I am trying to remember the name of this film I saw years ago, but the title escapes me. I remember something takes over the minds of the students of a high school, one of the scenes i remember is that there is a certain powder that is deadly to the creatures so some friends in a circle snort the powder to prove they aren't one, but one female deceives them by having the skin of their nose close up and block their nostril. Plus I remember a janitor in this film who uses the lyrics "hey, teacher leave those kids alone" just before he saves them. Any ideas anyone? It's driving me insane.
Answered general questions about movies, TV and more
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I am looking for the title of a movie I saw on the Lifetime channel within the last five years (but I'm not sure if it was made that recently). A dark-haired girl begins dating a boy, he gets her pregnant and takes her to some ranch/farm where the owners are planning to keep the baby. The place also has other pregnant girls. I think her name might have been Wendy, but I'm not sure. At one point, her mom visits the place and tries to convince her to come home. Her mom confesses that she once had a baby boy as a teenager and gave him up for adoption.
Answer: are you thinking of Moment of Truth: Cradle of Conspiracy starring Danica Mc Keller?
I saw a movie when I was a kid in the early 80's, but I only remember a few parts, and I think it's a scary movie. Kids are in a school coatroom, when the school is closed. I also remember an angel or something at the end in a red dress, and there is a house on a beach side cliff that is lit on fire at the end. Does anyone know the name of this movie?
Answer: It sounds like you're describing Lady in White.
Does anybody know the name of a tv-series (English I think) about a stewardess who has 2 husbands in different countries, and they of course don't know about each other. So she leads 2 different lives, one in Italy and one in England, if I remember correctly.
Answer: You're probably thinking of "Coffee, Tea or Me?" from 1973, starring Karen Valentine.
In the original Pink Panther films, which is the one where Peter Sellers is at a hotel desk and asks if the clerk's dog bites, but then gets bitten with the clerk saying that is not his dog?
Chosen answer: The movie is "The Pink Panther Strikes Again".
I saw this movie many years ago, it looked to be late 80's early 90's. It was about a guy who saved a girl in a robbery and just before he died he asked her out. Later he comes back from the dead, but is decomposing. At the end he goes back in time to the point of the robbery and gets shot again but this time there is a locket that blocks the bullet that the girl gave him in the future.
Chosen answer: My Boyfriend's Back. (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107626/)
I heard somewhere that there is a movie that was made sometime in the past few years about the death of Nirvana vocalist/guitarist Kurt Cobain. Is this true, and if yes, what is the name of the movie?
I'm also looking for the title to an old science fiction movie I saw on TV a long time ago, possibly 1970's to early 1990's era. It took place in a post-apocalyptic world and features desert landscapes with sparsely-distributed debris of what was, back then, modern technology. It started with a wanderer staying at a friend's place before it is attacked. He has a sword and can fight, but, when taken in by a family, that family hides his sword from him. To protect this family from bandits, the wanderer duels the bandit leader with staffs. At the end, the men who killed his friend show up, and he is given his sword back to fight them with.
Answer: Sounds like Steel Dawn. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094033/.
Hello. I'm looking for the title of a children's animated movie, probably 80's-90's, that features a villain with a glass eye and a black bird that constantly calls out: nevermore. At the end, a flock of these black birds covers the villain, and, when they disperse, all that's left is the villain's glass eye, suspended in midair, which then drops to the ground.
I watched this movie some time in '08 on the cbbc channel, when I was in Scotland. It's about two boys and a girl who have a trolley and somehow go back in time to wartime Britain. They meet one of the boys' (I think his name is Johnny) grandmother. Somehow they stop the air raid signal from going off on time (I think they were chatting with the guy who was supposed to turn on the alarm) and the grandmother is killed. When they return to the present time nobody knows who the boy is. There is a weird dude who owns a burger place and apparently invented the burger (I think he was one of the kids who stayed back in time and told everybody about the burger). They return back in time to put things right, wearing costumes from the 'Sound of Music' to blend in, and change the events so when they return everybody knows who the boy (Johnny) is. I think it ends with them wearing their mucky costumes and the theatre producer having a row at them. This is a British film. If anyone knows the title that would be great.
Chosen answer: It's "Johnny And The Bomb" - http://uk.imdb.com/title/tt0498319.
