I am trying to find the title to a movie I saw on television sometime ago. All I can recall was the ending in which a woman jumps off a cliff and climbs a railroad bridge and walks on down the tracks (all of this occuring in the woods). Also, it was about a father and son who kidnapped a woman and held her in their cabin. The father looked like grizzly adams and eventually killed the son because he kept trying to rape her. Could somebody tell me the name of the movie I am describing?
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I'm looking for a boxing/fighting-type movie that I watched in the 90's. I think the main character trained by chasing after buses, and in the end he had a bare-knuckle fight in a ring with the bad guy. There may or may not have been some sort of underground fighting involved in the movie, but i can't be sure. Does anyone recognize this movie?
Answer: I think the movie you are referring to is "Gladiator". http://imdb.com/title/tt0104346/.
I saw a trailer for this movie maybe five or ten years ago. All I remember is that it is a summer camp movie, maybe some type of boy scouts. The only scene I remember is a counselor asking the boys if they brought their cameras. He then steps aside to reveal a naked woman (who I think is also a counselor) and all the boys start taking pictures of her. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Answer: What you are describing is a great scene in "I love trouble" with Julia Roberts and Nick Nolte. She is not naked but close and she falls in the lake.
About 10-15 years ago I saw an old movie on TV about a young girl who lost a leg or legs in a train accident. I remember very little about this movie but seems as though there was something about "music box" in the title. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Answer: There is a 1984 movie called "The Dollmaker," starring Jane Fonda, where her daughter's legs are crushed by a train.
I saw a movie ten years ago. It had a female house worker, or nanny, taking care of a family. The women is given a grandfather or cookoo clock at the start of the film and weird stuff startes happening. The father is attacked by a dog. The son kills the same dog and shoves it down a drain pipe. A person hangs themselves outside the house, and the father starts to bleed black ooze. The women eventually traces all these events back to the mysterious clock. The women goes inside the clock and destroys it. When she does, the lady wakes up at the start again, like the whole movie was a dream. A few minutes later, the women is given the same clock. she goes crazy and destroys it in a rage. Does anyone recognise this movie?
Answer: Seems like this plot summary for "Amityville 1992: It's About Time". http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0103678/plotsummary.
This is going to be long so I apologise in advance. I am trying to find the name of a movie, possible tv-movie, I watched a long time ago. I don't remember much about it except that it was about a girl whose parents were divorced and she lived with her mum and grandmother. She liked a boy who committed suicide and then she met another boy who gave her a ride on his motorbike and she complained that he would see her underwear. In one scene she tells her mother about dating this boy and the mother asks her if he has a car. Later her father asks her the same thing and that's when she says, "You guys did it in a car didn't you?" One of the last scenes of the movie is her finishing her exams and dropping her pen on the floor, and the last scene is a gathering in a garden. The girl was possibly half-Italian. Not very specific I'm afraid.
Answer: The movie you are looking for is an Australian movie called 'Looking for Alibrandi' which is based on a book of the same name and stars Pia Miranda.
I'm looking for a title to a TV movie that was from the late 70's or early 80's. It was a spoof of all of the 70's detective shows. The only example that I remember is that it had a character that resembled/parodied Baretta. The only scene I remember was one in which a character got killed (presumably, but did not) when some sort of explosion happened and he was baked in an oversized cake out on the street.
Answer: Murder Can Hurt You (1980).
I think about 15 years ago I saw a movie on televison, one of those saturday afternoon specials, that had a group of people in a house being attacked by lions. I think it was set in Africa, but the movie is almost exclusively shot in the house. They fashioned some sort of cage for themselves to get out using stuff from around the house. I have since caught the tail end of the movie one time before, maybe about 10 years ago, but I didn't see a title or remember any of the credits. If anyone knows the title to this movie I would be grateful. Also if you know if its out on DVD I would love to get this.
Answer: Savage harvest.
I'm currently looking for a movie that was made sometime in the 90s. The movie had two men and they were lost and were trying to find their way back home. On their way home, a guy in a car picks them up but later tells them to get out and strip their clothes off to their underwear. Anyway know what movie this is?
Answer: "Three for the Road" with Charlie Sheen.
Hello, I'm trying to find the title of a movie I watched as a child probably around early 90s. Im not really sure what the plot is, but it takes place in the UK I believe and revolves around these children finding the misty end of a rainbow and entering this magical realm. They arrive on a boat and there are people floating (I think) above their boat on this "canal." It is very surreal with flowing music and a lot of flowing colors and mist. This was a favorite of mine back in the day but neither I nor my parents can remember the title. Please, any help is so appreciated. Thanks.
Answer: I believe the answer is "The Great Land Of Small", I was looking for the movie myself and my description was the same as yours. I came across your question during my search, I hope this will help you.
This film was probably from the late '70's. A group of twenty-somethings were on a sailing trip in the Bermuda Triangle. They see a person, who is a priest,in the distance who appears to have survived some type of catastrophe with his own boat and is floating around on some wreckage. They rescue him, but one by one the passengers start dying. In the closing scenes, a Coast Guard chopper starts to fly back to the mainland with the only survivior, the priest, when the other Coast Guard people still on the sail boat radio to the chopper "who did you say you had up there?" The chopper pilot replies, "we have the priest, over". As the camera looks down from the chopper to the boat, you can see that a priest is hanging from the rigging, dead. The chopper pilot sees this and turns around to face the rear of the passenger area and says "if they have the priest, who have we got?" The "priest" sits there giving a very evil laugh. This movie may have been on Tales of the unexpected, but I think it was a proper movie. It has haunted me for over 25 years! What is it called?
