Star Trek: Voyager

Projections - S2-E3

Corrected entry: In the beginning, when the doctor is activated, he immediately asks who activated him. The computer tells him he was activated when a red alert was initiated. But then he finds out no one is on board, so there was no one to initiate the red alert at that moment. He should have been activated much earlier, when the crew was still on board and under red alert, even in a simulation.


Correction: But red alerts don't always have to be activated by a crew member, they can be automated warnings.


Unforgettable - S4-E22

Corrected entry: Why must Chakotay use a pen and paper to record his memories of Kellin? There is no justifiable reason that his recorded voice should not be able to be preserved just because he's talking about Kellin.


Correction: This is explained in the same episode - when she left with the fugitives they planted a virus in the computer that wiped out all traces and records. Presumably this same method would be employed by the security force that was to retrieve her.

Future's End (1) - S3-E8

Corrected entry: When talking to someone from 1996, Tom Paris states that Starfleet Academy is an "East Coast school." Starfleet Academy is actually located in San Francisco, making it a "West Coast school"

Correction: Because Tom Paris was in California (the West Coast) in 1996, he was trying to say something that would make Starfleet Academy sound like it was far away from that region. That is, he said, "East Coast school" in the hope of making Rain Robinson think it was a real school, just one she might not have heard of because it was on the East Coast.

Cold Fire - S2-E10

Corrected entry: At the beginning of this episode, we are told it has been 10 months since Voyager was transported to the delta quadrant. However Ensign Wildman is still pregnant at this point in the series and doesn't actually go into labour until series 2 episode 21 (deadlock). She must have been pregnant before boarding Voyager, as her husband is still in the Alpha quadrant. That is one long pregnancy.

Nikki Yates

Correction: Ensign Wildman's husband isn't human, he's Ktarian. Human/Ktarian hybrids gestate approximately 18 months.

Greg Dwyer

Unforgettable - S4-E22

Corrected entry: If Kellin spent multiple weeks on the ship, certainly there would be security surveillance evidence that she was there. Even if she didn't visually show up on the video, people would be seen interacting with an invisible someone. Similarly, the Doctor would either be able to see her and remember or not be able to see her and figure out that people were interacting with an invisible person. And what about the ship's logs? People would certainly have talked about her in their logs.


Correction: It is mentioned in episode that not only can the memories about her race not be retained by the few other species that they meet, it is also stated that they upload viruses into the computers of any species they meet in order to erase all knowledge of them from all databases (including sensor logs, sensor scans, crew logs and presumably the EMHs memory circuits). This is why Chakotay writes his final log entry for this incident by hand so that it can't be erased.

Correction: If they are traveling at impulse (which is slower than light), you would not see the stars move. It would take years to notice any difference in the position of the stars.

Before and After - S3-E21

Corrected entry: When Kes flashes to a moment where people celebrate her ninth birthday, Neelix brings the cake with candles. There are ten candles on the cake instead of nine.

Correction: An additional candle is added for luck in some cultures. As further evidence in the S4 episode Raven, Seven is talking about her birthday. She says her cake had 6 candles on it and 'one more to grow on'.

I think it's even mentioned in this episode that there's an extra candle for luck.

Correction: There were rumors about them. That's why her parents set out to try and find them and learn about them.

Greg Dwyer

The El-Aurian refugees rescued in "Generations" were refugees from the Borg assimilating their world. Even for a race of listeners, some of them presumably spoke about what happened in the 80 years before the Enterprise-D encountered the Borg at J-25. It just wasn't given much importance at the time given that it was a very long way from Federation space. The Hansens dig out these old forgotten reports and decided to investigate.

Deadlock - S2-E21

Corrected entry: When the two Voyagers initially try to merge, the damaged voyager has to evacuate all the crew to the engineering deck (deck 11) and then shut down life support elsewhere to save power, leaving the rest of the ship uninhabitable. However, after the attempt fails and with no prior notice, Kes and Janeway are able to travel from the good ship to the damaged one via the rift on deck 15. They have no problems with this, despite the fact that they should not have been able to breathe on arrival with life support turned off.


Correction: Life Support turned off does not mean that there is immediately an uninhabitable enviroment. It only means that no fresh air will be provided to these decks. The present air on these deck can support life for several minutes, maybe even hours.


