Audio problem: This scene is repeated multiple times in the movie: usually when the main character enters the "source code" the scene begins by panning over a small pond showing a Canada goose taking flight. However the sound editor makes the mistake of dubbing in a recording of a hen mallard duck.
Audio problem: Near the start of the movie, the Marines are out training and are approached by a group of Hum Vees that are to take them away because of the impending battle. The engine noise from the Hum Vees however is totally wrong, and is distinctively from a Willys Jeep.
Audio problem: In the Russian bar scene the female bartender cycles a pump action shotgun at Dutch when she is holding a double barrel shotgun. Dutch then disarms her, when he turns the shotgun back on her you can hear a pump action shotgun being functioned and an empty shell hitting the floor. Dutch is holding a double barrel shotgun in the scene.
Audio problem: When the rover is put upright you hear it. Sound does not travel in vacuum. (00:37:20)
Audio problem: The train horn sound changes from what it was to a different horn sound when it passes the Lillian Depot. Then it changes back. (00:16:30)
Audio problem: When the Droidekas start shooting at Yoda and Han, one of them shoot however the sound comes after the shot is fired. (00:16:05)