraud?
Chosen answer: They couldn't leave him alone after finding out he was a fraud or he would tell the other teachers and lie about them and have them in detention before they would be able to enter the chamber themselves. They were in a hurry to save Ginny so they needed to bring him with them.
Question: After killing Barbossa in the cave, why would Jack surrender (i.e. go with Will and Elizabeth) knowing that he was going to be hanged anyway? Wasn't there any escape for him?
Chosen answer: At that point he already had hope that his crew and others would rescue him and he would be able to escape from custody. Which he did.
28th Sep 2016
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Question: Why does Dobby only attempt to save Harry from the dangers that will happen at Hogwarts this year? If he knows that Lucius Malfoy is planning something, why not go to Dumbledore and try to save everyone at the school?
Answer: Dobby overheard a plot that involved Harry. He had heard of Harry and his "greatness" and decided to help him for that. Going to Dumbledore would be for totally different reasons and a more direct "betrayal" of his family. Its not unlikely Dobby thought any other wizard like Dumbledore would tell the Malfoy's about his "betrayal", but not Harry. He also didn't know the entire school was in danger.
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Chosen answer: There is a walkway in between those seats, hence why they are separated like that.