Looking for a TV movie title and the lead actor's name; I believe he played a teacher whose female student became very attracted to him. The student showed up at a yard sale (or car wash, or some kind of fund raiser) in shorts and tried to seduce him. In the end, she murdered one of her own friends and made it look like she herself was dead, then went to the teacher's house and attacked his girlfriend. Who is the actor? He appeared tall, was handsome, dirty blonde or brown hair, and has been in a few television movies.
Answer: Wild Things. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120890/ It was a theatrical release. The lead actors were Matt Dillon and Kevin Bacon.
I've seen a few new commercials (here in the US) that show characters in scenes from popular movies, talking about whatever the commercial is advertising. For example, a commercial for a cell phone company has characters in the Island if Misfit Toys scene from "Rudolph". Does anyone know how these commercials are made if the original voice actors might not be around, or might have aged greatly and have different-sounding voices?
I'm looking for this movie. The plot is about a boy who is driving along at night when he sees a girl getting beaten up. He then pulls over and sticks up for the girl. And after a while he then is beaten to death by accident, then they all leave and he goes missing.,Then the movie follows him on as he becomes a ghost and is trying to tell everyone where his body is, but because he's a ghost he can't communicate. As this is going on, the girl he stuck up for is feeling depressed and trying her hardest to find his body but it seems for nothing. SPOILER: they find him in the dam.
Answer: The sounds quite a lot like "The Invisible", starring Justin Chatwin and Margarita Levieva.
The film I'm looking for is a Disney movie that I think went straight to video in the 90s. It is an animated film about a gas station that floats in the sky. I don't remember which characters where in it, but I think they were well known Disney characters. I would be very grateful for any information. Thanks.
Chosen answer: Sounds like "Tail Spin" a series that aired on the Disney Channel in the 90's. It had charactes Baloo and Louie from the Jungle Book.
There was this horror film I just saw on TV and I don't remember what it was called. A few parts of the movie stood out to me. One scene, this lady is crawling through some air vents in an abandoned hospital and she sees her mom's corpse who always abused her. The corpse suddenly comes alive and starts strangling the lady. There was this guy and when he died, a ball came out of his mouth that resembled a Dragonball Z ball. At an orphanage, there was this girl who rarely talked. Another girl at the orphanage beat up the little girl, and at one point the quiet little girl says that the girl that beat her up gave her candy. The candy was the ball that came out of the man's mouth. The final scene of the movie was this man's doorbell rang, he looked through the eyehole in the door to see who it was, and knife stabbed him in the eye.
Answer: The answer is One Missed Call (2008).
I am looking for an American commercial advertisement (I 'think' it was for a car or something in the 1990s perhaps) that features a man standing in front of a chalkboard, his right hand is solving a complex mathematical problem, while his left hand is simultaneously drawing a beautiful work of art. I am haunted and tormented by my failure to find this epic work. I would be most grateful to anyone who can help stop my pain.
Answer: Apple 2gs - 1988? And you're right...it's epic.
What is the movie where a cop gets shot in the face and then has to put eye drops in for the remainder of the movie?
Answer: "Kiss of Death" starring Nicolas Cage, Samuel Jackson, and David Caruso.
Looking for the name of a British comedy film that starts with a woman going to jail for murder. In jail she has a girl child which is removed and raised elsewhere. Plot starts when woman shows up at her 30's something daughters home. Bothersome barking dogs disappear, bothersome neighbors disappear, the woman is really psycho.
Answer: The film is "Keeping Mum" with Maggie Smith as the Psychomom and Kristin Scott-Thomas as her daughter.
The only scene my sister and I remember (from what we think was a film) shows a girl walking through the woods. There's a pond, with (I think) lots of water lilies floating on it. A small submarine rises from the pond, and the girl gets in, then it submerges in the pond, which although small from the outside is extremely deep under the surface. No one else remembers this film and we think we may have made it up, but it is very vivid in our memories. I think it was dubbed, as it may have been Dutch or something, and probably made in the early 70s perhaps. We've been trying to remember for years. Please help us, thanks.
Answer: I know it! It is a Belgian children's show called "Carolientje heeft een bootje" (Caroline has a little boat) Or something like that. I think it was from the Belgian BRT network. You didn't imagine it, I saw it lots of times!
I am looking for the title of a movie in which a guy goes around killing people and takes a piece of them (arm, leg, head, etc). Eventually the police find out where he's been hiding and why he was taking the body parts (at the home of the first murder, and to "recreate" the body Jesus). Thanks for the help.
Chosen answer: The film is called "Resurrection" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0142804/.
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Chosen answer: The Faculty starring Elijah Wood.
Phixius ★