Fury - S6-E23

Corrected entry: At the start, Captain Janeway reveals that she has discovered Tuvok's birthday. Then she says it's not long before he hits the big 3-digits (meaning 100 years old). However, Tuvok was 107 when he infiltrated the Maquis and they've already spent 6 years on Voyager. Even if she didn't discover his birth year and was only guessing. Tuvok would not have replied with "indeed" but pointed out she is wrong.


Correction: We don't know whether they are speaking in terms of Earth years or Vulcan years.

Year of Hell (2) - S4-E9

Corrected entry: When we see the now blind Tuvok shaving, he is using a metal blade, the type still used today, and promptly cuts himself with it. However in TNG, Geordi La Forge (also blind, but using a VISOR) is shown using a bladeless razor with a little light beam that wouldn't cut him. One of these should be available on Voyager, over 10 years later. Lack of power can't a problem, as Tuvok had the lights in his room on the whole time, despite not needing them on account of being blind.

Correction: It has been shown on a number of occasions that some species and cultures prefer to use a blade to shave. Vulcans do so as part of their mental control.

Ashes to Ashes - S6-E18

Corrected entry: While Ensign Ballard is trying to dazzle Torres, she switches between English and Kobali. Torres gives her a look and when questioned, she tells her, "You were speaking Kobali." Others in Engineering are also directing strange looks toward Ensign Ballard. The problem is that the Universal Translator should be taking care of this, causing the others to only hear what is being said in their preferred language.


Correction: Given only a few words of the language had been spoken, the computer/translator would have not yet learnt the language. There have also been many times the universal translator is unable to translate some languages.

Waking Moments - S4-E13

Corrected entry: There is a crewmember in a pink dress in sickbay in one scene, by the holo emitter near the doors. Clearly having nothing to do with the episode.

Correction: She's one of the crew members who were trapped in a dream. She was talking to another crew member who was trapped after both had woken up.

Retrospect - S4-E17

Corrected entry: During the negations in the number of isolinear chips, Captian Janeway says 150, which is then repeated by Kovin before Janeway gives the settled on price of 125 chips.

Correction: She actually says 115. She first offers 100, he says 150, she says 115, then they agree on 125.

Tsunkatse - S6-E15

Corrected entry: Within the first 15 seconds as the camera pans the crowd before the Tsunkatse match, we see a good 30 or so federation crew members. Impossible seeing as they have not come across this event before, and the only Starfleet crew in the Delta quadrant are on Voyager. (00:00:15 - 00:01:00)

Correction: The federation people you see in the stands are crew members of Voyager, not random Alpha quadrant federation members.


Additionally, if they were regular Starfleet members from the Alpha Quadrant, they'd be wearing the newer, black/grey uniforms with a coloured undershirt, rather than the brighter uniforms still in use on Voyager.

Correction: This episode is set in the holodeck, not in 1940s Germany. It is likely the programmer felt the car was close enough to the period to be included.

Correction: This is a holodeck simulation. Anachronisms can crop up just like in movies.

Year of Hell (2) - S4-E9

Corrected entry: When Chakotay's comet removal simulation erases 8,000 civilizations, Annorax tells him that 4 billion years before, material from the comet was the catalyst for the eventual development of several civilizations. However, comets, by their very nature, are short-lived, around 10,000 years. There is no way a comet that seeded life across multiple solar systems 4 billion years earlier would still exist.


Correction: Not entirely correct. The typical dynamical lifetime of a comet is about 500,000 years, which of course, can vary. After its dynamical lifetime, the comet becomes a dead comet, Once a comet has lost all of its available volatile materials, its coma and tail will disappear and the remaining inert nucleus will take on the appearance of an asteroid. Since it is never mentioned what type of comet they are discussing, the scenario is plausible.


Scorpion (1) - S3-E26

Corrected entry: Both the Borg and Chakotay reference that it would take months for Voyager to cross Borg space. The Borg use trans-warp regularly, which is the method Voyager eventually arrives home at the end of the series. The Borg could have scooped up Voyager and had them not only on the other side of Borg space, but all the way home in less than a day. Janeway really missed an opportunity in her negotiations.


