I'm looking for a movie that I used to watch when I was a kid, probably mid 1990's. I believe it's about two girls who are best friends - they both go to this cave near the ocean and one of the girls gets her foot caught under a big rock and can't move. The tide is coming in so the girl almost drowns, but the girl's best friend comes and brings help.
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A movie I saw mid-'90s, about a psycho stalker who chases this girl and her parents try to protect her in vain. One scene that sticks out is - she ends up in a hospital and he gets in, kidnaps her, drags her with her hospital bed across the parking lot until the police finally shoots him down...anyone remembers the title? Could be a TV movie.
Answer: It's been a few years, but I believe the TV movie you're describing is In the Shadows, a Stranger is Watching. (1993) Chris Noth plays a crazed doctor, who kidnaps a child and takes her to a secret room in the hospital. When confronted by the police, he charges at them and is shot to death.
I am looking for the title of a movie about a divorced father with a teenage daughter who live in a apartment, and the father has a female neighbor he doesn't get along with at all. They often had arguments, and she wants him to move out of the apartment. One day the father got an invitation from his ex wife to attend her wedding - she was getting remarried and asked if he would bring someone with him or not, he then said that he would bring someone just to let his ex wife think he moved on. He spent days calling women to see if he could get a date to go to the wedding with, just to impress his ex wife, but all the women he called rejected him, leaving him the final choice to ask his female neighbor. At first she didn't want to, but later she told him she would do it if he agreed to the terms to move out of the apartment. He agreed and she even had him sign a agreement contract...and I don't know the rest! Please answer if you know, thank you.
Answer: "The Neighbor" (2007) with Matthew Modine: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0978670/. Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FE9QilbjQZU.
What is the name of a movie that was out in the late 80's or early 90's, which had a serial killer who turned out to be the son of a lady physician that had been doing abortions for women in his home since he was a kid?
Answer: "Criminal Law" (1988) starring Kevin Bacon and Gary Oldman - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0097125/. 'Bacon has a mother who practices abortion, as he was the product of a failed abortion attempt. Due to his heartache surrounding this issue, he takes it upon himself to kill the women who are clients of his mothers, as he feels they are murdering innocent babies...'.
I'm trying to find the name of a short film I watched long ago. It starts off at a swimming centre where a woman (in her 40s maybe) is swimming and then goes to take a shower, where two girls take her clothes. The woman is then seen riding home on her bicycle wearing the shower curtain, where a bunch of young guys on their bikes begin chasing her. She gets derailed... And so on and one of the guys crashes into her, he gives her his red hoodie. The film ends with her at home wearing his hoodie... I've searched all over to try and find it and no luck, I hope someone knows what I'm talking about!
Answer: It's called "Push Bike" (2011): http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1580343/. Here's a link to the facebook page for the film, it has some screenshots and possibly a link to watch it: https://www.facebook.com/Push-Bike-the-short-film-124041790970259/.
A sad movie in the 70s where a girl gets sick, doctors have to freeze and keep the girl till they find the cure. Her boyfriend engineer waits for her and gets very old.
Answer: Maybe "Live Again, Die Again" (1974 TV Movie) starring Donna Mills. You can watch it in parts here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omActbE9DeA.
There was a TV movie about a man who was accused of raping a blind woman. He insists he's innocent but the woman claims that she could identify him by a scar on his face. The man goes to prison, and while he's there he makes friends with another prisoner who tells him that one prisoner keeps boasting about how he raped a blind woman and someone else took the fall for it. Ironically, the prisoner has the same scar as the innocent man. The woman, now a lawyer, receives a letter from the man informing her of some new evidence, and when a DNA test is done, the man is finally freed from prison. The woman then goes to the man to make amends for sending him to prison.
Answer: "Blind Injustice" (2005 TV Movie): http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0453348/.
I am racking my brain to work out what movie I am thinking of. I think it is some kind of rom-com, I remember there is a "friendly" baseball game maybe right after a break up or fight at some point in the movie and also (at around the same time) the female lead is riding a bike through a park with a female friend at another part. I know it's really not much to go on, but it's all I can remember.
Answer: "About Last Night" (1986) with Demi Moore and Rob Lowe - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090583/. You can watch part of that scene here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9gaTmxI29Y.
Back in 1996 or '97, I watched what I remember a TV movie named simply CLASS 101. It was about a college dorm kind of movie and they were about to graduate or something like that. I have next to nothing details about it. I know it is not With Honors nor Threesome.
Chosen answer: "Life 101" (1995 TV Movie) starring Corey Haim and Ami Dolenz. You can watch it here...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Br0y2P32qic.
I need help with the name of a movie I saw in the 80's, it might be older. It was about a group of people who were lost and ended up in a crazy family's house looking for help. The family was old and their kids were old also, but they still thought they were young, and the daughter had a doll in a bassinet that they believed was alive. The group of lost teenagers spent the night at their house and the family began to try and kill them.
Answer: "American Gothic" (1988) - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094642/.
Does anyone know the title of this movie? When I was a kid, I watched the movie and in one scene, a man said to the other man something like "Your second toe is longer than your first one. So, you must be an intelligent one." I can't give you more details because that's all I can remember.
