I am trying to remember a movie I saw about eight or ten years ago. It may be an 80s or 90s movie. This is all I can remember from it: There is a house that's empty - the people said the guy went crazy or something. But there is something in the power lines almost like it's alive. In one scene the water heater gets turned up on its own and a women who is in the shower gets burned by the water. That's really all I can remember from it. Thanks for any help.
Answered general questions about movies, TV and more
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On their Wikipedia page, it says that Irish folk band The Chieftains have won an Academy Award. What did they win for, in terms of film and category?
Chosen answer: The 1975 film "Barry Lyndon" by Stanley Kubrick. The Chieftains contributed one song ("Women of Ireland") to the musical score, which won the Award for Best Original Song Score And Adaptation.
This particular movie is from the 80's or 90's that begins with some guy telling a story about a picture on the wall that has a car (possibly yellow-ish in color) parked next to a lake that has a small dock anchored off-shore. In the story/movie, about 5 teens go out to the lake to swim. While they're swimming/laying on the dock, a tar-like blob in the water slowly kills all of them. Anyone know the title of this movie?
Answer: This is one of the segments from the movie "Creepshow 2." It is based on the Stephen King short story "The Raft."
I remember watching a film to a certain point, and I never found out its name. The film, from what I remember, is about a hollywoodic agent who got fired by his best actor. While travelling, he reaches a large house with a Giant living in it. The lovable, skinny Giant invites him in (he even carries him inside the house). When the Agent sees the Giant, he takes him under his wings and sets off with him to hollywood, giving him roles in many pictures and shows - including pictures in which his former actor stars in (there is a very amusing scene in which the Giant vomits on that actor's head during filming, While acting as a knight and riding on a horse). The Agent is making a lot of money from the Giant. However, the Giant himself is more concerned about finding a lost childhood love he hasn't seen in years - and has only one picture of her. I reached a point where the Agent takes the Giant to a freak-show, and promises him that by doing this they'll find his lost love. This film is not a cartoon. What is the name of that film?
Answer: Sounds like the Billy Crystal movie from 1998, My Giant.
The movie in question I'm looking for is either from the 80's or 90's. The movie begins (and ends) with some guy telling a story about a picture on the wall (which the movie is about) that has a car (I believe it's yellow-ish) parked in front of a lake. In the story, about 5 teens go out to the lake that has a small dock anchored off-shore. While at the lake, a tar-like blob in the lake slowly kills them all. What's the title?
Answer: It's from Creepshow 2 (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092796/) It's based on a Stephen King short story titled "The Raft".
I remember seeing a film towards the end of the 90s but can't remember the title. I'm pretty sure it was a tv movie. It was an American film and all I remember was some woman was kidnapped by a guy who was a bit of a psycho, but he appeared normal to all the people in the town. He was a real "pillar of the community" kind of guy when he was around people, but he led a secret serial killer double life. He lived in a really big house in the middle of the woods (possibly Pacific Coast/Washington state) and the house was really modern in terms of its decoration and architecture. He drove a black SUV or a van that he would transport these women in. I remember that she tried to escape from his house, but he had these nasty big black dogs outside that would attack if they saw anyone other than their master. She was trying to escape from the house by holding on to this wire leading away from the house and the scene that sticks in my mind is the woman dangling precariously above the dogs but the dogs were oblivious to her being above them. I think she might have been interacting with the guy and trying to gain his trust by acting like his friend.
Answer: "Kiss the Girls" starring Ashley Judd and Morgan Freeman.
What are the differences between Dolby True HD, DTS-HD Master Audio and Linear PCM Uncompressed? I was under the impression that they're all lossless and, well, basically the original sound. Wouldn't that make them all identical and impossible to tell apart?
Chosen answer: It appears there is no difference. You can follow the links for the sources here:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dolby_TrueHD.
I had a flashback, if you will, of a scene from what I think is the beginning of a movie. From the description of the scene (which I will go into below) I can only come up with the conclusion that it may be about a male serial killer of some sort (some kind of thriller)? I know I have seen the movie within the past 3-4 years. Here is the scene that played in my head. Two kids on the side of a road/country highway, not sure if they are on bikes or not. One kid pushes the other kid in front of a passing car, thus said kid gets run down. The pusher then watches as the other kid lies on the road dying and just watches him die, in fascination. That is all I remember. Anyone have any clue what movie I may be talking about or did my mind just make this up? Thanks for any help as it's been bugging me for quite awhile now.
Answer: That is the 2004 movie called Taking Lives.
My guess would be that the film was released in the 1990s or earlier this decade. The setting of the film was a health spa in nineteenth or early twentieth century America. The health spa was owned and operated by a physician. The basic thesis of the physician was that the entirety of human disease can be attributed to genito-excretory (especially bowel) dysfunction. Among the other principals are the following. A young couple is featured. The couple takes a train to the health spa in order to secure treatment for the husband. The physician examines the throat of the husband and says that his bowels are "sick, sick" (really no surprise there). The physician recommends that the husband enter the spa for treatment. A good bit of the film deals with the misadventures of the husband as he takes the spa's treatments for his malady. The physician has a grown ne'er-do-well son who is given to extorting money from his physician father and which son also enjoys spying on bare naked ladies (one of which is the wife of the young couple, mentioned above) as they bathe in the spa. In the final scene of the film, the physician rides a bicycle or motor bike off of the end of a pier, tumbles headlong into a body of water and (presumably) drowns. I never did get any of the stage names of the actors or actresses. The actor who played the physician was a mature gent (an Anthony Hopkins type). That's all that I can remember. I just saw bits and pieces of the film on free television several years ago. I would dearly love to purchase a copy of this film for playback on dvd but I don't know the title of the film. Can anybody help me with the title of the film?
