A cowboy movie of 4 or 5 street teens who in the event of stealing a horse and wagon discovers there is a baby on board, and they grow up raising her as their sister. One of the brothers was black. I think his name was Adam, and another brother was named Colt.
Answered general questions about movies, TV and more
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Just saw "outbreak" on TV, also saw it several years ago. There's a scene where the camera is passing through the various levels of a bio lab increasing in danger to the higher levels. I remember as the camera passed through each door it would list the various viruses (Ebola, anthrax, etc) that were worked on. When I saw the movie recently it did not list the viruses as it passes through each level. Did something change or am I thinking of another movie?
Answer: Movies tend to get edited for television not only for content, but to fit the standard US television hour: 45 minutes of film, 15 minutes of commercials. Outbreak is 127 minutes long, which means they had to lose 7-12 minutes for American television. The scene you describe doesn't sound particularly important to the plot, and thus, safe to cut. You might be thinking of the mini-series "The Stand," which begins with a similar scene on the base that the virus escapes from showing that everyone in the facility is dead. (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0108941/).
Looking for the title of a 2013 low budget horror/slasher movie about a preteen boy whose older brother is a serial killer. The boy is a horror movie fan and I think the setting may be the 1980's. It sounded interesting and got a decent review.Thanks!
Chosen answer: Most likely "Found" from 2012: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2149360/.
Okay so I would like help finding out the name of this movie. I think it was made in the 80's maybe the early 90's. The only thing i remember is it was about a girl who is rich and I think she complains about her life, and so she switches lives with a poor person. I also only remember that there is a scene where a girl skinny dips.
Answer: It's 'Maid to Order, ' starring Ally Sheedy.
What is the name of this black and white movie? A cowboy has himself thrown in jail to break out another cowboy (his son?). The younger cowboy won't leave, so the older one breaks out and heads for Canada until the heat dies down. It's a lighthearted, funny movie until the end, when he crosses the border. He and his horse are hit by a car. The police have to shoot the dying horse and he's taken away in an ambulance. The film ends with a shot of his bloody cowboy hat in the middle of the street.
Chosen answer: The movie is Lonely are the Brave with Kirk Douglas from 1962.
I only remember what I think is the beginning of this movie. A dad makes a bid at a silent auction on a house. They win the house but the dad dies before they find out. The house is a real mess and I remember his family standing outside looking at it ready to move in, realising how much work needs to be done on it.
Answer: Try "The War" (1994).
I wondered if any one can help me figure out a film I watched when I was a kid - it was about a truck driver who gets killed out on the road, and the man's dad drives around and searches for who it was. At the end of the film it turned out to be a woman - I don't know if it was a true story.
Chosen answer: Try "Revenge on the Highway" (1992).
Looking for a movie where a woman wants to live with the indians. All I can remember is at the end the indians flee into a mist or a waterfall and this protects the tribe from having the white man follow them and destroying their way of life.
Chosen answer: You may be referring to "Last of The Dogmen" from 1995. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113617/.
I'm searching for the name of a movie I saw when I was about 11 yrs. Old (I'm 52 now), it was a black and white movie, maybe British. It involves a young boy (he sang in a Catholic boys choir) and he sees a man (I think he was in the military) and he kills someone in the boys apartment building. The boy witnesses the murder while he is hiding in the closet. I hope someone out there knows the movie.
Chosen answer: It's the 1959 British film, "Tiger Bay" starring John Mills, Haley Mills, and Horst Bucholz.
What disaster film involved earthquakes, a fire, a childbirth and someone shooting a man dead regarding the loss of a son?
Chosen answer: This sounds like the 1974 film, "Earthquake, " starring Charlton Heston.
An older movie that has kids who are trying to solve a murder, you never see the adults... I remember they are standing outside a kitchen window talking about the mystery and the mom is cooking a turkey.
Answer: Clubhouse Detectives maybe.
