Answered general questions about movies, TV and more

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I'm looking for the title of a movie. I watched it as a kid, on TV, sometime in the 90's. It was based on a mom and her two daughters. The youngest daughter was really into swimming. She walked around with a swimming cap on. I want to say the mom drank a lot, but I don't remember that for sure. I believe the mom went out with a guy that her oldest daughter had a crush on. The older daughter leaves one night with her younger sister, to meet a guy. Possibly the same guy. The younger daughter almost drowns in the river while her sister is up in a tower with the guy. I don't believe the little girl dies. That's about all I can remember. Kind of vague, but I hope someone can help! Thanks!


Chosen answer: The movie is Mermaids (1990). It starred Cher, Winona Ryder and Christina Ricci.

Gavin Jackson

I am looking for the name of a movie about a girl who lives in a small town, and when a local girl is killed she starts to obsess about the murder and eventually kidnaps a boy who may or may not be the killer. I saw a review of it 3 years back - it was starring an up and coming young actress. I thought it was Winter's Bone, but it's not.

Answer: Sounds a lot like Hard Candy - the actress was Ellen Page.

Trying to remember a certain Christmas movie. A woman stops celebrating Christmas because when she was a child, she was going to mail a letter to Santa and I can't remember if she did or not. As an adult she loses her faith in the holiday and suddenly, all of the lights in her neighborhood go out. It's not until, with the help of an angel, that she mails the letter renewing her faith in Christmas and the lights come back.

Answer: It sounds like One Magic Christmas (1985) which starred Mary Steenburgen.

Jeff Swanson

I forgot the name of this one movie that I saw back in 2007 on cable television (I believe it aired on AZNtv) the film is set in India and centers around a woman whose family owns a restaurant from their home. Her (rather mixed) family arranges for her to marry a man of good economic standing, but through the length of the film, she begins to fall in love with a woman.

Answer: The movie is called "Nina's Heavenly Delights."

I'm trying to find a film I saw years ago, maybe late 90's early 2000's but can't be sure. It's a British film of a brother and sister who live with their father in the countryside, The father has become/is angry and abusive. The brother has developed feelings for his sister and attacks and kills the father when he tries to rape the sister. The only scene I remember is at the end, when the brother and sister are hiding and begin to kiss. I remember it pulling no punches.

Answer: Perhaps "The War Zone" (1999). It's a film by Tim Roth, and they live in the Devonshire countryside, and the boy (Tom) kills his father. Just that they don't kiss in the end, just sit down next to each other.

I am looking for the title of a movie. I believe it was in the 80s, and I could swear Meredith Baxter was in it. It was about a woman who was married but fell in love with another man (I believe he was her cousin?) they both went crazy. She had children from her husband and they were in a delusional state. There is a part in the movie where they blow themselves up in the car/jeep they are in (entire family).


Chosen answer: Bitter Blood, also known as "In the Best of Families: Marriage, Pride & Madness".

Looking for a movie I watched on HBO about ten years ago, can't find it anywhere. It's about a kid (10-13 years old?) who works in a restaurant and he steals all the money one night. He gets caught and gets to keep the all the things he spent the money on, but at the end of the movie he goes to jail. I want to say that he buys a record collection with the stolen money (or he might have stolen the record collection), which he hides under the porch, but I could be mixing that up with another movie. At one point in the movie, a kid who bullies him comes into the restaurant while he is working, so he pees into his dinner. After watching him eat it, he vomits. Another scene I can specifically remember, he orders a lot of food with the stolen money, and half way through the meal he stops and vomits and can't eat anymore.

Answer: I found the movie! It's Joe the King (1999).

There is a man who could know what you are thinking about while touching you and he could control your mind. He created a heresy and went to a park to "preach" every Sunday and then found some young girls in the audience and controlled their mind. He lived with the girls in an remote place and he made them pregnant. FBI tried to arrest this man. The investigator was a young girl and she could also read people's mind while touching them. Later the police found the man's residence and fought with the man and his "followers." I can only remember a scene that during the fighting the girl, the investigator, tried to use words rather than threatening to make a girl touched and to make her put down the gun. Sorry I can't remember the epilogue. Can anyone point out the title of this movie please? Thanks.

Answer: Mindstorm (2001)

Trying to find a movie. I saw just bits of it on STARS years ago (pre 2001). The part I remember was a girl with blonde hair walking up to someone in the dark in the desert or outback or something. She's naked and she stops and pees right there in front of the person. It's driving me crazy that I can't remember the name.

Answer: Fairly sure this scene is from "Holy Smoke", featuring Kate Winslet and Harvey Keitel.

