Sidney: God why don't stop your whining and get on with it. I've heard all this shit before.
Roman: Stop.
Sidney: Do you know why you kill people Roman? Do you?
Roman: I don't want to hear it.
Sidney: Because you choose to. There is no-one else to blame.
Roman: Damnit fucking damnit.
Sidney: Why don't you take some fucking responsibility?
Roman: Fuck you.
Sidney: Fuck you.
Roman: I'm gonna check this place out.
Tyson Fox: Woah, woah, just wait one damn minute! There's a psycho killer on the loose and you wanna go traipsing around this gigantic mansion? Have you ever actually seen the Stab movies? Every time this dude enters a room he ends up a god damn shishkabob.
Sidney: What do you know about trilogies?
Mark: All I know is that in the third one, all bets are off.
[After Gale punches Jennifer after the escape from the exploding house.]
Jennifer: My lawyer liked that.
Gale: Not as much as I did.
Jay: Look, Silent Bob! It's that newswoman Connie fucking Chung! Hey, Connie, how's Maury?
Phone Voice: It was a simple game, Cotton, you should've told me where Sidney was... now you lose.
Mark: I'm gonna talk to the studio guys about those photos.
Detective Wallace: Yeah right, I know where you're going.
Mark: Yeah keep an eye on Sidney.
Detective Wallace: I know where you're going, you're gonna get her some flowers and candy, right? Huh?
Mark: Gimme a break.
Jennifer: Where, Nancy Drew wants to know where.
Gale: Deja voodoo.
Sidney: Hey Detective, what's your favorite scary movie?
Mark: My life.
Sidney: Mine too.
Sidney: I don't know who my mother was.
Mark: But you know who she was to you.
Roman: Someone is trying to ruin my movie. Someone wants to kill my movie.
Detective Wallace: We'll talk about your movie down at the station. All right, this is the scene where you come with us.
Dewey: Is that a threat, Detective?
Mark: When it's a threat... you'll know it.
Dewey: Was that a threat?
Angelina Tyler: Maybe it's not meant to be.
Tom: Not meant to be? You in that town search for the new Sidney. 50,000 girls and they pick you! You gotta be praying this movie keeps going.
Angelina Tyler: Of course I am but not at the expense of people's lives.
Tom: Oh, cue the violins.
Answer: No it was Roman. There is a technique you can do where if you apply pressure on the correct artery you can stop the pulse. EXTREMELY dangerous though.