There was a comedy film I saw sometime in the 90's. The movie was about a guy who gets a traffic ticket and loses his license. He is ordered by a judge to go to traffic school to get his license back. He meets other people that are also taking traffic class and they end up getting into crazy adventures. The end of the film has all of them graduating but as the lead guy drives down the road a few minutes later, he sees his friends getting traffic tickets.
Answer: Moving Violations (1985).
Don't remember if this was a movie or TV show I saw, but I remember the husband is some kind of liberal lawyer scared of the fall of society. He has a hidden gun safe in his home office and his wife finds out about it, and forces him to choose between his family and his guns.
Chosen answer: It was an episode of House, MD from season 8 called "Perils of Paranoia".
There was a movie about a teenage boy and his girlfriend going on some sort of trip. The boyfriend, while doing something, is bitten on his left arm by a snake. His girlfriend takes him to a hospital for treatment. While asleep in the hospital bed, a nurse notices his left arm is moving in an unnatural way. When she removes the bandages, she is shocked to see that his entire arm has turned into the head and body of a snake, which then kills the nurse. The end of the movie has the boy standing in a field in the rain begging his girlfriend to help him. Suddenly, his mouth opens extremely wide and a snake comes out. The girlfriend is left with no choice but to kill the snake with a shotgun blast to the head. This isn't Anaconda, but I know it was from sometime in the 80's.
Answer: The Curse II: The Bite (1989) from director Frederico Prosperi.
I am looking for a Casanova movie where the first Casanova sails off with his wife/girlfriend that he fell in love with and his apprentice / wannabee Casanova 'takes over' being Casanova and no one knows the real / first Casanova has gone with his love.
Answer: It's a 2005 movie, Casanova, starring Heath Ledger. Casanova's Big Night was a B/W comedy.
There was a movie that I believe had John Shea in it. In the movie, a woman becomes angry at a driver for almost running her down and throws something at the car. The driver responds by actually putting the car in reverse and knocking the woman to the ground. The woman lives but ends up with amnesia. While her husband helps her recover, she not only begins to remember the accident but starts to accuse him of sexually molesting their daughter.
I am trying to find a movie where a couple has a baby and then he dies. She begins to date and fall in love with his brother and then the original brother comes back and has to decide. Think was made maybe 5 years ago.
Chosen answer: I think it might be "Brothers" with Natalie Portman and Toby Macguire.
There was a movie about three teenagers, two guys and one girl, who I believe traveled into the sixties and got caught up in a crazy adventure. The girl made friends with a guy who was only interested in getting her in bed while his kid brother believed that she was an alien and contacted the government about her. One of the guys was trapped in a meeting where the spokesman said that everyone in the room was an asshole. The guy kept trying to leave but was not allowed until he used the spokesman's words about people not being given the freedom to do what they should be allowed to do against him, and manages to leave. The other guy kept trying to repair the time machine so the could finally return to the future.
Answer: Spirit of '76. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Spirit_of_%2776_(1990_film)
I remember a TV show from UK television, probably broadcast late 80s/early 90s. It had a mannequin/dummy thing that was a decorative feature in a shopping centre. Inside the face of the mannequin (which I think wore a bowler hat and suit) was some kind of crystal or other shiny thing. There was a clock on the bike the mannequin rode and whenever the crystal was inserted in its face it would pedal wildly and send these kids to a parallel dimension which was very 1980s psychadaelia and was like a TV news show. I keep thinking this show was called 'Finders Keepers' but apparently not. Any other ideas?
Answer: It is Finders Keepers but it was Australian. If you're searching UK Finders Keepers you'll get a kids' game show hosted by Neil Buchanan.
I saw a film, a long time ago, I think it may have been black and white. At some point there is a sheep's body with a man's head, and I think that this creature was in a hospital bed, possibly in a psychiatric hospital. Any idea what the film could be?
Chosen answer: If it was a pig's body, then it was 'O Lucky Man!' from 1973: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0070464.
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Answer: I never saw the movie, but based on your description and it's similarity to a series of books I read, I believe this is Rose Hill, and it aired in 1997.