Carl Van Loon: You do not know what I know because you have not earned those powers. You're careless with those powers, you flaunt them and you throw them around like a brat with his trust-fund. You haven't had to climb up all the greasy little rungs. You haven't been bored blind at the fundraisers. You haven't done the time and that first marriage to the girl with the right father. You think you can leap over all in a single bound. You haven't had to bribe or charm or threat your way to a seat at that table. You don't know how to assess your competition because you haven't competed. Don't make me your competition.
Carl Van Loon: Your powers are a gift from God, or whoever the hell wrote your life script.
Eddie Morra: I was blind, but now I see.
Eddie Morra: What's the asking price?
Realtor: $8.5 million.
Eddie Morra: I'll take it.
Carl Van Loon: So, Eddie Morra... And you do know you're a freak? What's your secret?
Eddie Morra: Medication.
Eddie Morra: A tablet a day, and I was limitless.
Answer: It wasn't identified who killed Vernon but it was strongly implied that it was tied to his dealing in NZT.
raywest ★