Esther: I think people should always try to take the bad things that happen to them in their lives, and turn them into something good. Don't you?

Irene Adler: Why are you always so suspicious?
Sherlock Holmes: Should I answer chronologically or alphabetically?

Inspector Clouseau: Let me bring you up to speed... We know nothing. You are now up to speed.

Hermione Granger: She's only interested in you because she thinks you're the Chosen One.
Harry Potter: But I AM the Chosen One.

Richter: You said they'd be killed publicly.
Robert Langdon: Yes, revenge. For La Purga.
Richter: La Purga?
Robert Langdon: Oh geez, you guys don't even read your own history do you? 1668, the church kidnapped four Illuminati scientists and branded each one of them on the chest with the symbol of the cross. To 'purge' them of their sins and they executed them, threw their bodies in the street as a warning to others to stop questioning church ruling on scientific matters. They radicalized them. The Purga created a darker, more violent Illuminati, one bent on... On retribution.

Anna Taylor: I thought when you died you wouldn't feel any more pain. You wouldn't have struggles any more. But it just never stops, does it?

Susan Harding: Where's the coed girlfriend?
Jay Harding: That's over. Actually she was working for a PHD. She wasn't that much younger than you were, just took a little better care of herself.

Dr. Parnassus: Percy, what would I do without you?
Percy: Get a midget.

Kristin: Would you rather be dead or live the rest of your life without your soul mate?

Jigsaw: You think it's the living who have the ultimate judgment over you, because the dead have no claim over your soul. But you may be mistaken.

Pastor John: I used to be like you.
Corey: What, you had a training bra?
Pastor John: Not exactly. When I was your age, I experienced things that made me feel like God didn't exist. Maybe you've experienced something like that too.
Sam: You don't know anything about me.
Pastor John: I can see that you're in pain.
Sam: I'm alive.
Pastor John: Is that how you see life?
Sam: Till farts taste like cherries, yeah.
Corey: What do you think God's farts taste like?
Sam: Marshmallow Peeps.

Arlington Steward: I hope you aren't playing detective. I have quite a few employees.

Simon McNeal: There is something going on in this house, all right? The first time upstairs, yeah, I faked it. But the second time, that was real. That was something way beyond a few pieces of charcoal. Something way beyond what a guy in a lab coat will ever tell you.
Mary Florescu: I thought you were smarter than this, Simon. I thought, for a moment, you were for real.

Mikael Blomkvist: What has happened to you? How did you turn out this way? You know everything about me. I don't know shit about you. Not a damn thing.
Lisbeth Salander: That's the way it is.

Jake: She's here.