
Constantine (2005)

24 corrected entries

(12 votes)

Corrected entry: There is no reason for Lucifer to grant John a wish. The devil is neither a nice guy nor a Jinn, and he already got what was "in the pot." Of course Constantine was very helpful to him (commiting suicide to signal the devil that his son is revolting against him), but the devil for sure would just take "the gift", only sarcastically saying "thank you." Realistically it would end with twin-sister Isabel staying in hell and maybe John going to heaven because his suicide rescued Angela from getting stabbed by Gabriel and threw back Mammon in hell, a godly sacrifice.


Correction: This is something you think the movie should have done differently. It's not a plot hole.


Corrected entry: As Lucifer comes down to John his feet are covered in a black, tarry substance that drips all over the floor. When he walks into the hydrotherapy room the tops of his feet are still covered in this substance. But in the shot where he pulls Angela away from Gabriel, his feet are clean. (01:43:40)

Correction: A powerful supernatural being can probably change his appearance at will.

Corrected entry: When Angela sets off to "rescue" Constantine, she makes a point of working the action on her handgun, thus putting a round in the chamber and cocking back the hammer. She then immediately holsters the gun without lowering the hammer. I cringed when I saw this in the movie - it's an extremely reckless move as only the gun's safety (of dubious reliability) is keeping that gun from accidentally firing. I can't imagine even a rookie cop, let alone a seasoned detective, doing something so dangerous. (01:10:05)

Daryn Belden

Correction: I'm thinking that witnessing one's twin sister's suicide/murder, taking a little trip into Hell itself, and having one's immortal soul put in pawn to the war between God and Lucifer might make poor firearm handling practices seem a little less dangerous. I'd call this "mistake" a pretty good barometer of the character's state of mind (and soul) at this point in the movie.

Corrected entry: At the end, when Lucifer is shined upon by light from heaven, behind him you can see the lamps being used reflecting on the wet walls.


Correction: The lamps in the background are emergency lights that are all over hospital walls, and are not reflections.

Corrected entry: When Lucifer is dragging John away, the floor breaks and there are ripples outlining John. A couple of scenes later, you can see that the floor is not nearly as broken. (01:42:30 - 01:44:30)

Correction: The floor was damaged as Constantine got heavier and heavier as Lucifer was unable to drag a heaven-bound body toward hell. There's no more need for the floor in *our* plane to be damaged than there is for it to be burnt when the planes move toward hell.


Corrected entry: When Lucifer and John are talking, after John cuts his wrists, Lucifer says something about cutting too deep and the tendons being sliced, therefore making the finger movement not so good. Yet later in the scene John is holding the cigarette in his hand freely, as if there was no trouble with his fingers holding it.

Correction: Constantine uses right hand trying to light the cigarette but left when smoking. They may be damaged differently. It's also much easier to hold cigarette between fingers than using lighter.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Keanu Reeves is killing the first demon, he lights a cigarette before entering the room, he then proceeds to place it on the desk (where it is seen often for some artistic flare) but when he puts it on the desk its not a cigarette, it is a cigar, or loosely rolled "blunt" which is why it is burning so slowly. (00:04:35)

Correction: This is really not a noticable mistake. It's impossible to see it burning slowly. Indeed it's not a regular cigarette, but it's an enlarged cigarette made for this scene (according to DVD commentaries).


Corrected entry: In the scene where Constantine explains that there's a different Bible in Hell, he says that it gives a different picture of Revelations. The name of the book is Revelation (without the 's'). It's a common mistake, but someone as well-versed in demonology as Constantine should know the correct name.

Correction: This is not a mistake, it is intentional. While OUR Bible only has one Revelation, the one in Hell has several.

Correction: He said it works best if she is totally submerged in water. This doesn't mean she has to be. It obviously is a fib he told her so that she would willing to place her entire head under the water. He needed to "kill" her, something she would most likely not have been too pleased with, as her reaction shows.

Corrected entry: Towards the end of the movie, John Constantine is seen using a piece of glass to slash his left wrist to commit suicide. However after that both his wrists are bleeding.

Correction: He slits both his wrists. The second one is off screen, but the movement can be seen.


Corrected entry: Constantine threatens demon Balthazar with the last Rites, so Balthazar goes to heaven where he for sure doesn't want to end. However, if it is so easy and possible even for a demon to go to heaven, why is occult expert Constantine still searching so desperately for the big way out of hell? He only needs to find a catholic priest who gives Constantine the last Rites.