Correction: Janeway didn't know that the Borg had transwarp conduits that reached the Alpha Quadrant. Additionally, she would not want to encourage the Borg to send any ships towards Earth, since it would simply motivate them to invade. Janeway compromised - they would cross Borg space safely, and without leading to a Borg invasion of the Federation.

Yes she would have known the Borg had trans warp conduits to the Alpha Quadrant, as the Borg reached the Romulan Neutral Zone in TNG Season 1, the attack at Wolf 359 only a year after official first contact, and the rogue Borg were attacking Federation colonies in 2369, two years before Voyager was lost in the Badlands. Therefore, the Borg has a way to get to the Alpha Quadrant in very little time, which Janeway would know. Why the Borg didn't use the transwarp conduit that opened up right on earth's doorstep ("Endgame") is another question.

The Borg would not need transwarp conduits to reach the Alpha Quadrant, they could travel at regular warp speeds and although it may take them a longer time, they would still get there. It is never stated how long it took the Borg to reach the Neutral Zone or Wolf 359, however Q says that the Borg evolved over thousands of centuries.

Timeless - S5-E6

Corrected entry: After Captain Janeway instructs Seven of Nine to match Voyager's course and speed with the Delta Flyer, the scene cuts to an external flyby of the Delta Flyer, followed by what is presumably Voyager (an Intrepid-class ship), but the ship following the shuttle is a Galaxy-class vessel with curved, fixed pylons for the warp nacelles. Voyager's nacelles pivot, and look nothing like that of a Galaxy-class starship. (00:29:25)

Correction: Janeway states "match their course and speed". The next shot is set in the future, with the Delta Flyer running from the USS Challenger in their attempt to save Voyager in the past. The Challenger is a Galaxy-Class ship captained by La Forge.

Indeed, it's just a less obvious scene transition than normal. It's similar to the way Picard travelled between the anti-time past, present and futures in "All Good Things"; he would walk out a door in one time period and in a door in another, or be talking to someone in one period and someone in another would hear him and ask what he was going on about.

Correction: The sensor node is the same prop, used in both episodes. In S6-E9 "The Voyager Conspiracy," the sensor node contracts photonic fleas, whereas in S5-E23 "Relativity," a separate prop, "the weapon," gets attached to the same sensor node. For a visual of the weapon, fast-forward to "Relativity" 35:01, where you'll see Captain Braxton holding it in his hand when he's caught trying to attach it to the node.

Elogium - S2-E4

Plot hole: In this episode Kes states that she has to decide now whether to have a child or not because Ocampa women can only get pregnant once and deliver one child. If that was the case they would have died out a long time ago, or never even evolved, as two people only getting one offspring would reduce the population to 50% of the original figure each generation.

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Suggested correction: It's also possible that it's simply required of Ocampan women to give birth the first time they go through it, and can then experience it again.

Greg Dwyer

Nothing in the dialogue suggest Ocampa's can have additional children. While we can speculate about fictitious species, it's still a plot hole due to writing. Kes states she's going through the "elogium" which is a time of change where her body prepares for fertilization. She then explicit states the "elogium" only occurs once. While the doctor compares it to puberty, the elogium is both sexual maturity and "heat", that is, the time a female is ready for fertilization.


But it doesn't ever state the normalcy of birthing for Ocompans. Perhaps sextuplets is the norm?

Kes frequently used the word "child." If it was normal to give birth to more than one, she would know this and should say "children."


Do not forget that this is all done through the universal translator. For all you know the Ocompan word for child and children is the same so the translator cannot tell the difference.

More mistakes in Star Trek: Voyager

11:59 - S5-E23

Shannon O'Donnel: 5:00am, December 27th, 2000. I'm in the great state of...Indiana, I think. I saw the world's largest ball of string this morning and the world's largest beefsteak tomato this afternoon. It was the size of a Volkswagen. The string, not the tomato.


More quotes from Star Trek: Voyager

Investigations - S2-E20

Trivia: King Abdullah of Jordan appears in this episode (he was Crown Prince at the time), as a Voyager crewmember in a corridor scene. He is uncredited.

More trivia for Star Trek: Voyager

Thirty Days - S5-E9

Question: Was Tom successful in his mission or did the torpedo that was launched by Tuvok from Voyager stop him from succeeding?

Answer: The torpedo stopped him from succeeding.


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