Crazy Ralph: You're doomed! You're all doomed.
Officer Dorf: What you been smoking, boy?
Jack: Smoking? Don't smoke. Causes cancer.
Officer Dorf: You know what I mean. What, you just get off a spaceship or something? Columbian gold, man. Grass. Hash. The weed. Dig it?
Ned: Hey, what's he talking about?
Officer Dorf: Hey, don't get smart.
Ned: Me? I'm as dumb as they come!
Ned: He neglected to mention that downtown they call this place Camp Blood.
Marcie: Next, they're going to tell us there are poisonous snakes in the outhouse and crocodiles in the lake.
Jack: The crocodiles are in the cabin.
Claudette: Somebody'll see.
Barry: No, they won't.
The Truck Driver: All the girls up there gonna look as good as you?
Annie: I don't know.
Crazy Ralph: You're going to Camp Blood, ain't ya?
The Truck Driver: Goddammit, Ralph, get outta here! Go on, get! Leave people alone.
Crazy Ralph: You'll never come back again.
The Truck Driver: Oh, shut up, Ralph.
Crazy Ralph: It's got a death curse.
Alice: Bill? Steve wants to know if we need more paint.
Bill: Paint's all right. Need more thinner.
Alice: Okay.
Bill: Alice. Did the others show up?
Alice: Yeah, everybody except that girl Annie.
Bill: Think you're gonna last all summer?
Alice: I don't know if i'm gonna last all week.
Alice: I'll tell Steve about the thinner.
Bill: Fine.
Annie: Guess I always wanted to work with children. I hate when people call 'em kids. Sounds like little goats. When you've had a dream as long as I have, you'll do anything.
Jack: Come on. I love you.
Marcie: But what about Ned?
Jack: I don't love Ned.
Brenda: Just wait until he lands on my old Kentucky home.
Bill: More beer? More beer.
Mrs. Voorhees: Come, dear. It'll be easier for you than it was for Jason.
Officer Dorf: You kids keep your noses clean, you understand? You'll be hearing from me if you don't! We ain't gonna stand for any weirdness out here.
Bill: If this is a joke, I'm gonna brain 'em.
Tierney: It's not bad enough to have Friday the 13th, we've gotta have a full moon too. We keep statistics. We have more accidents, more rapes, more robberies, more homicides, more of everything when there's a full moon. It upsets people. Makes them nuts.
Steve Christy: You're making a science out of coincidence.
Mrs. Voorhees: You see, Jason was my son, and today is his birthday.
Mrs. Voorhees: Did you know a young boy drowned the year before those two others were killed? The counselors weren't paying any attention... They were making love while that young boy drowned. His name was Jason. I was working the day that it happened. Preparing meals... here. I was the cook. Jason should've been watched. Every minute. He was... he wasn't a very good swimmer. We can go now, dear.
Chosen answer: Just after the credits, there's a bank sign that says "Friday, 13 - 7:01 - 60 Degrees". Then the DJ says "It's 7:01 on Friday the 13th of June." and goes on to say some more about it and lists some other bad luck superstitions. At two other points in the movie, two characters (Ralph and Tierney) say "it's Friday the 13th". So there are at least four references to the fact that the movie takes place on Friday the 13th.