Chosen answer: "Shallow Hal" (2001) makes a reference to this condition (called 'Morton's Toe').
I recall a few scenes from a movie or TV special about a young adult (maybe teen, but I think she was a young adult) who goes into therapy and ends up "uncovering" repressed memories of her father molesting her. If I remember correctly the abuse was said to have started/occurred in infancy. The veracity of the story is questioned and the therapist seems to herself have an overly close relationship to the girl. They choose to prosecute the father and it rips the family apart. I remember one of the final scenes where the girl's family is standing on one side and therapist on the other and the girl walks out with her therapist. The movie addresses issues about statute of limitations and the veracity if repressed memory. That's all I can remember.
Chosen answer: There is a 1993 TV movie with two titles. Not in my Family and Shattering the Silence. Joanne Kerns plays the woman with the repressed memories of abuse. She later takes her father to court.
I'm trying to find a movie and I cannot think of the name - I know it starts with a guy out running. When he gets home he finds his wife/girlfriend dead in the tub. He rents a room he shares with a woman. He locks her in her room and she poisons him with bacteria she was growing in a petri dish.
Chosen answer: It could be the 1992 TV movie, Deadbolt. Starring Justine Bateman as the girl held prisoner by Adam Baldwin. She put some sort of bacteria in his dessert.
I can't remember the name of this movie. I only remember the very end. I believe this family was trying to escape from this town in their car at night. Then a strange animal or creature runs into their car. It looked like it ran into their car on purpose to prevent them from leaving town. The strange animal was never shown. The next day, the family was back at their home like nothing ever happened. A boy was playing basketball while the other family members were doing chores. It was like they were in a trance.
Chosen answer: Sounds like a 2002 TV movie called Disappearances. Harry Hamlin and Susan Dey play a couple with kids, who stop in a desert ghost town. A mysterious force prevents them from leaving and they end up becoming part of the town's other trapped inhabitants.
Which series had a scene where a man had come up with a supercar which could change color, completely camouflage and could talk. The man was killed and the daughter, a lecturer, was being chased by unknown people who wanted to kill her. She was joined by a handsome guy and they were being chased down by I think FBI, and were wanted dead. I watched it in 2010.
Answer: In 2008 they made a TV movie/pilot of "Knight Rider" which turned into just 1 season. This series was a sequel of sorts to the 80's Knight Rider. Charles Graiman built K.I.T.T. 3000, a Mustang Cobra car that could talk. It was reported he was killed, and his daughter did come to identify the body, but it turns out he had actually survived. She and Mike Traucer search for answers and it turns out Traucer is Michael Knight's (David Hasselhoff) son.
There was a movie that starred Fred Ward and Alec Baldwin. The movie has Alec Baldwin going down an escalator in an airport who is greeted by a Buddhist monk. Alec breaks the man's finger, causing the monk to die from shock. Fred Ward plays a detective hired to find Alec and arrest him.
Answer: "Miami Blues" (1990).
I'm trying to find the name of a movie I saw maybe 15 years ago. It was a comedy about a cop who got told he had a disease meaning he had x amount of time to live. He found out his work insurance only paid out if he got killed on the job so he spent ages trying to get shot by bad guys but kept failing. At the end it is found out that his records were mixed up with a bus driver's.
Chosen answer: Short Time (1990) with Dabney Coleman.
Looking for the title and actors in a 50's something TV show / movie about a guy in advertising or marketing who had to deliver a marketing plan, but had nothing. A word in a newspaper caught his eye and he started building upon it, without any idea of what product he could market on that lead. The strict, blue-eyed, blond iceberg of a career woman who had to work with him, despised him because, knowing he was a big player, she guessed that he had nothing. In the end he worked towards a secretive product that he revealed to the company as sweets filled with liquor. After tasting too much, the woman ended up in his apartment, wearing only his light blue pajama jacket the next morning, furious with him. In the end he and a hastily commandeered preacher caught up with her while she was rushed towards a hospital labor room on a trolley; the preacher sputtered the holy matrimony questions and the woman, still furious, screamed a pain filled "Y-e- s!" before disappearing into the labor room with the doors closing behind the trolley and nurses and doctor. So funny! I need a good laugh so I need to lay my hands on this movie. Title please?
Chosen answer: This is "Lover Come Back" from 1961, starring Rock Hudson and Doris Day.
This is about a TV commercial and I can't figure out who the actor is. I feel like he's a comedian I've seen before, so he may not be in any films. It's a Brookside chocolates commercial. He's by a field, dressed in a blue shirt, next to a table with the chocolates. He's holding a phone reading online comments. Then someone brings a 100-pound bag and breaks the table.
Chosen answer: His name is Jon Dore. He has several stand up specials on TV.
I remember playing a PC game in the early 90s - 2D cartoony thing with a detective character who wore a top hat with spindly legs and floppy yellow hair, photographing things in a school. Can't remember the name - ring a bell for anyone?
Chosen answer: Midnight Rescue! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midnight_Rescue.
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Answer: The movie is called Gold Diggers: The Secret of Bear Mountain.