Best sci-fi movie character mistakes of 2011

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Contagion picture

Character mistake: During the interview with Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Alan Krumwiede incorrectly describes what an R naught of 2 means. He claims on Day 1 there were 2 people infected, then 4, then 16, then 256... This is raising each number to the 2nd power (squaring each number.) But we learned earlier in the movie from Dr. Erin Mears that the R naught indicates the number of people who will become infected by 1 infected person. So to calculate the spread of the disease, each # of infected should be multiplied by 2, not squared. It should go Day 1 = 2, Day 2 = 4, Day 3 = 8, Day 4 = 16, Day 5 = 32, etc. (01:06:35)


More Contagion character mistakes
Captain America: The First Avenger picture

Character mistake: Dr. Erskine says he lives in Queens at 73rd Street and Utopia Parkway. Actually, 73rd Street is well to the west of Utopia Parkway (both run north-south). Erskine must have meant 73rd Avenue, which does cross Utopia Parkway.

More Captain America: The First Avenger character mistakes
Super Tanker picture

Character mistake: Early in the movie, when they do a hard reset on the supertanker's containment system, the computer screen says "sistem reset".

More Super Tanker character mistakes
X-Men: First Class picture

Character mistake: When trying to teach Banshee to fly, he is told to make his sound waves super sonic. Sound waves cannot be super sonic. Sound can only travel at the speed of sound, it always does. I guess they were trying to tell him to use a very high frequency, but the speed would still be the speed of sound.


More X-Men: First Class character mistakes
Cowboys & Aliens picture Video

Character mistake: When the posse is heading out in the morning, one guy says that it's heading north and they start riding in the direction he's pointing. However it's supposed to be first thing in the morning, and you can see the shadows of the horses cast to the left of screen while they are riding towards the camera. The sun rises in the east, which would be right of screen with the shadows cast towards the west. Since they are riding towards camera, this puts them heading south.

Quantom X

More Cowboys & Aliens character mistakes
In Time picture

Character mistake: When travelling between zones, they go 12 - 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 5 - 4. Which is the only route you can take that includes zone 8 as shown. This is silly as there are quicker routes such as 12 - 7 - 5 - 4.


More In Time character mistakes

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