A theatrical release in the 70's that was a compilation of different movies showing clips from them, horror, mostly. They were all narrated by different actors at different times in the movie. I remember Donald Pleasance in one section and then Cheech and Chong sitting in a theater with a trash can filled with popcorn. Chong waves off a woman who wants to sit in front of them by telling her that the seat is wet, but Cheech yells at him for that. What is the name of this movie? Anyone?
Chosen answer: It sounds like "It Came From Hollywood", 1982.http://uk.imdb.com/title/tt0084156/.
There is a movie I remember from childhood in the 60s that I need help with. I think there was a female ghost in it and I remember a beach. It ends showing a wedding ring, that I think was hers, underneath a piano and no one sees it.
Answer: I believe your movie is "Tormented" (1960).
I am trying to identify a movie I saw on TV in the very early 70's. The movie was older and may have been in black & white. A worldly young man was having a relationship with an innocent girl. During the movie, he became sweeter while she became more entranced by the "dark" side. A pivotal scene was a cock-fight which she now enjoyed more than he did.
Answer: "Summer and Smoke" with Laurence Harvey and Geraldine Page. Based on a Tennessee Williams' play. She is a repressed spinster and he's the dashing young man she's always been in love with, but he goes after the town vamp, played by Rita Moreno.
A japanese language film, english subtitles shown in U.K. sometime in nineties.I seem to think one New Years Eve. It is a long film, possibly three hours. Set in medieval Japan featuring a Samurai family involved in a feud and I remember something about a burning town/village. The film was not the Seven Samurai/Akiro Kurosawa. If anyone can remember this film and can give me the title I would be very grateful.
Answer: I think it could possibly be 'Ran', made by Akira Kurosawa. It's a remake/adaptation of sorts of King Lear.
I am wondering about a film, or some kind of TV series, I don't know what it is. It's a boy and a girl and they are wearing clothes from the 18th or 19th century (eg; the boy has a low ponytail, the girl has those typical corkscrews in her hair.) She seems to be quite wealthy. The scenes I remember is one when she is sitting on a swing which is attached to a large tree, and he jumps down from the tree, starting to chase her around. They are both quite giggly and she falls down, the boy falls on top of her and he kisses her. Someone sees them, I think it's some kind of servant to her father, and the boy gets whipped. It's all I remember, does anyone know which movie / TV series this is?
Answer: It sounds like the story 'the turn of the screw'which has been made into two or three movies, the most famous 'the innocents' 1960s, black and white, with Deborah Kerr as the governess who looks after the two children. the kissing scene involves the small boy kissing the older woman.
I remember awhile ago watching an Anime show which involved aliens or some kind of giant humans invading earth and people going into shelter to avoid them. All I really remember is the main hero using a sort of red armor and the main heroine in the series premier being a little girl who's lost her diary and is upset. When she later grows up, it shows a long-dead alien clutching her diary. Anybody know what this show was called?
Answer: It's an anime known as Robotech Macross Saga. One of the first animes to come to the western shores while maintaining a bit of feel the original version had.
What was the title of a movie where Paul Newman says: "There's more than one way to skin a cat?" I'm sure it's a classic movie dated before the late 70s.
Answer: The movie is Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958).
Back in 1980 I remember watching a Charles Bronson movie on cable. A key scene occurred at the beginning with a man's fingers being cut-off. The phrase "chop, chop" was said. What is the name of this movie? It is driving me crazy.
Answer: This movie is called THE PASSAGE. Charles Bronson is not in it. The guy who says chop chop is a nazi officer played by Malcolm McDowell.
I am looking for the title of a movie, made in the 1970's or 80's- I just remember the end or near the end: A girl about 13 and her younger brother are alone in a cabin in a blizzard, and a bad man that has been after them before breaks down the door, waving a rifle, and takes them prisoner. I remember he says something like: "My big toe froze off, I thought it was a road apple" He beats the girl up, then the boy hits him and he chases the boy outside to a shed, where the boy burns it and the bad guy, saving himself and his sister. I think that was the ending. Can anyone tell me the name of this, or any of the actors?
Answer: The film is "Cold River" 1982 starring Suzanne Webber, Richard Jaekel and Robert Earl Jones.
I am looking for any info on a war movie from the late sixties or early seventies. It featured two soldiers being sent to an island to fight the war for their country one on one with the winner transmitting a code back to declare victory. I don't think they took weapons with them but I am not sure. It was more of guerrila war as I do remember the Japanese soldier putting razor blades in a tree trunk laced with bacteria for the American to cut himself on. At one point in the film each country sends another soldier in to help fight, a form of cheating. The original combatants kill their comrades out of respect for each other and the integrity of fight.
Answer: It was called "The Challange" and starred Darren McGavin. I remember it well and would love to get a copy of it.
Are the contestants on Wheel of Fortune encouraged to buy vowels? It seems like as soon as someone gets some money they immediately start buying vowels.
Answer: By buying a vowel, you can guess a letter without the risk of landing on Bankrupt or Lose A Turn. Vowels are also extremely useful in figuring out the number of syllables in the word.
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Answer: Pulse (1988).