Walter Sparrow: I could have died there on the street, but that wouldn't have been justice. At least not the justice fathers teach their sons.
Ed Warren: Did it work?
Lorraine Warren: The evil is contained.
Mr. Lundie: Two hundred years ago, the highlands of Scotland were plagued with witches, wicked sorcerers that were taking the Scottish people away from the teachings of God and putting the Devil into their souls. They were indeed horrible destructive women. I dinna suppose you have such women in your country?
Tommy Albright: Witches?
Jeff Douglas: Oh we have 'em. We pronounce it differently.
Hoffman: You wanna know the only thing that's wrong with killing you, Jill? I can only do it once.
[Roger Thornhill's matchbook carries the initials RoT.]
Eve Kendall: What does the O stand for?
Roger Thornhill: Oh, nothing.
Carl Van Loon: Your powers are a gift from God, or whoever the hell wrote your life script.
Agent Katherine Cowles: Dr. Clancy, before we go upstairs, with all due respect, I don't hold an ounce of confidence in the paranormal in general. I think it's a sham. I hope that's okay.
John Clancy: No problem at all. I feel the same about shrinks. After only one thing, your money. They'll take your whole hand.
Agent Katherine Cowles: Whoever said that has obviously never met a good one.
John Clancy: It was Sigmund Freud.
Sidney Prescott: Sam, I want you to help us kill him.
Sam Carpenter: You want me to help you and the host of a morning show to commit murder?
Gale Riley: Correct.
Sidney Prescott: Yeah.
Dominika Egorova: You sent me to whore school.
Lieutenant Danny Roman: A quick lesson in lying. See, this is what us real cops do: We study liars. Example: If I ask you a question about something visual, like your favorite color, your eyes go up and to the left. Neurophysiology tells us your eyes go in that direction, because you're accessing the visual cortex. So you're telling the truth. If your eyes go up and right, you're accessing the brain's creative centers and we know you're full of shit.
Eloise: I know what you did.
Silver Haired Gentleman: I've done a lot of things, Eloise. You're gonna have to be more specific, luv.
Sidney: God why don't stop your whining and get on with it. I've heard all this shit before.
Roman: Stop.
Sidney: Do you know why you kill people Roman? Do you?
Roman: I don't want to hear it.
Sidney: Because you choose to. There is no-one else to blame.
Roman: Damnit fucking damnit.
Sidney: Why don't you take some fucking responsibility?
Roman: Fuck you.
Sidney: Fuck you.