Agent Zoil: Motherfucking, titty-sucking two-balled bitch!

US Army soldier: Wait! You know what you're doing?
Steve Rogers: Yeah, I've knocked out Adolf Hitler over 200 times.

Max Kenton: Shut up! You're not helping!
Charlie Kenton: Actually, I think I am.

John: You have no idea of what I'm capable of.

Optimus Prime: In any war, there are calms between storms. There will be days when we lose faith. Days when our allies turn against us. But the day will never come, that we forsake this planet, and its people.

Pest: Does that look like a dog? No, it isn't a dog!

Erik Lehnsherr: I've been at the mercy of men just following orders. Never again.

Dr. Ellis Cheever: What have you eaten? I mean something that didn't come from a vending machine.
Dr. Erin Mears: Taco Bell!

Colter Stevens: What would you do if you knew you only had one minute to live?
Christina Warren: I'd make those seconds count.
Colter Stevens: I'd kiss you again.
Christina Warren: Again?

Philippe Weis: For a few to be immortal, many must die.
Will Salas: Wrong!

Sgt. Major: At fourteen forty six pacific standard time, twelve different locations across the globe were breached in what appears to have been a coordinated attack by an unknown enemy. This is a textbook military invasion. We are the last offensive force on the west coast. We cannot lose Los Angeles.

David Norris: All I have are the choices I make, and I choose her, come what may.

Cecil Wilson: Well, this is obviously the panic room.
Rebecca Wilson: Why?
Cecil Wilson: 'Cause it's a room, and I'm panicking.

Carol Ferris: Hal, you're late! This test today - it's important.
Hal Jordan: I'm going to make you look good up there. Don't worry. Now, let's get these pants off and fly some planes.

Skyler: How'd you come up with that?
Sean: I don't know. Shark Week.

Steven Jacobs: You used an untested drug on your father. I could end your career with one phone call.
Will Rodman: Let me save you the trouble. I quit.