Stem: It does not make sense that humans deliberately malfunction.
Grey Trace: Yeah, that's because your memories are filled with ones and zeros, pal, and our memories are filled with every fuck-up we've ever made.

Joan: You didn't kill her, Annie.
Annie: What?
Joan: She isn't gone. (01:08:10)

Flag Pin: My grandfather use to tell all kinds of stories about this one soldier... but he wasn't taking about a man, but rather something mythic.

Earl Stone: Are you sure you're Mexican? You're acting like you're under The Fuhrer or something.

Martha: It's always nice to know you have someone nearby. The quiet out here can get real loud. Buh-bye now.

Neal Beeby: If you were black, he would be in jail by now.

Malloy: Take this little problem here on your board. The answer seems pretty plain to me.
Evan Birch: Does it? Well, be my guest. Prove this chair exists.
Malloy: What chair?

Colette: My name is Gabrielle Colette and the hand that holds the pen writes history.

Jonathan: The universe doesn't move toward chaos, it moves toward order. Things have a way or working themselves out.

Bianca Lind: If you let us go, we might live. If the police don't interfere, nobody will get hurt and we will survive. You can save our lives.
Olof Palme: And the best way to do that is not to let them out on the roads with you.
Bianca Lind: But we are willing to take that risk.
Olof Palme: I wish that would make a difference, but, as Prime Minister, I'm responsible for all the Swedish people.
Bianca Lind: Exactly. But all the Swedish people are not in here, we are trapped in here. We.

Maya: The truth is a lie.

Ruby Daly: Soon there wouldn't be any kids anywhere. The government wasn't afraid of what happened to the ones that didn't make it. They were afraid of us, because the ones that survived changed.

Eve Miller: Are you and I in an awkward situation?
Thompson: That depends on if you feel awkward. (00:21:25)

Tami Oldham: What's it like sailing out there on your own?
Richard Sharp: Miserable.