Answer: Satan's triangle: See IMDB.
Answer: You have the right answer, but the wrong person. It starts with the Coast Guard finding the boat with only one survivor, Kim Novak. She tells the story in flashback about what happened. The priest and everyone dying mysteriously. The Coast Guard officer, Doug McClure, gives a rational explanation for everything. Then the rest of the rescue crew arrive. As they take over the investigation, Doug and Kim board a helicopter and leave. In the air, the rescue crew radios that they found another crew member entangled in the sailing mast. It's Kim Novak. At the same time, Kim on the helicopter has a wicked grin on her face. When Doug confronts her, it's revealed she is actually the priest. After throwing Doug off the chopper, he goes after the pilot. The helicopter goes into a nosedive. As the pilot prays, the priest says that if you worship Satan, he will save your life. The chopper crashes, and Doug floats in the water with a wicked grin as a cruise ship approaches.
I saw a black and white film in the 70's about a boy that talks to a man in a tree. I was very young and could be mistaken but I think the man was death and his grandfather tries to keep the boy from the tree, anybody have any ideas?
Answer: It's called "On Borrowed Time" from 1939.http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0031754/.
A white girl found a black doll. Somehow they traded places and the white girl became a doll and the black doll became a live girl. They traded back and forth for a while and one day the black doll/girl decided not to change back into a doll. The white girl remained a doll. Does anyone know what movie this was?
Answer: It's an episode called "Where the Woodbine Twineth" from an Alfred Hitchcock TV series.
I am looking for the name of a cartoon, possibly anime, that I saw as a kid in the 1980s. Some things I remember is its about two young unicorns, a good one and a mischievous one. Somehow they end up at the end of the Earth, which appears to be the ocean. One detail is that a black unicorn brings darkness and a white unicorn brings light. Also, the intro shows the mother unicorn and her offspring. Can you help me find the name of this cartoon?
Answer: I think you're talking about The Last Unicorn.
I am trying to find out the name of a period piece movie, about a couple who have no jobs but several children. In the end, the couple both get jobs. As they return home joyfully to tell the children, they find them all dead, the oldest one having killed the younger ones and himself, and something like "too many mouths to feed" written on the wall.
Answer: The movie is Jude with Kate Winslet.
This is for the title of a film I saw in 2000. It is about a boy who goes to stay with some people and finds a huge garden out the back of their house. When he asks the people he's staying with about the garden they say that they don't have a garden, only a courtyard with some rubbish bins. There is a gardener who says "bloody hell" a lot. At one point the boy is hiding behind a door from someone. The film is probably English, cannot quite remember. Sorry about the vagueness, but could someone please identify this film.
Chosen answer: This could be Tom's Midnight Garden. I don't know the film but the children's book is by Phillipa Pearce.
I saw a movie quite a few years ago and all I can remember is the following. An American boy goes to a Shaolin temple because he wants to be trained in the arts. He sits outside the temple for days without food. They show the wind blowing leaves over him and the monks telling him to leave. After a few days or weeks they eventually let him in. The training included him jumping from one tree stump to another. It is not your typical van Damme type movie. Does anyone know the title?
Answer: What you are talking about is the pilot to "Kung Fu" the TV series, starring David Carradine, or possibly a movie called American Shaolin.
I remember watching a film on Sky movies that I can't remember the title of. It was about a boy and a dog who got lost/stranded on an island. They try to survive and make traps. Then a helicopter comes and takes the boy and forgets the dog. That's all I can remember.
Answer: Far from Home: The Adventures of Yellow Dog.
I am looking for the name of a war movie in which the two countries fighting sent a lone soldier to fight instead of an entire army. It took place on an island and I don't believe they had weapons. During the movie the warring factions sent another soldier to help win the fight. This was against the rules and the original combatants killed their own man out of respect. The winner was supposed to transmit a code back to the countries declaring victory. It ended with both men dying on the beach and only the transmission being sent without the code so neither side knew which man won. I saw this on tv as a kid in 70's. I know one of the soldiers was American and I think the other was Japanese.
Answer: The movie is a 1970 TV movie of the week. It is called The Challenge. It starred Darrin McGavin as Gallery (he had a double barrelled machine gun) and Mako as his opponent. There is no official relase of this movie on DVD or tape. Independent copies may be found but are very rare. Been looking for it a long time myself.
Bear with me, it's been about 8 years since I've seen this movie. I remember something about cyborg teddy bear toys, like plushies, and there was some sort of plot where they were turning evil, not sure if they were lethal or not. But their eyes would turn red and stuff. (Sorry it's not more descriptive; can't think of anything else.) Do you know what the title of the movie is?
Answer: It is an episode from Honey I Shrunk the Kids The TV series. The episode is called Ho eat the Bear is Bad News. I remember this episode back when the show was on TV and one of the stuffed bears became infected with a computer virus and it passed it on to all of the other bears.
Answer: It's possible that it's Gremlins [1984]. Gremlins were little bear-looking creatures that would turn evil when fed after midnight. Water made them multiply.
It can't be gremlins because the Mogwai weren't cyborgs or even looked like a bear and it was only the gremlins that had red eyes.
Answer: Another possible answer is the 1995 horror film "Screamers." One of the titular robots is a red-eyed teddy bear.
No, the screamer is a little boy holding a teddy bear.
The teddy bear at the end revealed that it was a screamer as well, the missing model the humans never discovered.
No, Jessica is the screamer model they missed. The teddy bear and little boy are one screamer model together.
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Answer: I believe the movie was "The Abduction of Kari Swenson" which was bases on a real incident. http://uk.imdb.com/title/tt0092506/.