80's or 90's movie that starts with a girl crossing the street and there is a man in a car checking her out, her dress blows up and her underwear say something (i love you), he thinks she's beautiful. Later in the movie she changes her looks to a more crazy punk look and I think it's because she's hiding from someone. This guy ends up helping her somehow and falling for her. I remember they are climbing a ladder to get away from someone and he sees he underwear and realizes she's the girl he saw before and thought she was beautiful.
Answered general questions about movies, TV and more
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What was that movie that had a one word title starting with L. There is this teacher in it who looks quite young has dark hair, during night he goes to a bar to dance. Then there is a blonde short haired women who is his student and has got a crush on him. She sees him in the bar and starts to hit on him in class. He refuses. She goes in the bar too and he drops her home on his bike. That's all I remember. I had seen this movie on TV in between 2003-2006.
Answer: Lambada. http://uk.imdb.com/title/tt0099969/.
I am looking for the name of a movie circa 80s. I think that it might have been a hallmark movie because it was a bit schmaltzy. It is about a band with a highly talented guitarist who plays the guitar in a barn because he likes to play but doesn't like attention. His best friend, a keyboardist, is forming a American garage band and begs him to join and eventually the guitarist does. Once the guitarist joins, the keyboardist is no longer in the spot light as much because the guitarist is such a huge talent. So the keyboardist resorts to drugs to feel good. Predictably he dies from an overdose. This causes the band to breaks up just before a big competition and their producer tries to force the guitar player to join a rival band in an effort to create a better band. This band is an English heavy metal band. This mix doesn't make sense and everybody knows it but the producer. The guitarist chooses to drops out entirely and return home to his mid-western farm. The rest of the band shows up at the contest to perform one last time in memory of the dead keyboardist but the guitarist is prohibited from coming by the producer. A friend helps by providing him a wireless connection to the speakers and he starts playing just before the band starts to leave the stage. This was the first time I had ever seen a wireless connection like this. This is why I think it is an early 80's movie. It wasn't a huge movie but every time it came on, my wife and I would watch it. Any help here would be appreciated.
Answer: Thunder Alley (1985) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090168/.
Saw this movie trailer about a year ago (2011): Foreign film about a man in prison (circa WWI or WW2?) who pays another prisoner so he may go free and assumes that other man's identity. The freed man then travels to the other mans estate where he assumes the other mans identity & position in the family. Some suspect; others don't. Possible British cast. What is the title of this movie? It was released in 2009-2011?
Chosen answer: The movie you refer to I believe is "The Tenth Man" with Anthony Hopkins, was a TV movie from 1988. IMDB link here. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096243/.
I'm trying to find the name of a movie that I saw on HBO in either 1992 or 1993. These military type people were in a jungle try to capture a creature that was eventually killing the group off. I have no idea who was in it or what the creatures looked like. I think they might have been invisible?
Answer: The 1987 Arnold Schwarzenegger film "Predator" would seem to be an obvious candidate.
This is for the Bond films as a whole. Bit of a stupid question, but in Licence to Kill, Della tries to give Bond her garter and he refuses because he doesn't want to marry again. And then Felix explains that Bond was married before a long time ago. My question is, in all the films, we see him getting off with various women, and since he was married a long time ago, shouldn't he have moved on by now? Or was Tracey the only woman he wanted to marry?
Chosen answer: James Bond is not the kind of man who would be interested in marrying and settling down with someone. Any woman that he that he would have married would be exceptional, and it is highly unlikely then that he would find another such person or consider taking any other woman as his wife.
Old classical movie: what's the name of the movie where a teen girl goes rich, is taken to buy new clothes, etc? When I was a kid I watched this movie sometimes, but now can't remember the name or the exact plot. It was a young girl or teenager who finds out she inherits a lot of money, or is the daughter of a rich man, something in those lines. She is taken to go shopping by a zealous woman who takes care of her. They go to a store and she tries out new clothes while the older woman tells her what to do, how to act, etc. This movie might be black & white, I can't remember. I used to watch many Julie Andrews movies, so I searched for Julie Andrews but couldn't find anything linked to her. What's the name of the movie?
Answer: It sounds like you're describing The Princess Diaries," which starred Julie Andrews as a royal dowager who is teaching her teen=aged granddaughter, who was raised as a commoner and did not know she was a princess, how to be and act like royalty. Anne Hathaway played the granddaughter.
I am looking for the title of a movie. I do not know around when it was made, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't foreign. I remember there being a (possibly albino?) teenager that had some sort of power; able to bend/move things with his mind, etc. I remember that he was very angry, didn't enjoy being different, possibly violent towards other teens. Anyone know what this is?
Chosen answer: Sounds like the movie Powder. Starring Mary Steenburgen and Sean Patrick Flannery. It was released in 1995.
Please help me find the name of this movie. I means a lot to me: it's my love story.The film is about a woman (blonde actress) that works in a place where the employer only allows married people to work in his agency. She was brilliant at work but single. Her close friend convinces her to lie at the employer and say that she got engaged to a photographer (he is also a blonde actor). She begs the photographer to help her in the plan and she will pay him in return. He agrees and then she uses him to make the man she loves jealous. That man (with soft black hair) that she loves is a bad guy, with multiple relations and he sees her as not suitable for him (as she's always been straight and serious). In time she gains the attention of her man and makes love with him, but discovers he is not the one for her, and at the same time, the blond one falls in love with her and shows her care and kindness. But she is tough with him, and forces him to pretend being bad and a cheater in front of her employer, to make it a reason for breaking up with him without being fired. But after she hurts the blond kind man, and forces him to do what exactly she planned for, she feels like losing him, and confesses everything in front of everyone at work, and the employer forgives her, and the black haired man asks her back, but she rejects his love. She finally goes to the blond kind photographer while he's taking photos of a bride and a groom in a church, asking him for another chance, and he agrees. Does anyone remember the name of the movie, please?
