Lily: Smile, open up, cross your legs, spread your pussy, speak softer, scream louder, be quiet, be confident, be interesting, don't be so difficult, be strong, don't fight back, be an angel, be a whore, be a princess, be anything you want to be, even the president of the United States of America. Just kidding. Fuck you.
Grace: I just had this really scary thought that, like, we're all characters on The Sims and none of us know it.
Em: OK, let me just break it down to you like this. Men who don't eat pussy in this day and age are straight-up sociopathic, OK?
Em: Like, what's the motive behind 300-plus mass shootings every year? There is none. People just burn out, wanna take down their little universe.
Boy: Porn taught me how to fuck.
Sarah: But that's the problem. You think it taught you how to fuck. It didn't. This is why every guy I meet on Tinder wants to choke me on our first date.
Boy: I learned how to eat pussy by watching porn.
Sarah: Just by looking in your eyes, I can tell that you don't know the first thing about eating pussy.
Boy: Whatever. I guess you'll never know.
Sarah: Tragic.