Other mistake: When Cade is fighting Savoy, Cade jams his thumb deep into Savoy's right eye socket. A moment later Savoy is seen with no right eye injury.
Other mistake: While Fin and the others are on the subway, it keeps cutting to show about 15 people waiting on the platform at Grand Central, and nearly every one of those extras are also seen as passengers aboard the 7 with Fin, in different subway cars.
Other mistake: Each time Cage is on the dropship along with all the other soldiers, the dropship is attacked and all the other soldiers release themselves from the plane onto the beach. When Cage lands on the beach, note the area he is standing in. Every time he drops onto the beach, he releases himself earlier or later than the previous time, but despite this, he always seems to land on the beach in the precise same spot each time. The dropship was attacked and began spinning out of control and was not in a fixed position, so there is no chance he would have landed in the same spot even if the dropship was over the same location.
Suggested correction: I don't think you're right, because the dropship doesn't change its rotation or acceleration, Cage just is connected longer or shorter to the ship, depending on the time when he chooses to let him self fall. It would be possible for him to land on almost the exact spot every time he cuts the rope to the ship.
I'm not sure this correction makes sense. If Cage was connected to the ship for a longer or shorter time, then he'd have traveled a longer or shorter distance. Then he'd land in a different place depending on how far he'd traveled. It would be almost impossible for him to land in the same spot each time.
Other mistake: In the hospital scene wherein Lucy disarms the gunmen and retrieves the briefcase of drugs, she plunges her hands inside a fallen man's abdomen to retrieve the last bag of drugs. Her hands are thus drenched in fresh, bright red blood. Lucy immediately steps to the corridor doors, places her bloody right hand against the door (plainly touching the glass) and pushes it open. But when she pauses and turns away, there are no bloody handprints, fingerprints or blood smears anywhere on the door.
Other mistake: In the docking scene, CASE analyzes the Endurance's spin rate to be 68 revolutions per minute. When the Endurance is shown onscreen, it is not spinning that fast - it is spinning at maybe 20 RPM.
Other mistake: When the father and son sneak into the quarantine area, they are wearing radiation masks. The father's mask is a slip over face mask (not entire face, hood and shoulders one-piece like the son's) that shows some exposed skin in a gap between the hood and mask, yet they speak about how severe the radiation is expected to be. The father using a meter detects no radiation and he dramatically slips that mask type off to breath the air. If there was severe radiation as they anticipated, he would have already been harshly exposed.
Other mistake: Logan, Charles, Erik and Hank are boarding the plane after breaking Erik out of the Pentagon. Erik goes to reach down for the paper and Logan stops him by placing his bone claws down on the paper. On the third column of the article on the front page, the article mentions a shoemaker named Max Schwartz and a couple of paragraphs below, a woman named Mrs. Locklan Smith. On the fourth column of the article, the exact same paragraphs of both the shoemaker Max Schwartz and Mrs. Locklan Smith have been repeated a second time. (00:52:20)
Other mistake: When Zola's algorithm is deployed and begins it shows the radius which barely reaches Staten Island, however it finds Tony Stark in NYC.
Suggested correction: The initial targeting radius shown at 1:53:27 is as you say. But the radius keeps growing. At 1:53:50, it is still growing and has almost reached Lake Ontario.
Suggested correction: It's possible certain people were pre-programmed in.
Other mistake: At the end when the ship crashes that part of the city is leveled - we see injured people, but no one is covered in dust or dirt thrown up by the impact - everyone is clean.
Other mistake: At the beginning of the movie, a woman runs to the store to get help. She uses the pay phone booth outside. The UFO takes her and the whole booth. A minute later, the booth crashes back to Earth. The next morning, the sheriff finds her wallet in the debris. She wasn't carrying it and didn't have a purse or pockets.