Answered general questions about movies, TV and more

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Hi, I'm searching for a name of a movie that I saw maybe 20 years ago. I can't remember much, but I think it's in a small town, and there's this guy that hides in the woods (can't remember why), and either his grandmother or mother are helping him, they give him food, etc. I know, not much to go on, but I'd really appreciate if someone would help me. Thank you.


Chosen answer: Sounds like maybe Spitfire Grill.

A girl is in a foster home and the only friends she has are these little paper dolls. The other girls bully her, and one girl tries to drown her when she's in the bath. She gets told off for it because she wasn't supposed to get her hair wet, and then she pushes the bully down the stairs, who I think breaks her neck and dies.


Chosen answer: The movie name is "Dustbin Baby".

Forgotten the film. I think it starts with a blond American young teenage boy driving a (possibly a red sports car (I think it's his step-dads or something, he's using it without permission). I think he's racing towards a cliff edge in a desert, but I think he stops it just in time for him to leap out, but I think the car goes over the edge. I think during this drive a futuristic police man (that I think may be a robot, not human?) is following him on a hovering motorbike, and manages to stop him and maybe return him home. Thanks.

Answer: This is the introduction of James T Kirk in the 2009 Star Trek movie.

There was a movie about two boys who are best friends. One of them is a scientific genius and shows his friend a machine that he made that could be used to immediately cause plants to grow faster. He demonstrates this by accelerating the growth of tomato plants. One night his friend gets trapped in the machine and it kicks on, causing the boy to grow into an adult. The boy then takes a job as a principal while his best friend tries to fix the machine and get his friend back to being a kid again.

Answer: 14 going on 30 (1988).

What movie is this scene from? A guy goes to another guy's office and shoots at him, but the bullet goes through the wall and hits a woman in the adjoining office. He goes into that office and shoots her. Thanks.

Answer: Mulholland Drive (Dir. David Lynch).

I'm looking for a the name of a movie possibly made 1940-1958 about the 1800s-1940s. In it there's a fancy ballroom dancing scene where the dancers are getting hot and the host orders all the windows to be broken out (I love that scene). Please help. Thanks.

Answer: Madame Bovary (1949) starring Jennifer Jones, directed by Vincent Minnelli.

Once I saw a movie involving little people (like "oompa loompas") and a little car. It was a weird type comedy. Anyway, there was a scene with the little people along with the car on a road and the background song talked about the car. The lyrics of this song tried to imitate the engine sounds by singing "brrum brrum" and talked about the car having four gears... I don't know for sure, but the movie could be Italian... And that's all I can remember. Please, help!


Chosen answer: Sounds like the old Disney movie "The Gnome-Mobile".

What's a TV show that is about a girl who crashes her car or something and winds up in a small town and she has to stay there until she serves her sentence?

Answer: There was a Hallmark Christmas movie like this... Christmas Parade.

What is the name of the movie where a group of friends are searching for a princess, and at the end they discover the princess is the girl in the group?


Chosen answer: Clubhouse Detectives in Search of a Lost Princess.

There was a movie about a man who woke up to discover that the roles of grown-ups and children have been reversed. All of the adults are treated like children and have to go to school while all of the children behave like adults and even have adult jobs. When he went to tell some cops that his car had been stolen, he is shocked to discover that the cops he is talking to are a couple of kids. He eventually believes that he's in some sort of parallel dimension and tries to escape by jumping through a mirror, but ends up in the hospital. I saw this movie either some time in the late 80's or early 90's.

Answer: The only film I can find that matches this description is Opposite Day from 2009 - - and as far as I can see it's an original movie, not a remake or reboot of something earlier.

Neil Jones

This not the movie. I saw this movie sometime in the mid '80s and the protagonist was a middle-aged man with sandy colored hair.

What's the movie where the male lead is a detective, and at the very end he goes to visit his mother for some reason at her beach house - they're on the beach and he's trying to talk to her, but she's crazy?

Answer: Sounds like the Law and Order: SVU episode, "Swing".


In a movie I saw years ago, there was a dumb man who inherited the wealth of a recently deceased relative (possibly uncle) so he moves into the city to live in his mansion. Then he meets this girl who is a reporter and he likes her. He pretends to be someone he's not; using someone else's name. The girl looks up that name (or something) and somehow finds out where his hometown is and really wants him to take her there, so he does, and pretends that he belongs there. He even pretends that he grew up in some house, but it backfires because the the current residents (children answer the door) say that their daddy built the house a few years ago. Anyways, his lies get him into trouble and that's all I remember.


Chosen answer: Sounds vaguely like "Mr Deeds" starring Adam Sandler.

Greg Dwyer

There was a movie that I believe took place in the 70's. The movie was about a female reporter who goes to a convent to investigate a supernatural event. The event in question is a nun receiving stigmata wounds on her hands. The nun is terrified by the event and believes that she is being punished by God.

Answer: "Agnes of God" with Jane Fonda and Meg Tilly. Fonda is investigating a pregnant nun who believes she conceived by divine intervention. P.S. The title means "lamb of God."

A long time ago I watched a movie but I can't remember its title. There was a couple - I think they were young and they loved each other, but they got into a fight. One day the boy was waiting for the girl in a diner so they can talk, but when she entered she found a new girl sitting beside him, she ran outside and followed her. The new girl got into her car and drove but she had a big accident and ended up in the ICU, and her father told the boy not to talk to her again.


Chosen answer: Endless Love.

Why do I remember a scene where Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz tries to turn the hourglass over? She then says she can't, it won't move. Is it one of the later remakes like The Wiz?


Chosen answer: I don't recall a version of Wizard of Oz where this happens, however, there is a scene in Flash Gordon where Dale tries to turn an hourglass over and is unable to. (

Captain Defenestrator

Why do so many shows, especially cartoons, end or get canceled after 13 episodes. Its like it really is the unlucky number for shows. More often than not, if a show is canceled early on, it's right after episode 13. Why is that?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Generally, 13 episodes is, depending on the network, either a half-season or a whole one. If it's a half, by the time they finish the 13th episode, they have a decent enough sampling of the average ratings to determine if they want to buy more episodes or not.

Captain Defenestrator

There was a movie that took place in a high school and it was a comedy. One scene in the film had a female student getting even with a snobby female student. She does this during biology class by taking what looks like sushi and tricks the snob into thinking she's eating a frog's intestines. The snob then runs out of the class and tries to make it to the restroom to vomit, but instead ends up throwing up on the principal.

Answer: I believe this was Rock N Roll High School Forever, starring Corey Feldman, from 1991.


There is a movie starring Milla Jovovich that features a bike chase with astonishingly bad CGI. I was wondering what this movie is called?


Chosen answer: Ultraviolet (2006).


I used to watch a series of kids movies in the late 90's / early 2000. I think there were 6 of them, fantasy adventure films about a boy who travelled to another realm helping, he had a sort of medallion he wore and the titles all had his name in them.


Chosen answer: Sounds like the Never-Ending Story TV series.

I'm looking for an older movie similar to Miracle on 34th Street where some guy picks up a trash bag and it becomes Santa's bag. When anyone else picks up the bag it is just a trash bag. It might even have been a Twilight Zone episode. Thank you in advance for any help.


Chosen answer: It was an old Twilight Zone episode, The Night of the Meek (s02e11).


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