Super Grover

6th Jan 2017

I Love Lucy (1951)

6th Jan 2017

I Love Lucy (1951)

Homecoming - S5-E6

Visible crew/equipment: During the episode a small tape mark is visible on the floor between the coffee table and the couch, and a T-mark can be seen on the floor near the desk, such as when Lucy starts telling her guests about their "fabulous" trip, Ethel stands at the T-mark and a female guest stands at the tape mark. (00:07:05)

Super Grover

6th Jan 2017

I Love Lucy (1951)

Ricky Sells the Car - S5-E4

Visible crew/equipment: When Ethel walks into her hotel room and tells Lucy and Fred about having to push the motorcycle to three different places, the second camera (or other equipment) keeps moving in and out of shot at the right side of the screen. (00:13:00)

Super Grover

6th Jan 2017

I Love Lucy (1951)

6th Jan 2017

Extant (2014)

Extant mistake picture

The Other Side - S2-E9

Visible crew/equipment: When Molly walks into the "memory lane" tent at the carnival, four shots in we can see the reflection of a crewmember (moving dark silhouette) on the glass display beside the entrance. Then as Molly turns the crank and looks into the Mutoscope, in the wideshot we can see a crouching male crewmember hiding behind the case, at the left side of the screen. (00:28:15)

Super Grover

1st Jan 2017

Extant (2014)

1st Jan 2017

Cheers (1982)

Cheers mistake picture

One for the Road (1) - S11-E26

Visible crew/equipment: When Rebecca leaves Don at the table to relax while she gets champagne to "celebrate the answer", it cuts to an overhead shot as we hear the TV host introduce Salman Rushdie and Dr. Ruth, and the set lighting can be seen as well as the boom and mic moving around at the top of the screen. A few minutes later the mic can be seen bobbing again in the overhead shot from the same angle. (00:03:20 - 00:08:20)

Super Grover

Visible crew/equipment: After JD tells Schatze that Tom came to the wedding and he isn't wearing a tie, just as Schatze says, "Who does he think he is anyway, crashing my wedding," we can see the shadow of the boom mic drop into view on the wall, at the left side of the screen. (01:27:55)

Super Grover

9th Dec 2016

B.A.P.S. (1997)

The Juror - S2-E13

Visible crew/equipment: While Ed is speaking with the judge in her chambers Chico is brought into the room, and just as Chico tells the judge that he's never in his life seen Ed, the boom mic dips into view and moves around at the top of the screen.

Super Grover

The Juror - S2-E13

Visible crew/equipment: After Chico tells Ed and Louie about the girl in the see-through blouse who sits beside him in the jury box, when Louie asks Chico to tell them about the trial, the boom mic dips into view at the top of the screen.

Super Grover

2nd Dec 2016

M*A*S*H (1972)

Fade Out, Fade In - S6-E1

Visible crew/equipment: After Potter tells Klinger that his lawyer, Schaeffer, is a fake who's impersonated a chaplain among other things, when Schaeffer tells them that 25 couples are living in sin, in the next shot two curved chalk actor's marks can be seen on the floor. (00:35:45)

Super Grover

2nd Dec 2016

M*A*S*H (1972)

Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen - S11-E16

Visible crew/equipment: While Klinger is on the phone trying to set up BJ's transportation home, just as Winchester walks into the office pointing out the company clerk the shadow of the moving boom can be seen on the wall, and it's also visible when Winchester takes the mailbag and dumps the contents. (00:42:50)

Super Grover

2nd Dec 2016

I Love Lucy (1951)

2nd Dec 2016

I Love Lucy (1951)

Tennessee Bound - S4-E15

Visible crew/equipment: At the start, when Lucy pulls into the "gas station" the thin cable pulling the Pontiac is visible in front of the car, and when Ethel walks in front of the car note that the actress quickly glances down and steps over it, just as she says they're lost. Additionally, the glass windshield and rearview mirror are gone.

Super Grover

2nd Dec 2016

I Love Lucy (1951)

I Love Lucy mistake picture

First Stop - S4-E14

Visible crew/equipment: While Lucy and Ricky are lying in the sagging mattress "canoe", when the train passes and their bed rolls towards the bunk bed, the end of the set wall is visible at the right side of the screen. (00:17:30)

Super Grover

2nd Dec 2016

I Love Lucy (1951)

California, Here We Come! - S4-E13

Visible crew/equipment: When they're all finally in the Pontiac ready to leave NYC, just as Ricky starts to drive away we can see cables jiggling under the Pontiac, to the left of the front tire, pulling the car. Funny to see how Ricky puts his hand on the gear stick, but never actually does anything with it. (00:23:40)

Super Grover

2nd Dec 2016

I Love Lucy (1951)

1st Dec 2016

I Love Lucy (1951)

I Love Lucy mistake picture

Lucy's Schedule - S1-E33

Visible crew/equipment: When Lucy and Mrs. Littlefield bring out the soup and then salad, at the start of the shots just as they leave the kitchen, the shadow of another camera can be seen on the edge of the set's "wall" at the right side of the screen. (00:20:25)

Super Grover

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