Revealing mistake: After Lucy discovers Mrs. Bradley in her bed, as she fights off and runs from Patricia, it is obvious that she wears knee pads for these shots.
Super Grover
19th Nov 2004
The Frighteners (1996)
17th Nov 2004
The Frighteners (1996)
Revealing mistake: The scar near Agent Dammers's left eye changes shape and position throughout the film. (00:41:15 - 01:35:25)
17th Nov 2004
The Frighteners (1996)
Revealing mistake: At the Excalibur Restaurant, when Ray's ghost gets angry at Frank he knocks over a wine glass with his hand. When the wine glass starts to tip over, the cloth under it moves and lifts up a bit to obviously tilt the glass towards Frank. (00:36:40)
16th Nov 2004
The Frighteners (1996)
Revealing mistake: At the Fairwater Tuberculosis Sanatorium, when Agent Dammers shoots Frank in his left arm, the white wrapping around his arm, where the bullet holes appear, is visible under Frank's short sleeve. (01:36:05)
16th Nov 2004
The Frighteners (1996)
Revealing mistake: In quite a few shots it is obvious that Michael J. Fox's dark-haired stunt double drives the Volvo or does particular stunts. (00:06:15)
14th Nov 2004
The Frighteners (1996)
Revealing mistake: As the three babies fly towards Mrs. Waterhouse, when they land on her it is blatantly apparent that they're merely three dolls in this shot. She actually grips two from behind and the center doll is attached to her as she moves backwards. Also, in the shot facing the babies the center baby is in the bouncer seat with the rod attachment overhead, yet, in the shot facing Mrs. Waterhouse the rod attachment is gone. (00:23:50)

Revealing mistake: After a close-up of the drawing of one-armed Lord Nelson, Killick opens the lid of the steaming food for Jack in a close-up, just before Killick says, "Oh, here we go again. Scrape, scrape, screech, screech." Later, after Pullings takes command of Acheron, Jack tunes up his violin and Killick says, "Here we go again," in another close-up of the steaming food for Jack. Every detail of the food shown in both close-ups is exactly the same - obviously shot at the same time. (00:26:25 - 02:05:20)

Revealing mistake: The Acheron fires many devastating blows on the Surprise and the effect is visible in close-ups and a wide shot. However, after Mr. Mowett yells, "Relieving-tackles on the tiller! You men collect the wounded!" there is another wide shot of the Acheron in the foreground and Surprise in the distance. In this shot Surprise has NO damage whatsoever! (00:11:00)
31st Oct 2004
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)
Revealing mistake: The characteristics of the scarring on Jack's left earlobe changes in quite a few shots. The scar, in the shape of the letter Y, over Jack's right eye changes its angles and as for the scar at his hairline, the upper and lower line switch off being longer in length throughout the film. (00:18:35 - 00:33:00)
25th Oct 2004
Peter Pan (2003)
Revealing mistake: After Peter watches the Darlings and the Lost Boys through the nursery window, he begins to fly off. The camera pans onto the rug to show Peter's exiting shadow on the long bright spot of light coming through the window, which Wendy notices. This lit area on the rug is much larger and brighter than in the previous or following shots. (01:41:35)
24th Oct 2004
Peter Pan (2003)
Revealing mistake: Peter's height changes drastically during the course of the film and is most noticeable during scenes with Wendy. For example, when Peter says, "Leave Hook to me," at the Black Castle they are face to face and Peter is just a bit taller than Wendy. Then, just a few hours later, after Peter and Wendy dance they talk about feelings and Peter is now considerably taller than Wendy. Jeremy Sumpter had quite a growth spurt during production. (00:44:10 - 00:56:20)
21st Oct 2004
Peter Pan (2003)
Revealing mistake: When Peter flies into the nursery searching for his shadow, he follows Tink into the hallway. The red window draperies fit the width of the hall in this and other shots. However, in the close-up after Peter opens the drawer, he grabs his shadow as it flies up and the draperies are visible. In this shot, not only are the draperies much narrower, but the hallway ceiling is now much wider to allow the shadow to stretch while trying to get away. (00:13:10)
15th Oct 2004
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
Revealing mistake: When the combined Rohirrim/Gondorian army halt upon arrival at the Black Gate, Aragorn rides up and stops beside Legolas in the close-up. Éomer's double, who has a much fuller and longer beard, is blatantly visible behind Aragorn in this full frontal shot. (02:28:25)

Revealing mistake: When the Black Pearl swings alongside the Interceptor for the battle, Elizabeth shouts, "Fire all!" The next shot is from behind the lit cannon which is aimed at the Pearl and the following shot faces the Interceptor's cannon, as it goes off. In the shot facing the Interceptor, the raw wood scaffolding type beams are perfectly visible at the entire lower part of the screen, where the painted planks (below the gun ports, above the bilges) of the hull should be. (This is only visible on the video version.)
6th Oct 2004
Peter Pan (2003)
Revealing mistake: When Peter scares away the mermaids, one of them lifts her hands up and hisses at him. As she does the silvery make up is visibly smudged on the palms of her hands and at her right armpit. (00:42:35)
4th Oct 2004
Peter Pan (2003)
Revealing mistake: Peter has a cut on his left arm and after dancing with Wendy Peter shouts, "Go home and grow up... take your feelings with you!" then Peter flies off. As the narrator says, "Peter did not want Wendy to leave...he visited Wendy's home..." when Peter arrives at the nursery window, the long cut on Peter's left arm is GONE, not changed in any way, just simply gone. It reappears later when Hook shouts, "It's Hook! He flies!" only to disappear again! (00:56:50 - 00:58:10)
3rd Oct 2004
Peter Pan (2003)
Revealing mistake: After having been kissed by Wendy, Peter flies towards Hook, who is tangled up in the rigging of the Jolly Roger and slashes the lines of the rigging thereby releasing Hook. As Peter swipes at the lines it is very apparent that he only touches a few of the pre-cut lines and the rest simply fall away. (01:31:50)
3rd Oct 2004
Peter Pan (2003)
Revealing mistake: After receiving Wendy's real kiss aboard the Jolly Roger Peter quickly flies up and proceeds to fly back down. As he swoops down to the deck and lifts up two swords, most of the kids' eyes are not in sync with Peter's movements. (01:31:45)
29th Sep 2004
13 Going On 30 (2004)
Revealing mistake: When Jenna is in her bedroom with her mom, as she points to the pictures in the article in Poise magazine, "30, Flirty and Thriving," it is blatantly apparent that it's not Jenna's 13 yr old hand in the close-up, but a much older body double. (00:05:25)
21st Sep 2004
Love Actually (2003)

Revealing mistake: When Karen rips open the wrapping on her gift from Harry, in the close-up of the CD as she holds it with her right hand, it is blatantly obvious that it is not Emma Thompson's hand. Just compare it with the earlier shot of her hand when she sneaks a peak at the card signed - "Sorry I'm such a grumpy bugger.. Bad Harry." (01:27:45)
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