Answered general questions about movies, TV and more

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Hello. I wonder if anyone can help me find the name of a film that was on tv around 25 years ago. It was the same story as Incredible Journey, but involved two little dogs: one looked like a fox and the other was white and hairy (short). Every holiday I have looked for it but, it has as far as I know never been on tv again .

Answer: Homeward bound?

I think this may have been an episode from a sci fi/horror anthology show from the 1970's. A young girl has a doll house that is a replica of the house she is living in and a doll for each member of the family. The dolls were very strange looking. Kind of round and flat. Whatever she made the dolls do, the family member did the same. One night the house caught fire and she dropped a doll while getting out. I think it was either the doll for her grandfather or uncle. The person ended up burning to death.

Answer: I beleive the movie you are looking for is an episode of the old "Ghost Story" aka "Circle of Fear" series from 1972. The episode is called "House of Evil" and starred Jodie Foster. A plot summary from follows:"A little girl who could control everyone in her house through her dollhouse and then become left to rescue everyone when the dollhouse as well as the real one starts to burn down. copies are available from - though I'm not sure how genuine the site is.

In sci fi movies it seems (mostly) there is one scene with a rotating fan or fans. Usually they are backlit and slightly foggy, but they usually serve no purpose. Sometimes a duct fan, sometimes a stand-up room fan. One film had 20 of the things in a 'wall of fans'. Does anybody know the significance of throwing a meaningless fan into a movie?

Answer: The only use I can think of is that it makes a cool, creepy lighting effect, often when shot through a foggy environment. If the scene is set in a warehouse or other such facility, the fan being there may be justfied.

I need the title to a movie seen on TV about 30 years ago. The movie ends with a battle between armored knights and a host of archers. I think the archers are supposed to be English longbowmen. The knights get surrounded in the open and the archers kill them all with volleys of arrows.

Answer: Possibly "Henry V," the one starring Olivier.

I am trying to remember the name of a cartoon movie from the early to mid 1980's. It is about a prince and a princess who fall in love but they can't be together because one is the child of the sun god and the other is the child of the sea god. Neither of them are able to live in the other's world. Does anyone have a clue as what this might be?

Answer: "Shiriusu no densetsu"(The Legend of Sirius) a.k.a "The Sea Prince and the Fire Child. Here's a link to a very nice little website about that movie:

I remember an old 80's horror film where the kids use a skeleton key to enter a door in the basement. I also remember the villain was trapped in a statue and gets set free. It's live action. Does anyone know the name of this movie?

Answer: Sounds a little like one of the Hellraiser movies, I believe Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth, where a nightclub owner buys a statue, which he stores in his loft. Some adolescents break into the loft (not sure if using skeleton keys, or lockpicks) and mess around with the statue, causing at least one of them to be killed and drawn into the statue as a trapped soul. Later in the film Pinhead is released from the statue, which also housed the souls of other victims.

I am trying to find the name of a movie that i saw years ago,it was probably made in the 60's or 70's,about a free spirited girl who is in an unconventional relationship with a man. She has a cat she named "mouse". I think in the end scene of the movie she turns around three times saying "i divorce thee, i divorce thee, i divorce thee", i'm not quite sure, but i think in the beginning of the movie she marries him the same way saying "i marry thee" three times while turning around.

Answer: Così come sei (1978).

Answer: Originally called Called London affair, then "Lola" then "Twinky" directed by Richard Donner in 1969. Starring Charles Bronson and Susan George.

Can anyone help me with the title to this movie? I remember only the final scene, in which two boys (one from Cambodia) and a girl are riding in a train. The boy from Cambodia is really worried about his mother, who is still in their native country, so he says he's going to go home and marry her so he can take care of her. I don't remember anything else. I must have seen it in the mid-1980s. Does anyone know what this movie is?

Answer: What you are describing sounds like "The Emperor of Peru. It was on HBO back in the early 80's. It's a very obscure film and difficult to find on DVD.

I remember seeing a movie in cinema when I was very young (about 1996-1998 I think). It was set in Medieval times and the main character was a boy. The movie had to do with hawks - I think the boy wanted to become a hawk-trainer. I remember a scene, where someone was hiding under a rug, and some guards came in and were looking for that person. They were told that there was a bear under the rug and they ran away. Also, the movie ends with a scene of the boy running in a field with a hawk.

Answer: Its called LadyHawk with a very young Matthew Broderick.

Can anybody help me name the movie I saw quite a while back? The film is British. It was about a series of murders of young girls. The crimes get solved by a young noblewoman and a police officer who of course fall in love. And the murderer is a quite mad wife of a local priest.