Correction: Constantine mentions to Balthasar afterwards you have to ask to be forgiven before you are accepted into heaven. He needs to believe, it only a bluff. Constantine himself is too stubborn to ask to be forgiven and instead feels the need to buy his way into heaven, he does not believe in the grace of God (who he feels is a hypocrite). The demon can not be sent to heaven just because he was read his last rites, he doesn't believe in the grace of God either.


Constantine himself is too stubborn to ask to be forgiven and would rather go to hell where the devil would so love to meet him? To be honest, that's even a bigger plot hole. The whole story is about Constantine being too selfish and now him being more stubborn than being selfish is the problem? I don't think so.


The problem is he doesn't believe in the grace of God. Thats bigger than his stubbornness. He knows he is going to hell, but he doesn't think that's fair and should be admitted to heaven regardless of his believes. He won't submit to the hypocrisy of God. He doesn't like God, almost as much as he doesn't like the devil. But naturally he doesn't want to go to hell so he tries to buy his way into heaven by fighting the devil's spawns. But he would never bow to God to get to heaven. At the end of the movie he does find a way though, by sacrifice, but an opportunity like that needs to present itself, he can't create one, unlike being forgiven. It's not a plot hole, it's the plot.


I am really upset with "corrections" like this. With stubbornness people could "correct" any movie mistake caused by any protagonists. And it also makes no sense. I think the entry is valid and should be published without any "corrections"! Constantine for sure would believe in the grace of god if he would get some AND he would for sure get some, if he would call a priest which gives him his last Rites. Problem solved. You are creating a problem where no problem is, just pure assumption. And for sure he would bow to god cause he doesn't want to bow to devil even less.


The correction is valid if you ask me. Constantine specifically refers to God as being a kid with an ant farm, and doesn't really believe God cares that much for humanity. At the end of the film, he acknowledges that God does indeed have a plan for everyone and that he had to die twice to finally understand that. That's Constantine's arc. As lionhead said, that is literally the film's plot.


Problem with the correction is, that he escapes hell not because he has lost his stubbornness or because his relationship to god has changed (which has not). He indirectly escapes hell cause he commited suicide to save Angela from being killed by Gabriel. Which wasn't even awarded by god, only the devil was so nice (!) and asked him unnecessarily for a quid-pro-quo wish. And that's not even suicide, it is martyrdom and that alone should buy him a ticket out of hell, plus he saves a woman he loves, plus he keeps the balance in balance. 3 tickets in once, he doesn't even has to trade his soul for the soul of Isabel, he has already done more than enough. There are many plot holes.


You assume those 3 tickets are enough, but they aren't. All of them are him still trying to buy his way into heaven. It's about love for god, not love for another person nor fighting the devil. Plus he was dying anyway. But the self-sacrifice, not his life saved by the devil but the twin sister send to heaven, is the one thing he could do to be admitted.


He already sacrificed himself for one sister, second sister is unnecessary. The devil's him granting a wish is just a feelgood moment for the audience to save the second sister. That's unnecessary and therefore a plot hole.


He didn't sacrifice himself for the first sister. He did it to stop Mammon, not for the love of Angela.


"Stubbornness" is a valid correction when people submit mistakes, especially plot holes, because they think a character should act in a different way than they would. Nothing about Constantine's behave or believe goes against his already established character (which is based on the comics). Having him act the way you want him to could also be seen by some as a plot device and thus a plot hole.


However him committing suicide a second time, is an act of love, maybe not for god but for Angela (so she doesn't gets stabbed by Gabriel). This is martyrdom cause he also prevents Mammon to conquer earth and shows the love for an other human being. The one or the other way he has got the ticket out of hell already. Saving Isabel which he also does, isn't even that much compared what he has already done. So why should god forgive him after saving Isabel but not before (after saving Angela). The devil offering him a wish like a jinn is silly and unnecessary for sure.


He commited suicide the second time to stop Mammon because he knows Satan will show up and wouldn't like it when he finds out his son is trying to take power on Earth. He doesn't do it for love of Angela, nor would God see that as good enough to admit him into heaven (as he would still be buying his way into it). God and Satan are bound to certain rules (according to the "game" they play as mentioned by Constantine) so in exchange for helping Satan, Satan grants him a wish, not realising it is a wish that will admit Constantine into heaven. He is admitted into heaven not because he is forgiven, but because of his self-sacrifice (as Gabriel mentions, and the bible). I think you really need to rewatch both the conversation between Gabriel and Constantine at the church as well as the conversation between Constantine and Satan to understand the reasoning behind it all.


