Terry Silver: A man can't stand, he can't fight.
Daniel Larusso: I know you don't believe in fighting, but tournament karate isn't exactly fighting.
Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: Not exactly ping-pong, either.
Daniel LaRusso: Hey, I'm not going to fight. You can't make me fight!
Terry Silver: You don't have to. You can just stand there and let him kick your ass!
Terry Silver: He'll get up. He's too dumb not to!
Daniel Larusso: You know, this is the 80s, Mr. Miyagi. You can't be so damn passive.
Terry Silver: I owe you, man.
John Kreese: You don't owe me anything.
Terry Silver: Oh bullshit. I don't owe you anything? What about Vietnam, huh? How many times did you save my ass?
John Kreese: I don't know. I lost count.
Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: Inside you same place you karate come from.
Daniel Larusso: My karate comes from you.
Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: Ah. Only root karate come from Miyagi. Just like bonsai choose own way grow because root strong you choose own way do karate same reason.
Daniel Larusso: I do it your way.
Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: Hai. One day you do own way.
Terry Silver: Now the real pain begins, Danny-boy.
Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: If karate used defend honor, defend life, karate mean something. If karate used defend plastic metal trophy, karate no mean nothing.
Terry Silver: Look at this. Ten years ago, nuclear was the preferred waste. You could dump it anywhere! Now everybody's a detective. I'm lucky if I make one deal a year without being indicted.
Chosen answer: First he could have just been out of practice, but the point they made in the movie was that his moves were old, so they knew how to counter the things he did in the past to win.