Jon Sandys

I am trying to find the title of a film. I remember watching it in the 1990's-early 2000's. From what I remember, a boy goes swimming at the beach during the storm and there is no lifeguard on duty. He ends up drowning and it shows him underwater drowning. At his funeral, a girl puts a picture of the two of them in his coffin. That's all I can't remember and no one seems to know the movie.


Chosen answer: I'm pretty sure it's "Dancing on the Moon".

What was the Christmas short film in the late 80s or early 90s about a lonely bachelor, a doll maker and a young woman? The man sees a lovely doll in a shop window and buys it. Via some 'magic' involving his doll (moving his car keys closer to him or leaving a note with an address on it), he drives to the address and the young woman who lives there looks like his doll. Coincidentally she has a male doll who looks like the man. The entire thing was arranged by the doll maker, and presumably they ended up happy ever after as a result.


Chosen answer: It was an episode of the TV show "Amazing Stories" entitled "The Doll," starring John Lithgow. (

Captain Defenestrator

There is a movie that I saw a couple years ago, it was about this troubled teenage girl who had curly bleach blonde hair - she dressed like a guy in school but one night she goes to a club type place and removes her hat so her hair comes down, her and her guy friends break into a jewelry store, and her boyfriend calls the cops on her.


Chosen answer: This sounds like a movie called The Invisible, starring Justin Chatwin and Margarita Levieva. She has brown hair, not bleach blonde, but everything else sounds right.


I am trying to identify a film. It's an animated film in Japanese or Chinese. The art style reminds me of Ghibli or Miyazaki. There's a girl standing on a bridge (next to another girl?) and she's looking down at some school-age boys her age playing in the water. They motion for her to come in, and she looks like she's going to jump in but then decides not to. Later there's a scene where that same girl (or another girl) takes shelter at what looks like an abandoned shrine in the woods (it might be raining). She hears some voices, and two spirits reminiscent of the ones in Spirited Away materialize next to her. Another spirit wearing a hoodie/cloak jumps onto her lap, and the girl screams and runs away.


Chosen answer: I think the film you're looking for is "A Letter to Momo"

I am trying to find a movie set in early Russia during the famine. Bad guys break in and kill parents, but while robbing they are starving. The bad guys end up killing the younger brother and eating him. The older brother later hunts each of them and kills them. Which movie is this?

Answer: Sounds a lot like Hannibal Rising, about a young Hannibal Lector (his younger sister gets killed and eaten).

Jon Sandys

I'm looking for a movie where a man's father drinks lots of alcohol. His father is a student of his mother. The mother is currently in jail. The man is going to marry a girl who is secretly cheating on him with her brother. The father learns about it, but they give him money to shut up. Eventually he wants to save his son and tells the truth at the wedding.

I'm looking for a movie where a blonde actress sings la boheme. She isn't a well known actress and the movie is similar to Raise Your Voice, but came out before. It takes place in a musically gifted school I believe, and the piece is performed at the end. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I've been looking for the name of this movie for years.


Chosen answer: Brave New Girl.

I'm looking for a film from the 50s or early 60s, Hollywood - a mother, father and daughter go on a cruise, the daughter has an affair and ends up pregnant. The family all go to live in South America during the pregnancy and then the mother claims the baby as her own (i.e., the real mother pretends she is the sister).

Answer: I think the name of the movie is Susan Slade, with Connie Stevens.

I am looking for a movie or mini series where a man was in Auschwitz, and after some time he managed to go to America (somewhere) and got married and had kids. He also built a house in a forest - mountain, and in the end his home caught fire - he told his family to run in the opposite direction from the fire but the wind changed and they all died. I think that the last scene was the man holding a shotgun pointed to his head, but in the end he just fired in the air. I think it was in the late eighties or early nineties. If you know the movie and tell me the name that would be awesome! Thank you.

Answer: Though the plot points are slightly different than the precise details you describe, this sounds like it must be the 1983 mini-series "For Those I Loved" starring Michael York. It is based on the writings of Holocaust survivor Martin Gray. I hope this is the awesome answer you are looking for.

Michael Albert

I'm trying to find out what the name of this movie is I saw years ago. It's about a small town. I think they are close to the water because there is a scene where they are chased out onto a dock by the dogs. The movie is about these people in a small town that are being attacked by the dogs there. The dogs just start attacking them. Does anyone know what this movie is called?

Answer: Sounds like "The Breed" from 2006.


There was movie I watched where a kid knew about an alien invasion, and quickly discovered who were aliens in disguise by seeing a bandage on the back of their necks. What is the name of this movie?

Answer: This is the 1986 film, Invaders From Mars, directed by Tobe Hooper. It was a remake of the 1953 film of the same name. Martians secretly land on Earth and begin assimilating humans by implanting a mind-control device in the base of their skulls, which is hidden with a bandage.


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