He already self-sacrificed himself for one sister, second sister is unnecessary. The devil's him granting a wish is just a feelgood moment for the audience to save the second sister. That's a plot hole.


Correction: Constantine was bluffing when he threatened Balthazar with the Last Rites. "True contrition" is required as well. This is different than just asking for forgiveness, something Constantine shows not to have. Of course, the Devil heals him in hopes that Constantine will once again damn himself to hell.


Corrected entry: Towards the end of the movie, when Angela is shooting the Mexican in the pool, you plainly see that the bullets are exiting out his back through his very white shirt. You see the blood burst forth from his back as they exit, then you see them hit the wall behind him. Yet, just as he grabs Angela and shoves her underwater, you have a perfect view of the back of his now completely unmarred white shirt - no holes whatsoever anywhere.

Correction: He also has no marks at all from being hit head-on by a speeding car. It is likely he instantly heals from any wound.

Corrected entry: When Angela is watching the security video on her laptop of her sister committing suicide, her Sister "Izzy" is saying "Constantine." Near to zero probability that a security video is recording audio, especially on the rooftop of a clinic.


Correction: She isn't saying it over the audio of the video. She is saying it to her twin psychic sister telepathically.


Agreed, especially since we see Angela rewind the footage and Isabel doesn't say anything the 2nd time.


Corrected entry: The song played in the bar when John visits Midnite belongs to the band Bush, an obvious nod to Gavin Rossdale, lead singer of that band, who plays Balthazar.


Correction: The song is "Passive" by A Perfect Circle, not Bush.


Corrected entry: When the Priest dies in the liquor store, there is an overhead shot of the 4 or 5 police cars that respond to the scene. Two of the cars have the same number on them. (00:51:20)


Correction: There are two cars with the 274 number but one of them has a 19 and the other has a 20 on the trunk.

Corrected entry: When Angela is watching a video of her twin sister's suicide, made by security camera, take a close look at the final scene when Isabel is standing on the edge. She is standing still, but the camera view moves to put the girl in the center of the screen, then stops. It doesn't seem like regular movement of rotating security cameras (they wouldn't stop), and it doesn't look like movement of motion tracking cameras either (they'd be continually moving tracking Isabel). This scene was obviously filmed to provide for a certain artistic impression rather than show accurate security camera footage. (00:25:00)

Correction: Video doesn't stop before she has jumped and is away from the view. Previous editing of the security tape can cause that.

Corrected entry: In the first exorcism scene, John burns the girl with a symbol. A couple of shots later, the burn mark has moved.

Correction: The burn mark never moves. It sticks to the left of her forehead throughout the whole scene.


Corrected entry: When Constantine wants to find out what happened to Angela's sister, he sticks his feet in a pot filled with water. After the scene where he has been in hell and Angela comes in again, he is sitting on the chair but the pot of water has disappeared.

Correction: If you look closely you can see Constantine has kicked the pot to his left.


Corrected entry: When Constantine tries to kill himself by cutting his wrists you see his watch briefly - it's about 6.29. A few minutes later there is a close-up after he has taken it off: it is now 5.20.

Correction: Everytime we see the watch it shows about 5:20. Even the clock on the wall shows 5:20.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Keanu walks into the building of the first exorcism he lit up a cigarette. The next shot shows it was burned down, and then the next shot when he walks into the bedroom its a full cigarette again.

Correction: After the first cigarette burnt down (as he walked into the building), he lit a new one in the kitchen, before walking into the girl's bedroom.

Constantine mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the pool when Constantine grabs the possessed Angela, he grabs her by her head with both hands. When it cuts he's holding onto her shoulders. (01:26:40)


More mistakes in Constantine

John Constantine: So when a half-breed breaks the rules, I deport their sorry ass straight back to hell. I don't get them all but...I'm hoping to get enough to insure my retirement.
Angela Dodson: I don't understand.
John Constantine: I'm a suicide, Angela. When I die the rules say I got just one place to go.
Angela Dodson: You're trying to buy your way into heaven.
John Constantine: What would you do if you were sentenced to a prison where half the inmates were put there by you?

More quotes from Constantine

Trivia: Stay after the credits. There's an additional scene where John goes to visit Chas' grave and leaves a lighter, then as he's walking away you see Chas with wings and he flies up into the sky. (01:54:40)

More trivia for Constantine

Question: Why did Constantine not just destroy the Spear of Destiny, instead of hiding it?

Jason Riley

Chosen answer: According to the legend of "The Spear", it is indestructible.

Nick Bylsma

More questions & answers from Constantine

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