Wadsworth: You see. It's just like the Mounties. We always get our man.
Mr. Green: Mrs. Peacock was a man?!
Ron Grady: So, what about you and that rich babe you've been cruising to school with every day.
Jesse Walsh: What about her?
Ron Grady: Are you mounting her nightly or what?
Jane Coslaw: Aww, look out world, Marty the Great didn't get something he wanted.
Sherlock Holmes: The game is afoot!
Mombi III: Not beautiful you understand, but you have a certain prettiness, different from my other heads. I believe I'll lock you in the tower for a few years until your head is ready. And then I'll take it.
Dorothy: I believe you will NOT!
Sister Agnes: I don't understand what you're talking about. You want to talk about the baby, everbody wants to talk about the baby. But, I never saw the baby. So I can't talk about the baby, because I don't believe in the baby.
Inspector Japp: Poirot, please, before I grow old, retire, and move to Brighton, who is it?
Liza Chamberlain: Cody, do you cook?
Cody Abilene: Not much.
Liza Chamberlain: Well, what do you usually make for dinner?
Cody Abilene: Reservations.