Answer: I believe the movie you're looking for is "The Cater Street Hangman" - a production based on the novel by Anne Perry about a British police inspector Thomas Pitt and the woman is Charlotte Ellison.

In the movie "Very Bad Things," a song is playing during the hotel stripper scene. What is that song?

Answer: Might be better to have asked this in that movie's section, but the song is a clip from "Dirt" by Death in Vegas (oddly enough). I'm pretty sure.

I am searching for a movie I saw in grade school several years ago. The only thing I can remember about it was from the perspective of insects, played by humans of course. I remember a spider and a dragonfly, which gets caught in his/her web. The only other thing I can remember is a cigarette butt being thrown into the grass causing the insects to flee. Does anyone have any idea about the name and possibly if it is still available to purchase?

Answer: Is it "Honey I Shrunk the Kids"?

I saw a movie ten years ago. It had a female house worker, or nanny, taking care of a family. The women is given a grandfather or cookoo clock at the start of the film and weird stuff starts happening. The father is attacked by a dog. The son kills the same dog and shoves it down a drain pipe. A person hangs themselves outside the house, and the father starts to bleed black ooze. The women eventually traces all these events back to the mysterious clock. The women goes inside the clock and destroys it. When she does, the lady wakes up at the start again, like the whole movie was a dream. A few minutes later, the women is given the same clock. she goes crazy and destroys it in a rage. Does anyone recognise this movie?

Answer: Sounds like Amityville 1992: It's About Time.

O.K. nobody has been able to give me the title to this movie I rented about 12-15 years ago. The movie was about a woman who wakes up in a desert and has no idea how she got there or why. I remember her finding a resort with people there but either, they don't know her, don't recognize her, or maybe it was they don't acknowledge her. As the story winds it's way through the plot, you find out in the end, the reason the other people are ignoring her, is that the woman had died while parachuting in the desert. I don't remember the actress name, but at the time she was a recognizable face, as was her friend at the resort.

Answer: The movie title is "Siesta" starring Ellen Barkin.

I saw this on tv about 15 years ago. I'm not sure if it was a film or a 2 part drama. There was a male artist who had ginger hair and he married this woman (ginger hair also) who he did a portrait of on their first meeting, which I think was in France or Italy. They had a daughter but split up a few years later. The father began to drink while the mum became quite successful. The daughter died while out on a boat, she fell off onto the anchor. Not a common death scene. Thanks.

Answer: Was it Mistral's Daughter with Stacy Keach and Stephanie Powers?

I seen a movie around in the 70's, a family is at a park, they see a pregnant woman and take her in.after she has her baby she disappears and they adopt the girl. As the girl gets older one by one she kills off the real children, two boys and a girl. At the end of the movie, it shows the same pregnant woman leaving with another family. I desperately need to know the name of this movie.

Answer: The Godsend from 1980.

I remember a movie that had a cameo appearance by three brothers of celebrities. One was Frank Stallone, brother of Sylvester. One was Don Swayze, brother of Patrick. Does anyone remember this movie and who the third brother was?

Paul Pepiton

Chosen answer: According to the IMDB, the only film those two have appeared in together was "W.A.R: Women Against Rape" from 1987. And if I'm correct, the third brother was Dick Van Dyke's brother Jerry. Alternatively might you be thinking of the recent "Fred Claus", which featured a group for overlooked brothers of celebrities, including cameos from Frank Stallone, Roger Clinton (brother of Bill) and Stephen Baldwin?

Cubs Fan

This is a game show that used to be on Nickelodeon. It had a jungle theme, and the players had to go through an obstacle course. In at least one episode, there was a part where they had to get gold pieces of a statue (I think it was of a monkey) and put it together before time was up. Does anyone remember the name?

Answer: It was called "Legends of the Hidden Temple" and ran from 1993-95. And you were close: the monkey was silver, not gold.

Cubs Fan

I'm looking for a movie from the 80's, possibly early 90's. There are two guys and one of them seems insane or delusional talking about aliens. The second guy doesn't believe him, but starts to wonder. The "delusional" guy sees an alien news story on the cover of a tabloid in a gas station store and he believes its true. Near the end, he pulls out a pen that transforms and flies around like a helicopter. Any ideas?

Answer: "Real Men" starring John Ritter and Jim Belushi. (

Captain Defenestrator

There was a movie in the early 90s, it was a scary movie and it was about a woman who wanted to lose weight. She ordered this special diet package that came with ear buds, glasses, and finally a needle and thread. The ear buds make her hear the food, the glasses make her see the food, and when neither of them work she sews her lips shut. Help please?

Answer: "Love Hungry" - episode in "Tales from the Darkside".


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