Dominika Egorova: You sent me to whore school.

Lincoln Rhyme: Whatever happened to your father doesn't mean it's gonna happen to you. You're a great cop. You'd make a terrific detective. It's a gift. Don't throw it away.

Lieutenant Danny Roman: A quick lesson in lying. See, this is what us real cops do: We study liars. Example: If I ask you a question about something visual, like your favorite color, your eyes go up and to the left. Neurophysiology tells us your eyes go in that direction, because you're accessing the visual cortex. So you're telling the truth. If your eyes go up and right, you're accessing the brain's creative centers and we know you're full of shit.

Eloise: I know what you did.
Silver Haired Gentleman: I've done a lot of things, Eloise. You're gonna have to be more specific, luv.

Sidney: God why don't stop your whining and get on with it. I've heard all this shit before.
Roman: Stop.
Sidney: Do you know why you kill people Roman? Do you?
Roman: I don't want to hear it.
Sidney: Because you choose to. There is no-one else to blame.
Roman: Damnit fucking damnit.
Sidney: Why don't you take some fucking responsibility?
Roman: Fuck you.
Sidney: Fuck you.

John Milton: So... have we been treating you well?
Kevin Lomax: Very well, thank you.
John Milton: And your wife? She had a good time?
Kevin Lomax: She sure has, it's been great. The whole thing's been great.
John Milton: That's our secret. Kill you with kindness.

Sidney Prescott: Sam, I want you to help us kill him.
Sam Carpenter: You want me to help you and the host of a morning show to commit murder?
Gale Riley: Correct.
Sidney Prescott: Yeah.

Detective Pikachu: That's right, Mr. Mime. [chuckling] You're about to be Mr. Melt unless you start talking.

Carl Van Loon: Your powers are a gift from God, or whoever the hell wrote your life script.

Chandler Jarrell: I don't know, maybe he cut himself shaving and bled to death looking for a kleenex.

Molly Jensen: Carl, are you all right?
Carl Bruner: It's just my stomach! Do you have anything like Pepto Bismol or something like that?
Sam Wheat: Cyanide.

Dr. Wynn: Now, for God's sake, he can't even drive a car.
Loomis: He was doing very well last night! Maybe someone around here gave him lessons.