Chosen answer: This sounds like a 1997 movie with Jennifer Aniston called "Picture Perfect".
My question is about a television show my sister and I watched as kids (probably sometime between '94 and '97). It was a show about a man who had some type of conservatory/atrium-type thing behind his home where he kept zoo animals. I believe he had a gorilla and a lion. The animals could talk, but the protagonist was the only one they would talk to. He never told anyone that the animals could talk for fear that they would think he was crazy, and, if I remember correctly, he even believed himself that he may be crazy. I don't remember what channel it would have been on, but I'm pretty sure it aired during the day. It can't have been very popular because, even back then, no one else I knew watched it or had even heard of it.
Chosen answer: This sounds like it could be the Hanna-Barbara cartoon Shirt Tales (1980) - it aired first on NBC then Cartoon Network.
There's a scene I remember set in a glass walled office of a restaurant. Behind the main actors, through the glass windows, the chefs are busy prepping food, the scene goes on for a long time and I think may be a single take. Think it's a Hitchcock film - definitely that era - 50's I think. Any ideas?
Answer: This scene is in 'To Catch A Thief'. Definitely a Hitchcock film.
Hi, I'm looking for a foreign film (I think) about two teenage girls who become friends. One is rich and promiscuous and the other is poor. The poor girl sleeps with an older man, and her brother (or dad, I don't remember well) is a drunk, but he turns religious and says he's saved. The rich and the poor girl become involved romantically but the rich one is only playing with her while the poor one I think does fall for her. At the beginning, the poor girl uses this beat up motorized scooter and that's how she gets around the desolated city. The father of the rich girl cheats on her mom and they follow him one time to where he's sleeping with the mistress. It might be French; not sure.
Answer: It's actually British: My Summer of Love http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0382189/.
I watched half of a movie; it was kind of a dark comedy. It had an English setting and characters, about a house that hired an English nanny or maid, and she had this large old luggage trunk. The movie constantly implied that she had a body hidden in it, but since I never saw the end, I never got to find out!
Answer: "Keeping Mum" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0444653/.
Late 80s movie. Fantasy genre? Cigar-smoking men in suits seem to need them to survive. At some point, one of them is "executed". He climbs onto some place, for his trial or something. His cigar is removed from him, and then he looks down. The floor is full of cigar butts. He starts to disappear when the cigar is removed from him. It seems that these pale men in suits were after children, specifically a girl and a couple of friends. I recall a trunk popping open with toys in it. There is some "amphitheater" in the movie (that's where I learned the word). Probably the children were running away and going to hide in it. It's not "Bugsy" or "City of Lost Children" Could be some obscure B movie? European? I did watch it in a normal theater, for what it's worth.
Chosen answer: That just might be "Momo", a film of a book by Michael Ende (Neverending Story). http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091537/.
I once watched a film and the only scene I can remember was an actor making homemade pipe bombs and then setting them up around a house.
Answer: I believe it might be the movie Tremors (1990).
I am looking for a movie title I saw in the late 1980s. It is about a man who has escaped from an insane asylum. He is accused of being a pathological liar, but it turns out everything he has said is true. I think it ends showing him leaving town on a bus, and I think it might start with him arriving in town on a bus. Can anyone help me with the title to this film?
Chosen answer: This sounds similar to the 1984 film, "Choose Me" starring Keith Carradine and Genevieve Bujold. It was directed by Alan Rudolf.
I am looking for the name of a movie about a grizzly bear trying to get honey for her cubs, and gets hit in the head by a rock and dies.
I would like to know the film where a well-liked teacher is giving a lecture, and while talking he sits on the edge of the stage. He then gets down and sits with the students, and tells them he don't feel well, before he collapses and dies. Can anyone help?
Answer: I'm thinking you could be talking about Richard Gere's movie "Hachi - A Dog's Tale". In the movie, Richard plays a teacher/lecturer and in one scene, he dies in front of his class. Hope this is the one.
I'm looking for a french movie about a guy who doesn't fit in and no one cares about him except for his counselor. They decide to move to Ireland to start a new life and a lot of trouble happens. I think the movie is fairly new and on the cover of the DVD there were two skinheads.
Answer: I think the movie you're looking for is "our day will come" (notre jour viendra).
My brother and I have been trying to remember the name of an animated children's movie we saw that was made possibly during the late 80s or early 90s. We can't remember the protagonists. However, we recall the antagonists being a man who I believe dressed in black and his daughter, who I think was named Ivy and wore a green dress. She was able to control vines. I also think they lived in a castle or at least a similar dwelling.
Answer: I might be wrong, but this awfully sounds like it could be an episode from any Batman animated show featuring Poison Ivy as the villain. I don't know about her working with her father, but she does collaborate with other villains and often has henchmen, and usually lives in a castle/greenhouse/remote laboratory. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poison_Ivy_(comics)In_other_media.
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Answer: It was Breaking All The Rules, from 1985.