Captain Joe Glass: What's better? Be right, or be alive?

Grinch: Christmas already? Ugh.

Anastasia Steele: You may call me Mrs. Grey.

Laurie Strode: He's waited for this night... he's waited for me... I've waited for him.

Dr Ventress: It's destroying everything.
Lena: It's not destroying. It's making something new.

Memo: You kissed me!
Charlie Watson: On the cheek.
Memo: Still counts. Still counts.

Winnie The Pooh: And the game is called "Say What You See." You, first, Piglet.
Piglet: Panic. Worry. Catastrophe.
Tigger: Speed! Danger! Recklessness! Hoo hoo hoo!
Eeyore: Disgrace. Shame. Humiliation.
Winnie The Pooh: Well, that's one way to play it. (01:18:45)

Anabel Banks: Everything is possible.
Mary Poppins: Even the impossible.

Lando Calrissian: I hate you.
Han Solo: I know.

Will Sawyer: There's one thing you should know first... I'm behind you. (01:25:00)

Annie: Any of you fucking pricks move, I'm gonna execute every motherfucking last one of you.

John: This... is such shit. This is the worst fucking shit of all the fucked-up shit we've ever seen. This is the shittiest most fucked-up shit...
James Silva: I got it, okay? Relax. Calm down. Go take a little nap.
John: Fuck you. (00:27:05)